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Posts posted by Demon-King-Lamb

  1. Ascetic wise. Saryin. Deat butt.


    Crowd Control. Zephyr with the Heavy Impact mod mod in conjunction with Dive Bomb. Holy S#&$ dude. That is fun and a great way to knock down groups of enemies. Sure can be annoying sometimes, but very affective.


    Or go with Nekros for helping people out with grinding resources, and taking the heat off from enemy fire with Fear or that Resurrect power.

  2. As much as I'd like to see more Nvidia PhysX stuff in the game, DE seems to be moving in the other direction in regards to it.

    I can understand why too, they want everyone to have an equal chance for pretty graphics, regardless of hardware preference.

    But I still miss the original PhysX effects. :(


    After reading a forum thread regarding Nvidia Physx and AMD hardware. I like it and all. But Nvidia are #$&(% bags.


    Check it out and read for your self.


  3. Every thing that knocks me down. Being dragged, pulled, tripped, pushed is really annoying. And those @(*()$ ancients buff. Worst thing to do for an enemy. Give them god mode. I really hope the Sentients don't have an enemy type that does any of that.


    Only things I find annoying. Everything else is fine by me.

  4. A balanced frame huh?


    I would suppose all dmg would be based on enemy level. Say My ult does 1k dmg to lvl20 enemies. And once the enemy lvl gets higher so does my dmg. But only to match the enemy level.


    Health, shields, Armor Rating and that sort of stuff is left unchanged. Just dmg. Would bring balance to the forces of Tenno and make game play fair for every one. Not too hard nor too easy.


    But of course enemies in the void have an increase in health and dmg. And the enemies in Nightmare would have much more health and dmg. Just to add difficulty to those who want it.

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