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Posts posted by Seldszar

  1. 1 hour ago, Stand_Alone_Complex said:

    DESCRIPTION: Default Mesa's helmet's ponytail no longer collides with her body, so it just sort of phases into her spine.

    CAN YOU  REPRODUCE THE BUG? Yes, persists after restarts.

    REPRODUCTION STEPS: Be a Mesa with the default helmet.



    Same issue with the Ash Prime's ponytail.

  2. I'm split between Ash Prime and Saryn Prime...

    • Maybe Ash Prime? I love ninjas and samurais and he is the perfect balance between these two styles (I especially love his helmet).
    • But I also love Saryn Prime with her asymmetrical and organic design and her gameplay is fun.
  3. This is complicated to answer a question like this one...


     - If you enjoy to play as Nova, you don't have to buy the Prime Access.

     - If you have already played as Saryn and love the gameplay, why not, but do you really want to spend 80$? If you have platinum, you can trade with players in this case.

     - If you have no problem to spend a lot of money and haven't regrets after this purchase, this is your choice.


    Personally, I will buy this one because I'm waiting this moment for years and this is my way to thank the team, even more if the design is gorgeous (and this Prime Access will be a beautiful birthday gift), this will be my choice.


    What is yours after this?

  4. I have difficulties to digest all this information that affected me deeply, I hope I will accept all those changes with time but I am really optimistic for the future.

    It's time to take his troubles patiently until the next revelation.


    And like AM-Bunny said, that's just the beginning!

  5. The Warframe (we) have a personality, a conscious and for me the operator is just here to share his knowledge (Focus) and permit us to live (see Rhino Prime & Ember Codex entries and the last cinematic of The Second Dream, to the amazement of Hunhow).


    But for now, we just know we need the operator to live but, who are we finally, the Warframe? the operator? the result of these two parts?

    Before the operator awakening, who we were?

  6. I'm very happy with the quest, I never expected that and most importantly, I cried (when I saw my poor lovely Ash with War in his chest and even more when he fell to the ground in the Reservoir, dat emotional lifts), no games made me crying like Warframe, except "To The Moon".

    I just want to know the rest of the story.


    (I'm just a little bit annoyed visual choice of the Focus ability but I don't want to pollute again, wait and see...)

  7. I would have some questions about the “The Second Dream” stuff:


    Question 1:

    Will we have more customization options about the operator? (allow to show the full helmet for example)


    Question 2:

    Can we expect a visual rework/change/evolution of the Focus ability in the future?


    Despite this choice was already planned before and will evolving (I hope in all cases) in the future, here are some suggestions:

    • The Warframe can directly use the Focus ability without a spiritual projection. This would be even more fun to see our dear unleashing his true power and lore friendly because the operator can share his knowledge, why not let our Warframe doing the rest (without entering in details)?

    • Replace the current operator model by an entity of pure energy or a representation of the chosen School.

    • Let us to choose the way to use the Focus ability (Warframe or projection)? All players are happy in this case.

    Question 3:

    Can we expect an evolution of the relation between the operator and the Warframe in the future?


    Question 4:

    Can we expect a clarification/evolution of the Warframe herself? Will she can be more (fully?) autonomous in the future?

    During the end cinematic, the Warframe move by herself and I want to know if we will have more informations about the this act (I think because Salad V himself know more than he want to say, Codex entries and Chroma/Mesa himself).


    Question 5:

    With the apparition of the Zariman kid, who are we (player)?

    Are we the Warframe? The Zariman kid? The result of these two entities?


    Question 6:

    About Focus Lenses, knowing they are relatively difficult to obtain as Arcanes, will there be a way to remove them? (Focus Lens Distiller maybe?)


    Despite these questions, all of these new features are crazy, the quest is awesome and I’m waiting one thing: the following!

    I’m even more proud to be part of this community and I want to stay forever!

  8. I'm totally OK with the 3rd suggestion,


    Lore side, that sounds credible because we are the Warframe (based on Codex and the end cinematic of the quest), the operator is here to permit us to move, to guide us and allow us to access to his knowledge. (this is my actual simplified review for now)

    Gameplay side, this would be even more fun to play, less "spoilish" of course and we can keep the exclusive control of our dear ones.


    But if the projection is a part of the story (the future probably?), the 2nd suggestion would be appropriate.

    Hope the team will answer this question during next devstream/updates.

  9. I totally agree with you Demon.King, a change is needed to make it more honest.


    If it were changed to something like a ghost of flaming void energy, that'd work


    Or maybe the operator can overload her Warframe (like DBZ charge/Valkyr berserk visual for example) and allow to directly use the Focus ability .

  10. 2. Immersion-wise, it wouldn't make sense. The Operator is sitting in the liset, how the hell does he Teleport distance to just use an Iron Man repulsor beam and disappear?


    I'm totally agree with you, why suddenly the operator can materialize him?


    I would prefer to overload our Warframe (with a visual like to Dragon Ball Z) and give him the possibility to use this ability, without any operator presence.


    I want continue to only play my Warframe, not to toggle with the operator (even just for one ability usage). That's for me a very bad thing for guys who wants to keep in mind the myth of a mysterious entity who give life to our fellow Warframes.

  11. I was like 100% invested

    until the character creation window popped up


    It's been a shock, I have the same feeling at the moment. Just wait and not think about it and everything will work out.


    I also think have an option to show the operator's full helmet (like during quest) would be cool to add for players who prefer to keep a little bit of mystery.

  12. +1 If I had known what the trees were I would never have picked the one I did.


    Also I wish the focus was extractable...reason is I put it by accident on a frame I rarely use. I was clicking on it trying to figure out if it was equipped or not and instantly regretted doing so. If I plan to put the right focus on it, I will have to get another and over write it. If I had known what the trees were other some vague explanation that does not show at all what these abilities do this would not have happened. :S


    Also it looks like to get more there is only two ways? Do once per day dailies that is highly RNG with a long list of possible rewards...or pay lots of plat to a player for trade. Plus you need more than one too. Ouch.


    I totally agree with this purpose,


    Or we need to craft a "lens extractor" or something like that to extract/destroy the current equipped lens.
    We need to have the choice/control on it.
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