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Everything posted by StrutZ76

  1. Exactly! removing underto tears away a part of Hydroid. No need to get rid of it. Just put it on the wide open spot for the crouch or roll mechanic. I'm more inclined for the roll myself. He can roll in whatever direction as the puddle for a quick second and be invulnerable. It'd be pretty fun and visually appealing for players. Undertow is one of Hydroid's signature abilities! When you think of Hydroid you think Tentacles and Puddle! Just like Nova is associated with her slow. Of course Nova's slow is powerful so people will be quick to dismiss the comparison but undertow is one of the most unique and FUN (remember fun?) abilities in the game! Instead of making this ability more useful, Pablo just threw it in the trash and replaced it with yet another armor strip ability. PLEASE take some time and just improve this ability. As lots of people have suggested, allow Undertow to have some movement synergy i.e. allow Undertow to "Surge" around when you roll instead of popping you out of undertow. That or allow tidal surge to give a baby surge with half energy cost while in undertow. You could even incorporate the armor strip into undertow which would be nice for CC immune mobs that are currently unaffected by undertow. Players that only care about power are quick to dismiss undertow but for those of us who have been playing Hydroid for years it is part of his identity and feels wrong to just remove it. For those who don't care for it just Helminth over it! The rest of the improvements to his kit look great but please do not remove undertow!! 😞 #UndertowLove #Puddle of Doom
  2. Undertow was one of the most unique and fun abilities... replacing it for just yet another cut and paste armor reduction ability is a crying shame!!! I can't even begin to explain how much fun I had creeping around pulling enemies into the puddle. All this ability really needed was a the ability to lunge around i.e. having roll shift the puddle around instead of taking you out of puddle or better synergy with tidal surge. Replacing this unique ability just feels like a lazy move. #rippuddle 😪
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