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Posts posted by Lady_Viper

  1. I don't think she needs her belly shaved, but ok XD


    Put her in a crate and knock her over

    Put her in a crate and knock her over

    Put her in a crate and knock her over

    Early in the morning


    Put her on a spaceship filled with Corpus

    Put her on a spaceship filled with Corpus

    Put her on a spaceship filled with Corpus 

    Early in the morning


    Way-hay and up she rises

    Way-hay and up she rises

    Way-hay and up she rises

    Early in the morning


    Lets sing along everyone!

  2. Not talkative eh? Well I have some Vodka here for you! :3


    What will we do with the drunken Panzer 

    What will we do with the drunken Panzer

    What will we do with the drunken Panzer 

    early in the morning


    Put her in the Dojo til she's sober 

    Put her in the Dojo til she's sober

    Put her in the Dojo til she's sober 

    early in the morning



  3. Ember: "aaah." *happy smile and plays with a napalm tank* "thank you! you say the sweetest things... anybody got a match?"

    Volt: o_o *slowly begins to back away* Ember please put that down...carefully. We don't want any accidents do we? 

  4. Ember: "We're so glad you noticed, Volt! We work so hard to be scary, but it seems like so many people just never notice! I even put on my sharpest boot claws today and not ONE shriek of terror!"

    Volt: That's because we're to terrified to scream, friends and foes alike.

  5. Pics or it didn't happen!!

    You can't have read the entire post or else you would have noticed that it's fiction. Have you heard of fiction? Something that's made up? Not real? Did you miss the sentence "Volts' thoughts"  at the very end there? Seems like you did.
  6. Well this thread was mainly for my own stories, but I'm glad that I'm actually able to inspire people! :D

    Interesting idea about the sentinels what they do if their Tenno dies Gridshaw. Very interesting I must say.

  7. Why u cry mag-senpai, y u do dis :C


    Great read, makes me feel like this should be a manga.

    It's not her fault she felt low :(


    And thank you, unfortunately I don't have the patience for drawing manga XD  

  8. Rock bottom and back up again



    RATATATATATATATATA!! The gunfire grew louder and louder as more and more Grineers' swarmed the area. Bullets and rockets filled the air and to manoeuvre through all this became next to impossible. Then in the next second, it became impossible.


    Mag felt the next bullet hit her armour with full impact. 'Damn my shields are down' She was just about to use shield polarize to boast them up again as she was hit by another wave of projectiles. The pain was imminent and as her vision blurred she found herself at the ground unable to move. It should be added that this wasn't the first time this happened. Far from actually. Mag had ended up this way on several missions now. As soon as she tried to get within an effective range with her STRUN Wraith, tried to use her abilities or just tried to cut them down with her blade, this happened. She felt squishy...useless. She didn't want the others to come save her all the time. Mag felt more like a burden to her clan than anything else.


    Sadness filled her as she desperately tried to throw her hikou at the incoming Grineer to keep them away. "Guys" she tried to contact the others over their helmets come link. And she heard a voice.


    "Mag! Where are you!" It was Ember, but the only thing Mag could respond with was a weak "Help"


    Her vision blurred again as she saw what looked like a flaming inferno coming closer. Most of the Grineer fled or took cover, and those who didn't were being charged at by something big and red 'Rino'. Mag felt dizzy now and she could practically feel her life force drain from her, she couldn't even throw her hikou anymore. 'No, I don't want to die, not like this' Then she felt a warmth wash over her and her pain diminish. She looked up, vision getting clearer, and saw Ember standing over her, one arm out to heal her "Hang in there, you're safe now". Mags' sister at arms had came to her aid once more, and she couldn't help but feel guilt.


    Ember then helped Mag up on her legs, but they were shaking and Mag felt sick. Over the radio they could hear the Lotus telling them that team alpha had finished their objective.


    "About time" Ember growled "Come on guys! We're heading to extraction!" Ember then supported Mag as they moved on. Rino clearing the way and Excalibur picking off anyone who followed them.

    Mag felt so guilty. They shouldn't have to save her &#! all the time. She felt so helpless, so...useless.




    Volt yawned as he stretched his body, finally back at the clans' Dojo. The mission was a success. Rhinos' team caused one hell of an distraction and his team got what they came there for and with no casualties. Over all it was a job well done, and they deserved some rest.


    "Damn, Mag doesn't look too well" Loki cut in breaking Volts' trail of thoughts. He was right though. Mag looked like she had hit rock bottom. Ember stood beside her trying to talk to her but Mag just shook her head and walked away, heavily dragging her feet after herself.


    "How is she?" Loki asked Ember as she walked towards them.


    "Not good I'm afraid. She...she had another near death experience...And her confidence is at an all time low" Ember was worried. Volt didn't blame her. They were all worried about Mag, but it was different for Ember. Mag and Ember were almost like twins, at least they acted like it. They always thought together, often while singing or laughing. Which for the record creeps him out at times. But now there were no singing nor laughing. Mag had always been their happy little psycho, but now...


    "I don't know what to do" Ember continued "I just can't get through to her. I tried to tell her that she's not useless and that we never see her like that, but she won't listen"


    "Wow, she must be really depressed if you can't get through to her" Volt said


    Ember nodded, then gave a sigh "I'll keep an eye on her. I don't want her to do anything stupid"


    "You sure that's necessary? It seems a bit extreme. Maybe she just needs to be left alone" Loki said, only managing to upset Ember instead of calming her.


    "Damn it Loki I barely know her in this state and I rather be safe than sorry!" And with that she stomped off. Rhino and Excalibur looked at Loki, shook their heads and then followed Ember.


    "I know she could have thrown a fireball at my face but I just what to help" Loki said to Volt to get some sort of support.


    "Hmmm...maybe we can" Volt said deeply in thought.




    Finally he came up with an idea "Loki, you still got that blueprint we found aboard that derelict ship?"


    "Yeah, why-...Oooh, I see what you're up to"




    Mag just wanted to be left alone. She knew Ember was just trying to help but it really just made it worse. It just made her feel even more useless when they felt they had to tell her that she's not. Almost as if she had a little voice in her head whispering to her 'They're lying. The only reason they keep telling you that you're not is because they feel obliged to. They know you're useless and you will always be useless'


    Mag shook her head trying to clear her mind. She had gone to one of the gardens to do so. Her garden, Mags' happy place. She sat upon a rock out in the middle of the water. It was a water garden after all. She took some deep breaths while listening to the sound of pouring water, the sound of tiny waves and ripples brushing by the stonework all while watching the koi fishes swimming around the water lilies without a single care in the universe.


    Mag almost found it funny how something which always used to calm her down and feel happy now only made her want to cry. And so she had to fight back the tears again.


    "Mag, you there?" She snapped up her head and thought back another sob.


    "Mag? Maaaaaagggg!" It sounds like Loki she thought but-


    "Hey Mag we know you got your helmet on, we can hear you sobbing" And that sounded like Volt. But how were they able to contact her? She was certain she had shut off the com. With a sudden realization Mags' face grew dark 'Ember must have done something with my com-link'


    "I'm not sobbing!"


    "Whatever you say. Just get your &#! over to the research lab. Volt and I got something to show you"


    "Loki I'm really not in the mood your you shenanigans" True, she really wasn't. Why wouldn't those two goofballs leave her alone? "leave me be"


    "We can always have Rhino come dragging you here if that's what you want" Volt said in a teasing voice "It would certainly be more fun for us anyway"


    Mag gave a sigh in defeat "You guys won't leave me alone until I've seen that something, won't you?"


    "Nope!" Loki answered, sounding far too happy for Mags' liking. They were up to something.




    Somehow, she's not sure how, but she actually did managed to drag herself over to engineering. It wasn't that far anyway. Just across the grand hall, where everyone else were, looking at her as she passed by. She would be lying if she said she weren't relieved when she arrived to the lab and could escape everyone's condescending looks. Well, maybe they weren't, but at that was what it felt like.


    Mag had barely passed through the door when she was met by a stupidly grinning Loki and an equally stupidly grinning Volt. 'They're not wearing their helmets? Strange' When she finally managed to take her eyes away from their faces she noticed they were holding something. A weapon. The weapon in question was almost as long as she herself was tall. 'Is that...a sniper rifle?'


    Mag was a bit confused at this point. This was the thing they wanted her to see? What they had dragged her all the way from her garden to inspect?


    "You guys dragged me here just to show off your new toy?" The annoyance in Mags voice was hard to miss, and had they seen her face they would have seen a pair of growing blue eyes glaring daggers at them.


    "It's not our new toy, it's your new toy" Loki answered her in a happy, almost teasing, voice.


    "What?" She blinked a few times. She really didn't know what to say. Had she heard them correctly?


    "Mag, look" Volt began. "Loki and I couldn't help to notice you haven't exactly been your usual psychotically happy self lately."


    "So we built this to cheer you up. Now, instead of going head on at close range and getting a beating, you'll be able to stay back and still kill stuff" Loki must have felt Mag glaring daggers at him this time, for the very next second he hurried to ad "Not that we're doubting your skill or ability!"


    "Mag" Volt said as he laid one arm around her shoulders " Sometimes you will have moments when you hit rock bottom. When you do that then the only way to go is back up again. Aaand sometimes to hurry up this process a little, you have to take a different approach to things"


    "Believe me Mag, sniping is fun. The moment you see your first enemy loose his head in a cloud of red, you'll be hooked. And...it's a great way to steal peoples kills from right under their noses" Loki gave her a reassuring smile as he handed over the weapon to  her.


    Mag stood silent as her mind processed this information. It made sense from a certain point of view, and she wanted to believe it , she really did. But it's not that easy. She felt skeptical to say the least. This was out of her comfort zone. Mag hadn't even held a sniper rifle until Loki handed it to her. She had to hand it to them though, it's a beautiful weapon.


    "We haven't done any modifications on it yet" Volt continued, still holding his arm around her shoulders. "We know you like to do that sort of tinkering yourself"


    At that moment Mag was glad she'd kept her helmet on. She felt very emotional all of a sudden , and it didn't take long before her shoulders began shaking as she lowered her head. Both Volt and Loki didn't seem to know what to do with this situation. They hadn't really counted on Mag crying when they gave her the weapon. In the end, it was Volt who broke the silence.

    "Hey don't get all emotional on me now. You got stuff to kill!" And with that he gave her a friendly slap on the back.




    "Ember! Look out!" Excalibur yelled as a Corpus crewman appeared behind her with his weapon ready.




    Ember quickly turned around only to see a headless corpus hit the ground with a thud. Looking for the source of the mess she soon spotted Mag cheerfully waving to her from a far away balcony.


    "She's getting better at it" Rhino noted as he shot another corpus in the face with his shotgun.


    Excalibur continued fighting on his end all while hearing Mags' hysterical giggling and laughter over their team com as she continued to head-shot every corpus in her sight. The fact that she actually manage to aim strait during her psychotic outbursts was a miracle in itself. He also found it a bit disturbing.


    "If the Corpus could hear what we're hearing they wouldn't pop up their heads any time soon" he said to Ember and Rhino.


    "True" Rhino said "But then we wouldn't have anything to fight"


    Another corpus crewman ended up with a hole through the head, and another psychotic laughter session began.


    "We should tell Loki and Volt that they've created a monster" Excalibur said after a while as the stream of enemies started to deplete.


    "Aww" Ember began, clearly overjoyed to have her friend back to normal (or as normal as she can be) "But Mag is the best kind of monster."

  9. With a lot of encouragement from my friends Panzer_the_Tank and Jowain92, I have finally decided to open a thread dedicated to my Warframe stories. Some of them are more serious and some are just silly and for fun or a combination of both.


    So to make it perfectly clear, the things I submit here are fiction. Made up storied based on my interpretation of the lore and characters (and like I said, some stories will be sillier than others). So if you want to whine and/or argue about how things are not the way you think they should be and things like that, then take a hike or I will kick you where it hurts. 




    Rock bottom and back up again

    No memories

    The colours of vengeance

  10. F*** no. My Ash can launch two shurikens that do 500 damage each, they also seek targets, and I haven't added maximized it yet. My Loki's radial disarm make heavy grineers a joke. 

    I think you miss the point. On the account of "gruesome ways to go" I'd say the females got the upper hand. Radial disarm doesn't kill on its own and shurikens (although a painful and effective ability) doesn't have the same impact on moral as seeing your comrade melt, burned or crushed does.


    That and this is how my Volt sees things.

  11. Tenno women are scary. In many ways they are scarier than the men. No, I mean it. Just look at the abilities they posses. We have Ember who uses fire and turns anything or anyone in her proximity into charcoal. Nyx who really messes with the enemies minds, making them kill their own comrades and there's nothing they can do about it. Mag who uses her magnetic powers to crush people by making their own bones collapse upon themselves, that's freaking painful!


    We have Banshee who uses sounds. That's right, sound, sound waves and frequencies to kill opponents. Nova who uses antimatter to nuke anyone attacking us. And Saryn can use poison to melt people! Yeah you heard me, melt people and completely disintegrate them. Now Trinity is actually the only one who doesn't have any real offensive abilities. Then again, I've seen one of our Trinities rip a Grineers' arms off and beat him to death with them. Beware of the medics I tell you.


    If you compare all these abilities to the ones that we men uses, then they're quite cruel. Sure, I'm a Volt and uses electricity, but I assure you that that provides a much quicker death than most of the things mentioned in this list.


    And still. Despite all their psychotic behavior and bat S#&$ craziness, we still loves them for it. They're our girls, our comrades and there's nothing we wouldn't do for them. We will always have their backs just as we know they'll always have ours. We live together, we fight together, we laugh together and we cry together.


    But sometimes...they really makes me S#&$ my pants.





    A Volts' thoughts about the women in his clan and Tenno women in general.



    tenno women are scary

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