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Posts posted by ShadowDragon000

  1. I have come to talk to you today about a great tragedy, we have 9 Electric, 4 Fire, 8 Toxin, 3 Blast, 3 Corrosive, 2 Magnetic, 4 Radiation and 0, count em, zero Ice weapons. While you may be thinking to yourself right now that this is the greatest travesty to ever befall mankind and it is, but you don't need to worry as I have come up with the solution. What we need is the true iconic weapon of the super villain, the all powerful Freeze Ray!!!


    All of the greats have one and its high time our Tenno research escalated to mad scientist levels with a freeze ray, ice beam, cold laser etc...





    If my pleas haven't frozen your heart over yet allow me to persuade you with the power of song!


    Mr Freeze


    Despicable Me


    Dr Horrible





    (A list of all of the innate elemental weapons for reference)


    Electricity Weapons:

    Fire Weapons:

    Toxin Weapons:

    Blast Weapons:

    Corrosive Weapons:

    Magnetic Weapons:

    • Kogake wall attacks.
    • Kestrel ground attacks (chance).

    Radiation Weapons:

    Viral Weapons:


  2. Balances need to happen, you whine for content when major aspects of the game make creating challenging content an impossibility. Why do we protect a pod or need to get air or escort a hostage, because there were to many frames that trivialized encounters, so they needed to use crutches and gimmicks to create difficulty. Until they can get the frames to a point where they're power is manageable and relatively equal without completely removing the challenge from most situations it is difficult to create interesting content. Its never fun to have something you like taken away and it is unfortunate that it takes time away from DE's content creation but shut up and @(*()$ deal with it because it has to happen in order for the game to actually progress.

  3. Try harder and prepare better, I know plenty of people who have reached 14+ without ever failing one, they aren't that hard. The wait time is your punishment for rushing into something that you weren't prepared for. Work on your modding, choose a better warframe or weapon for the situation because if you fail you only have yourself to blame. These tests are not that hard and they are supposed to be a representation of progress, dedication and skill if you fail it and complain that you can't spam the mission until you accidentally get it then you don't deserve the rank.

  4. Balances need to happen, you whine for content when major aspects of the game make creating challenging content an impossibility. Why do we protect a pod or need to get air or escort a hostage, because there were to many frames that trivialized encounters, so they needed to use crutches and gimmicks to create difficulty. Until they can get the frames to a point where they're power is manageable and relatively equal without completely removing the challenge from most situations it is difficult to create interesting content. Its never fun to have something you like taken away and it is unfortunate that it takes time away from DE's content creation but shut up and @(*()$ deal with it because it has to happen in order for the game to actually progress.

  5. Update regarding heavy swords in particular (image via Geoff):



    In a coming update we will be swapping great-swords to use a two handed idle as seen above. Thank you for the feedback there!


    The Jat Kittag animation will be switched as well and when idle will be held like your heavy axe (check out the Scindo for reference).

    Are you serious, all this is is a @(*()$ second hand on it. This doesn't change what everyone is saying and what everyone wants. The two-handers should feel like they have some weight to them, you do the over the shoulder or dragging behind because it lends to the feeling of the weapon being massive. People have recommended so many other games that do this so much better and so many ways they would like to see this done. I understand that your just showing us what other people are making and have no power to do anything but it feels like an insult to have so many people who care about something and to just have it be "fixed" by no actual work or creativity.


    I understand that animation takes time that they probably don't want to spend redoing all of the greatsword/axee animations, that we probably won't see a good looking animation for these weapon types in the near future, this is a low priority issue for you. But F*** people being placated by another hand on it, just because they tweaked something don't switch gears immediately when overall it's still really S#&$ty, is that all you wanted, two fuckin hands, all the posts of final fantasy and dark souls and all of the examples and all you wanted was two hands on it, no you wanted to feel strong, heroic, epic or whatever you felt when you see those that's the point of the stance. You can bee happy something is getting better but don't relent on fixing something until its actually good.

  6. Until they add real tangible bonuses to mastery ranks it doesn't matter. If you still feel compelled to be the highest mastery rank then regret not joining sooner/participating in events/buying what you could while it was available because that is the benefit granted to those who have been supporting them since the beginning, been an active part of the community and the game, or helping them by financially supporting them during the early stages.


    The amount of xp needed per rank increases greatly as ranks go up meaning the chances of the wider ranges will have a lower chance of the mastery ranks between standard and exclusive being different. As the number of non exclusives raises much faster than the exclusives the gap is ever closing.


    If they at some point add a real benefit to being the max mastery rank while it is generally unattainable by non exclusive users then the system will then need a shift or a balance for that point but until then stop whining about pointless stuff, you can only blame yourself for not finding out or having cash or participating.



    edit wording

  7. Earth as we know it has been completely ruined and exploited by the Grineer. Nature tries to fight back as you can see on the current Earth level set but I would not expect to see sandy beaches and nice blue oceans there for a long, long time.

    I think what they meant to say is that they don't have the spare time or resources to work on something that isn't a top priority and /or it doesn't mesh with the game's "serious tone"

    Because if the planet is sustaining a lush jungle then it clearly still has large bodies of water somewhere, and it's not like the Grinner went and removed all the sand from the planet.

  8. I think a big problem is the oxygen system is a huge crutch, DE couldn't do a true survival system before because old frame abilities making it to easy, snowglobe, blessing. So they had to give us something to gather or in the case of defense protect because if we were just keeping ourselves alive it be still be to easy so they send us on a constant scavenger hunt for oxygen. I think after a few more of the warframe rebalances and with some effort DE could find a way to give us a true survival where the main goal is to not die. The difficult part would just be figuring out how to make sure we have to keep moving.

  9. I think that all stances should be on par with each other and be more of a choice of play style, why waste the time animators spent making those stances for them to be competently irrelevant. They also could use more combos in each of the stances, give us some real choice in our fighting styles.

  10. I'm sure that they are pumping cosmetic equipment as fast as they can. Depending on how well the armor has sold there is a solid chance we will see more of that and possibly even new types of cosmetics. I doubt that they have that many people working on these which would be why we get them in sets, such as skins come out all at once, synadas come out mostly at the same time and then we get 2 sets of armor on release.

  11. I don't see a problem with "naming and shaming" if someone is being a piece of S#&$ than the reputation of being a total piece of S#&$ should follow them, its stupid not to mention who is being a scammer/con man/assclown. F*** those people.

  12. I agree, the holding animation is terrible. I feel like they thought the weapon was too popular and they needed to make it garbage and look terrible so people would use other weapons. I really hope that they go for the over the shoulder or dragging behind you look, it gives the weapon a feeling of weight and power.

  13. First off, snow globe could last well over a minute, it was an near perfect barrier that required almost no thought and it could be also be modded to be very energy efficient providing infinite snow globes with very little effort. All Frost had to do was keep the bubble up. Banshee can not move or fight while hers is going and is out of energy when it is over a, the mechanic is entirely different. I hate you go away.


    edit wording.

  14. I don't understand why so many people were against stat helmets. I would have rather had them given us the ability to switch on/off the bonuses if we wanted them to be purely cosmetic. I would enjoy seeing more stat helmets in the game because I like the openings that they can create for fun specialized builds or as a tool for me to tell what kind of build my allies are running from looking at them.

  15. I am extremely disappointing by how shallow the combo system is. Mash the melee button is not a combo, doing jump attacks is not a combo, doing slide attacks is not a combo. While I like the power charged weapon system a lot the loss of charge attacks was for nothing. Put charge attacks back in you don't need to have them have their own specific mod types just make the charge attacks have a % bonus damage multiplier and add a charge time.  I was furious when I saw that the stance system was a clusterfuck of cards that have to be grinded out and players have to get specific cards for each weapon type. I was hoping that there would be a few stance cards that could fit any weapon that would affect playstyle more so than just the moveset. I thought that it would be about choice but there is only 1-2 types per weapon type. 


    I can't express how frustrated and disappointed with Melee 2.0 I am after they delayed it for so long, I can't believe they spent all this time just giving us the same S#&$ that we already had. The only hope I have for it now is that they expand it over time and not just by adding more @(*()$ cards, one new action per card is @(*()$ terrible seriously. I understand that tons of work went into re-animating all the new standard attacks but I don't know why you would waste the time. I want to see multiple new combos per stance at some point, expand on these seriously.


    Please DE don't do what you always do when you come up with something new, ignore it forever. It's @(*()$ frustrating for me to see you come out with so many things for the game that you never revisit and instead every time you do anything you put in an entirely new grind that you will never work on again such as the terrible one you put out this patch for the new frame. You did Nightmare mode, haven't seen that pool of cards or challenges expanded in forever, orokin void missions, orokin derelict missions, lephantis who I'm sure no one has touched after getting nekros,  corrupt mods, oxium farming for zephyr, grinding these locators for hydros, they put in so many systems and then never touch them again. Stop adding an entirely new grind mechanic every patch and please don't leave the stance mods as they are.

  16. I enjoyed the added layer of power customization and having a way to tell how people were going to play their frame based on their appearance. I would much rather them continue putting out new stat helms and adding stats to old ones so that I can continue to see new builds around them.

  17. Personally I think that this is a terrible mechanic, most of the time the lights are in a position that is difficult to see while  you are moving around or fighting, the damage they do seems random from nothing to instant killing me, they feel unavoidable and they add nothing to the game. What was the the intended function of the lights, to be a hazard, to make us go through the level slower, to punish the player in the front of the pack? Broken lights are a broken mechanic that add no value to your game, they're annoying and should just be removed, if you want to add traps or hazards be clever about it and make the kind of traps Grineer would set, not just frustrating light flashes and random pointless damage.

  18. It's not unfair to require some weapons and frames to come from the dojo. It is also not impossible to run and build your own dojo if you don't want to interact with anyone ever, I have a 20man guild that I have for my friends who don't play often and 90% of the materials were farmed myself. If you want something from the dojo then either join a clan just to use the facility or do it yourself. Most people see it as a way to build as a group and become a community or share a common goal.


    If you don't like it then just leave, I don't like you.

  19. If you can't make your point coherently it hurts the credibility of your argument. Nobody wants to agree or listen to the babbling idiot.


    Frost was not reworked because "DE hates teamwork QQ", in fact the opposite is true. Frost was far to strong at being the only one needed to defend a point. Frost was mandatory brought to groups to build Duration/Efficiency and afk on the defense point or somewhere in the survival map with no other thought or difficulty attached. The reason Frost and Vauban were reworked is that they were to good at doing tons of work for little to no effort. Now if you want a big powerful Frost shield you have to invest heavily into power strength.

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