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Posts posted by Dako_Shark

  1. but you are allowing your own kind to be dissected and experimented on by the corpus. what happens if they find the secret of the Warframes? Corpus is going to be FAR better off tan the alternate outcome which is more grineer; they can be quelled. 


    my two cents =3

    Yeah, I know, but if it allows them to make shiny new gear that I can steal, I'm okay with it. =P Plus, you don't quite know if they're gonna dissect and experiment on the Tenno, they more then likely are, but I can still hope! But either way, I'm sticking with Corpus. 

  2. I'm going with Corpus cause Grineer gear tends to be ugly as S#&$. XD It's not BAD but I like the high tech look of the Corpus gear. Plus, who the heck thinks the Grineer need MORE power. I mean come on, you walk into a room on one of these missions with Corpus and there's like three heavy gunners and two Napalm Grineers. I swear I haven't seen my sentinel since the beginning of this event cause they keep killing it as soon as I meet a Napalm Grineer. 

  3. There has been major issues with gaming on Windows 8.1 (Not being able to play has happened in many games, not just Warframe), roll back to the previous windows 8 version, or wait for a patch from Microsoft. Not much else you can do.

  4. I plan to go with Corpus, mainly because I much prefer their weapons and gear over the Grineer. Yes, the cryopods will be taken by Alad V, but really, does ANYONE know what the project is? It could be to just improve the frames, maybe add more mod slots or even just Research and Development to make new Corpus enemies.


    I don't know, I just feel that Corpus is going to go better then the Grineer. Plus, the whole argument, as a few people said, went from, choose whatever side you want, to, YOU MUST CHOOSE GRINEER CAUSE THEN WE SAVE THE TENNO. Even when we don't know what the project Alad V is talking about entails. 

  5. Considering everything in this game dies within 2 seconds, or .5 second if you have a good ult, he is right.


    Why waist your time aiming when you have things like bronco and gorgon which do just as good when not aiming.

    But the Gorgon does wonders when you do aim. Considering how fast it can get, if you aim at the head of an enemy it'll make short work of them. So yes, you don't HAVE to aim, but getting headshots and crits makes the game a whole lot easier. And what's the fun in just sitting there holding a button anyways?

    Plus you can actually use Gorgon in a semi long range fashion as well, considering that if you fire the first shot slowly, similar to the Latron, you can get some pretty good headshots.

  6. Yeah. I enjoyed the old Artifact system cause it was more situational. Now I'm being limited to a certain artifact, or being forced to polarize to get the stuff I like. I tend to run with Rejuvenation because that little bit of health gain while your shields are up is really nice when you're in a big battle, and don't mention the scavenging artifacts now, can't use any ammo hog weapons without carrying ammo boxes or, again, forma'ing your frame. (Or in this case, having a frame with that aura polarity)

    Just a tad bit of an annoyance. Not saying it's a bad decision or anything just I think the polarized aura slot is kinda a bad idea. If it wasn't polarized it'd work loads better, but eh, what can ya do.

  7. It's not Exclusive...


    You can get his BP's from the Void...


    And by BP I mean a Frost Prime blueprint...


    Anyone can get him.


    It is also not my fault playing as a male really does something to my subconscious...


    Playing as males is fine...but something inside of my mind begins to go into turmoil when I do..

    Oh? I didn't know that, the Dev team stated that it was an Exclusive frame. Ah well.

    I love how you only replied to the BP part, and the Male warframe part and seemed to totally ignore the other two paragraphs of gameplay stuff for both frames.

    Well. I did give you my thoughts on both frames in a gameplay sense. So take it as you want. If you're so against playing a male warframe then use Ember. Simple as that. Your choice seems like it was made up before you even made the thread; in that case seeing as, no matter what anyone says about Frost, you keep going back to "I don't like playing as a Male." go play as Ember.

    Until (or rather IF) they make different genders for each Warframe, you're extremely limiting yourself. That's all I can really say on the matter.

  8. I don't see why you're limiting yourself based on the gender of a frame, but whatever.

    I have both an Ember and a Frost. Both are really good, but have rather drastically different play styles. Frost is a bit more defensive since he has massive shields and armor once leveled up, plus his bubble shield, which makes him an asset in most defense missions and for reviving. He's a bit slow but with mods that changes, aside from that and being able to soak up a decent amount of bullets. I don't find any issues with him. I have my shield mod up to rank 6 or 7 (out of 10) and I have around 900 shields.

    Ember is rather squishy but she is also fast, so if you can keep moving and land hits at the same time, then she's worth using. Either that or stay back and snipe things. Her abilities are good, I like that you can have a small AOE with her basic fireball, and the ring of fire is really good to throw down in a doorway when there's a mob of enemies coming towards you. While she excels at infested slaughtering, I've never had many issues with her in any other maps. Throwing down a Ring of Fire to lower the health of Grineer before you quickly get rid of them, can be a lifesaver at times.

    So really. It depends on what play style you like. Both are worth using, but Ember requires a bit more skill to use since you are going to have to keep moving or stay back and be a crack shot. If you're soloing, I'd highly suggest Frost due to his armor and shields, but if you generally run with a team, than Ember might be worth investing in.

    Though if you have a Frost Prime, I'd keep it for the sake of having it, since it IS an exclusive frame.

  9. Heh, and as usual the peons don't read the entirety of a post and only cherry pick certain parts to suit them.

    I don't see anywhere in this entire post where Blyr is asking to remove wait times, asking for instant gratification. Which by the way, most of you don't even know the meaning of, you're just regurgitating a phrase you heard DE Steve say. He's suggesting more grind content be added as something to do while waiting on builds.

    As for the hats and stuff, even I can see that it was an *example* Things like custom Frame or Weapon skins would go down very nice.

    I know for one, I would love to have a secondary goal while waiting for builds. such as Kill 10k Grineer for X reward. Something akin to Borderlands 2 Badass challenges would be really good. But instead of tokens for stats gained, it would be as mentioned, a new skin or even something like a longer looking barrel or a new scope to add a little flare to a weapons look.

    Don't worry too much about the flack you're getting for this post, Blyr. Some people are just incapable of comprehension.

    It's also partly because of how it was worded. The whole first three paragraphs of Blyr's post don't even hint at anything about the grinding. There is a very subtle, I stress 'very', subtle hinting at that he wants more things to do while he waits. This is the internet, most people don't know about reading between the lines. It doesn't actually state anywhere in the first half of the post that he was talking about adding more grinding until the end, and even then it's worded in such that it doesn't sound like a suggestion and more like whining. No offense to you Blyr.

    So it's not so much people aren't reading, that IS part of the reason, but it's also that Blyr could have worded it a bit better. Also the title isn't helping.


    As for the main post. Just, no, to hats. I don't care if they're being just used as an example or not but, no. This isn't TF2 and no one wants it to turn into it. I do agree that there should be more helmet designs and skins but those will come in due time.

    I do like the achievement stuff, it'd give people something to aim for. Some skins or small things would be pretty awesome to unlock doing that, maybe a slightly grineer styled helm or skin for killing 50,000 grineer. It's a long term goal but it'd give you something to aim for.

  10. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Tnargraef/What_to_do_about_Clan_Dojos:_Day_1


    Using this math, a group of 6 should take 90 days to build a basic setup of bio/chem/energy lab, reactor, oracle, and the hallways to connect them, playing four hours a day.

    You didn't seem to take into consideration that you need Formas, which are Plat only or somewhat rare daily rewards. If they dropped in mission then it'd be easier, but it's something you either have to sink money into the game, or hope you have enough luck to get at least 5-10 forma each month in daily rewards.

  11. It was a bit harsh when I saw the prices of the Dojo stuff. I mean I'm struggling just to get enough for actual general Blueprints. And with a clan of maybe 7 people, getting anything worth-while is going to take ages. I mean if there was more ways to get stuff I don't think I'd mind but at this point. I'd have to sit and grind the game nearly every day for a month to get anywhere.

    I doubt I'll leave, but I doubt I'll be playing as much as I was hoping too.

  12. Trinity has link which is invul, ember can get 91% DR.


    no, high level enemies still chew through rhino pretty fast, 80% doesn't do a lot vs sustained damage from 3-4 guys.

    Yeah. I heard, that's why I suggested buffing the Rhino damage reduction a bit more, like 90%-95% maybe.

    High level enemies chew through anyone. =P

  13. I really want a special effect for if you have every Elemental mod on your weapon at once, like when you kill someone they just melt. XD My Mire has all of them on it, and it's kinda random what death effect you get, so it'd be cool if you'd get a special one for modding your weapon with all the elemental mods. 

    As for damage mods, I find Cryo rounds to be a godsend, since it slows down anything as well as gets shields down quicker. Though between electric and fire, I'd say it depends on what you're fighting. And do NOT get rid of Armor piercing, everything has parts of armor and it's a must if you want to deal good damage.

  14. Because 80% damage resist isn't as good as Embers 91%, and nor is it a panic god-mode button any more, that with no more immunity to poison and disruption and no more shield regen while under it.

    Hmm. Maybe they can buff it up to 90% reduction then. Just having him completely invulnerable is a bit OP, and even with the reduction it can still be used as a panic button. Just you gotta use it a bit early so you can get outta there. Though the lack of imunities can cause issues, though poison has always been an issue no matter what frame you're using. As for shield regen, maybe give it a slower shield regen then when using it rather then none at all.


    Though I'm curious, if you spec a high level vitality mod and a Armor increase mod, wouldn't that allow you to substantially buff Iron Skins efficiency? Even despite only having 80% damage reduction?

  15. well i wouldn't do it BUT


    think about it. You said that it can't be done with a paris... so why did you bring one to an assassinate alert?


    I know you love the weapon but you really can't just have 1 weapon set for every mission.


    If you just have one then you should just avoid pugging bosses altogether cuz the same thing might happen again.


    Most likely because Paris is still useful when you have someone to get the Jackals shields down. Since you know, teamwork and all that jazz.

  16. I was actually extremely baffled at people saying that the Rhino nerf made him useless. x.x It's like, he STILL has 80% damage reduction, which no other frame has. But I think that was at the very early stages of the update. Though I don't play a Rhino, I know that 80% is still damn good. My friend maxed out Iron Skin, that was 22 seconds of invincibility which was kinda cheap. At least 80% damage reduction will keep him on his toes. =P

    How is the game being balanced towards a weak playing field? I play both an Ember and a Frost and once they are Rank 30 with some half decent mods, they are pretty bloody good. I have never once thought, well, I should change warframes because this one is weak. I think people are just raging because they can't just run in guns blazing while bullets just bounce off their perfectly chiseled pecs anymore. 

    Personally. The Rhino nerf is good, after the bug gets fixed it's worth using still. As for Banshee, I never played her so I don't know how her soundquake works, but if people are complaining, maybe give a small damage reduction? I know it's not full invulnerability but it's still something.

  17. Paris being useless? That's kinda a laugh. If you have a person with a gorgon or something that can get the shields down on the Jackal, the Paris has armor pen, and it does some good damage fully charged, every bit helps when you're trying to kill a boss. I admit it is a bit hard to use when you're on your own or getting swarmed and anything with shields make it difficult to use.

    As for the Lex, again, awesome gun, but such a slow fire rate that you NEED a fast firing primary to balance it. It's the same with the Paris, take a fast firing secondary.

    Finally, with the guys that were sick of "bow %&^s". They don't know what they're talking about, Paris isn't that great against Corpus yes, but it is amazing against Grineer, and decent against Infested when you're not swarmed. As Nkeyz said, there should be a way to report people within the support website.

  18. I know there's gonna be a massive flux of people using Frost frames now.

    *Sunglasses* I was using Frost before it was cool.

    Frankly. I'm wondering that too. I rarely see Frost, I think one every now and then, but it's either the three basic ones, Rhino or the others. I think it's cause his was the first to be done. Cause I'm sure they'll make Prime versions for the other frames.

  19. I think, that the Prime versions should have some varied skills in the least. Rather then them just being the exact same frame except with a bit more stats and the like. I am one of the people who are saying that I already have a Frost, and yes I am a bit disappointed that it wasn't a new frame all together, but I am probably still going to keep the Frost Prime BP and see what things the Prime frames add in the next update.

    Since if it is just an extra Polarity slot and some small stat boosts, I might as well not bother. If there's some extra features added, then I might grind for the parts and just build it.

    As for the other two questions. I highly doubt it'll come with a reactor, there are no warframe BPs that have came with a reactor so I highly doubt that this one will. And I mean that's fine because at least then that are making a lil bit of money because people will want to upgrade it, when the Prime frames are going to be Plat buys.

    Having to wait for the update is... A bit of a slap in the face. "Oh you just grinded the same missions all weekend? Well now you have to wait two weeks to begin to grind for the parts for this new Prime frame. Have fun waiting an extra 2-3 weeks for your reward." So I think they could have handled it a bit better. Something we could grind for at the get go would have been nice. The 100k creds was nice though, since upgrading mods can get expensive.

  20. Yeah. I don't see why people go to those extremes. I mean I was a bit disappointed but I'm not going to say that the devs should drop dead. I like the game, if they did that, then who would keep the game running. D:

    For those that care, I was a bit disappointed because I just spent the last couple weeks grinding a Frost frame up ranks, only to get the exact same frame with a bit more stats and a different look. So I don't want to go buy a new Warframe slot for another Frost frame when they're going to play pretty much identical. Maybe if they had different skills then it wouldn't be as bad. x.x

    Though the 100k creds was nice, not gonna complain about that. Upgrading mods get bloody pricey later on.

  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Prime mean "Same warframe with different look and an additional polarized slot"? That doesn't appeal to me at all...

    Yeah. That exact reason is why I'm a tad disappointed, since I already have a Frost frame. Plus, I don't want to buy another Warframe slot for a frame I have already. :\

  22. oh lame.,i thought it would be a new frame just a retext plus no free slot for it

    Yeah. I was a tad dissapointed because I already have a Frost frame. I just got it to Rank 20 and I really don't want to have to go through ranking up the exact same frame just for a few extra stat points and a different look. x.x The look is kinda fancy but still.

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