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Posts posted by ShadowDragon000

  1. Suggestions:


    Make the blind simply shine out during the middle or near the end of the spin with no additional animation.


    Add different varieties of blade waves for different moves in combos, such as a wide sweeping arcs or radial circular wave for spinning attacks.


    Give channeling attacks a distinct stronger wave attack.


    Sometimes Excalibur doesn't hit every target within the initial Slash Dash cast, possibly make it more clear which targets are going to be hit so it's easier to tell the actual effective range. (Possibly give it the old particle effect back as well)


    While in Ultimate make air attack a mini slash dash and ground slam a mini radial javelin.


    Have a better looking spectral weapon than a Skana, something larger and more exotic to make it a little more intimidating.


    Add some benefit to using Radial Javelin during Exalted Blade.

  2. Suggestions:


    Make the blind simply shine out during the middle or near the end of the spin with no additional animation.


    Add different varieties of blade waves for different moves in combos, such as a wide sweeping arcs or radial circular wave for spinning attacks.


    Give channeling attacks a distinct stronger wave attack.


    Sometimes Excalibur doesn't hit every target within the initial Slash Dash cast, possibly make it more clear which targets are going to be hit so it's easier to tell the actual effective range. (Possibly give it the old particle effect back as well)


    While in Ultimate make air attack a mini slash dash and ground slam a mini radial javelin.


    Have a better looking spectral weapon than a Skana, something larger and more exotic to make it a little more intimidating.


    Add some benefit to using Radial Javelin during Exalted Blade.

  3. 1: Oh man sand power + Egypt, never see this happen.

    2: Is Bury a skillshot, targeted ability, cone, line attack type of ability?

    3: Can you cancel Materialize, can you attack or cast during it?

    4: All of these durations are very long for what they do.

    5: Why have a follower mechanic that is only up temporarily as a secondary effect of an about to die skill, either make it more central to his play style or make it more of a weaker reliable feature

    6: Anubis and direct Egyptian references don't make a ton of sense aesthetically or mechanically in the game.

    7: Why is the summon immortal, he would most likely end up as a crazy broken bullet sponge unless they don't target him, then he is just mediocre damage that happens attached to Warframe's derpy AI.

    8: Is sandstorm a channel (sound quake), an area effect (snow globe), or a personal effect (world on fire) that is an important distinction to make.

    9: 28+ seconds of aoe blindness is way to strong.

    10: Emperor's curse is kind of a boring ability, doing damage and applying status effects for getting shot at isn't super fun, and because its a long duration ability your not really making a choice to punish enemies who attack you for a time or using it as a situational ability it would just be something to permanently keep up.

    11: Try to think of something more interesting to do while Materialized, possibly look for a better reason to run through people, a reason to try to run through as many people as possible, or something that happens when you enter/leave that state




  4. Just posting some random ideas I had, I like the idea of augment mods but I don't really like them competing with raw stat mods and I have always wanted to be able to chose from different abilities for each frame. The four static abilities per frame has just been boring and seems really limiting for no reason, adding new abilities would give people reasons to buy frames they otherwise might not like and really expand on the ability to customize playstyle. It's not like they make up comprehensive kits like league abilities most people end up ignoring some abilities so why not have options.

    Ability Slot 1    -  Augment Slot
    Ability Slot 2    -  Augment Slot
    Ability Slot 3    -  Augment Slot
    Ability Slot 4    -  Augment Slot
    Passive Slot


    Example Ideas





    Slash Dash
    -Sonic Blade: Each time Slash Dash is used in succession it gains 10% additional damage and travel speed
    -Shattering Blade: Excalibur now reduces the armor of his targets by 25%
    -Blink Strike: Excalibur now completes his dash almost instantly

    Radial Blind
    -Disorienting Blind: Enemies will now also have Confusion radiation debuff applied after the blind wears off.
    -Piercing Light: Blind ignores line of sight
    -Forceful Light: Pushes all enemies away on cast

    Super Jump
    -Meteor Fall: Hitting the ground causes an explosion, the size and damage is based on fall speed
    -Mighty Force: Jumping pushes any enemies around you up into the air with you
    -Death From Above: Increases Gun Damage and Fire Rate while in Air


    Radial Javelin
    -Furious Javelin: Temporarily increases Excalibur's melee damage for every enemy hit by Radial Javelin.
    -Vampiric Javelin: Heal Excalibur for a small percentage of the damage done
    -Pinning Javelin: Enemies are nailed to the floor and are temporarily unable to move around


    Energized Blade: Excalibur releases forceful waves of energy with the swing of his melee weapon dealing Impact Damage. Width of the blast increased by Range, length by Duration. 50 Energy.
    -Infernal Blade: Changes damage type to fire and guarantees Burning proc.
    -Siphoning Blade: Killing an enemy with a melee attack during Energized Blade recovers a small portion of your energy.
    -Forceful Blade: Energy waves send enemies flying away

    Unleash: Through intense meditation and training Excalibur is able to temporarily break his limits and reach his fullest potential. Temporarily Increases All Damage Done, Attack Speed, Move Speed, Reload Speed, Fire Rate, Armor, Shield Recharge Rate, Power Range. 100 energy.
    - Rejuvenating Release: Restores 50% of Excalibur's Shields and Health on activation.
    -Unstoppable Rampage: For each kill Excalibur makes while Unleashed the duration is increased by 0.5 seconds.
    -Intensity: Excalibur's raw power causes radiation damage to nearby enemies while Unleash is active

    -Growing Power : Excalibur gains 1% Bonus Damage per kill stacking up to 25 times, stacks are lost after 5 seconds.
    -Balance : Killing an enemy with a gun increases power damage by 15% for 10 seconds, killing an enemy with powers increases melee damage by 15% for 10 seconds, killing an enemy with melee increases gun damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
    -Critical Speed : Excalibur gains 35% Attack Speed, Fire Rate, and Sprint Speed if his health falls below 30%.    



    I could fill this out for other frames if anyone cares to see them.

  5. I would love to see some crazy hard six hour long dungeons filled with mechanically intense boss fights that require planning and group coordination. I doubt that will ever happen though, I don't think they could make content that isn't just grinding the same stuff we've fought before for the sake of grinding, none of their bosses have really shown any intense mechanics and mostly rely on "shoot the weak spot, wait for long periods of invulnerability, sometimes take damage from undodgeable attacks" and then they are either completely incapacitated by warframe abilities or nullify them/drain all your energy making your choice of frame meaningless aside from defenses.

  6. The point of the mastery test having a 24 hour wait time is to prove that this is a skill that you have mastered, something that you could do at any time and not just something you could manage to get right once after 100 back to back attempts. If you can't pass the test then you aren't qualified to be anything but the rank that you are. If you can't complete the test in the way that they want you to then find a way to give yourself an advantage with different frames/weapons/mods that make up for what you lack.

  7. Idk something like Damage Reduction = Iron Skin Base Damage Resist * ((Total Armor - Base Armor) / 100 )


    In a lecture at the moment so no time to check math and come up with a more intelligent formula.


    edit: Ya its super derpy was just to be an example of maxed Steel Fiber on Rhino falls apart otherwise.

  8. I would want something like Iron Skin provides 40% damage resistance additional resistance scaling with Armor Mods (up to somewhere like 70%, Iron Skin breaks after resisting 5k damage scaling with power strength. While Iron Skin is active Rhino is immune to Knockdown/Status Effects. This way it makes Rhino tougher but it isn't just a third heath bar that happens before shield.

  9. I still feel that having your defenses tied so directly to your energy pool feels like something to be done with like a hyper squishy frame whose life would depend on not completely depleting their energy and that Rhino feels like he should work more off of his inherent/modded defenses than just being super tanky because your playing him mage on top of his physical tank attributes.

  10. I think the energy shell type idea would work better on a more caster like frame than on Rhino as he doesn't have a ton of base energy and using a lot of energy to maintain Iron Skin would be frustrating and essentially make me choose between using it or other abilities, what I would really prefer is damage resistance with a cap on the amount of damage that it can resist while still providing the knockdown and status immunities while active. That way it could still not be duration based and would synchronize better with more defensive builds rather than it either making you essentially immortal through low levels and peeling off in one hit through high levels.

  11. I like these changes but I really would have preferred them introducing other abilities instead so that if you really didn't like one of the abilities you could have alternate choices, also I feel like it would let you feel like your frame is a little more specialized and your play style more unique if we were given options.

  12. What needs to be fixed! *Grits teeth* Is the fact that the other skills are too subpar! Why nerf when you can just buff his other skills?


    I agree that his other skills are all useless, but removing desecrate isn't a nerf, it is opening him up to have an actual ability to possibly even let Nekros have a functional kit so that he can have a use other than sitting in a corner hitting 3 until the game is over.

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