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Posts posted by Poisonjack

  1. The Profit Exploiter was a really cool boss fight, not only because of the actual mechanics of the fight, but also the context.

    Another cool boss fight was Kela De Thaym, with all the gladiator-like theme.

    While not considered actual boss fights, I really like the Junctions, in which you have to face other Warframes to unlock new planets.


    Edit: I also like fighting clanmates in the Dojo, but that's something else entirely.

  2. 9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

    I could argue that what you said makes a perfect argument why you should NOT have an option to replay stuff.

    Making the choices you make un-redoable makes them matter more.

    I wholeheartedly agree. What I was trying to say is that your choices actually matter, even if not from a gameplay/mechanics perspective. The only way to redo your choices should be starting over.

    In case you're in doubt when presented with choices, you can always check out the Wiki. Of course you'll get spoiled, though, so beware.

  3. 55 minutes ago, (PS4)d_HopeCraft_b said:

    it changes the destiny of Nimoa and the Miconians, but since we dont see him anymore its another useless choice box that doesnt affect the game what so ever.

    Have you ever played The Witcher 3? There is a character there known as the Bloody Baron. He's a drunkard bastard, which made some bad choices in life, and said choices led to both his wife and daughter abandoning him. He has info you're looking for, and he's willing to share if you help him look for his wife and daughter, as he seeks redemption in their eyes. Over the course of the quest line, you have, at several instances, options to either be harsh, by saying he brought it upon himself, or be forgiving, saying everyone makes mistakes. In the end of the quest line, there are two major possible outcomes for him, which I'll put in a spoiler box in case someone hasn't played the game yet and intends to:


    1: You find out that for reasons irrelevant to the topic, his wife went mad, and he rescues her and departs on a journey to seek healing for her condition. This is often seen as the best outcome, even though his daughter refuses to come back to him.

    2: His wife gets cursed and turned into a monster, and the transformation is irreversible, forcing you to kill her(it) in his presence. He delves into deep depression, and should you walk into his castle's courtyard, you'll find his body hanging from a tree in the middle.

    Either path you achieve, will be the last you hear of him. It has no major impact on the remainder of the storyline, and from a pragmatic perspective, you shouldn't have much reason to care. But it's an RPG, with a great deal of lore, and it makes you feel the world around you. Not everything that happens is connected to the main plot, but it makes a difference for you as the player because you know that what you did changed his life's course, whether you're there to see it or not. It's the same with the Myconians. It's a matter of lore, not gameplay.

    • Like 1
  4. I thought about this as well, and it would be kinda cool, however not to be used as a primary melee combat. It should deal really low overall damage, perhaps enough to finish off already wounded enemies in close quarters, but comparatively ineffective if you plan to use it to replace an actual melee weapon.

    Instead, this mechanic should be focused on applying Impact procs, in order to give the player some breathing room when the enemy closes in.

    The exception to this could be a few specific guns with bayonets attached to them. And that's something I'd love to see, though the game is fine the way it is, the more the merrier.

  5. So, I am posting this to report a bug I ran into while trying to trade the mod Synth Deconstruct with another player.

    While trying to trade said item for Platinum, the game stated that I couldn't trade it because "Synth Deconstruct cannot be traded. Unique copies of abilities cannot be traded.".

    Mind you that my quotation is an accurate translation of what the PT-BR Client said, however it could be somewhat inaccurate as per the original message, as it was translated into Portuguese and back into English.

    Anyway, I do have my suspicions this might be a feature, but then again, I see no reason to have this as a feature in the first place. I don't use Sentinels at all besides MR fodder, and the ones I did use didn't need Synth Deconstruct to work, therefore I don't need it in any way, shape or form. Hell, they worked just fine before Fortuna.

  6. 4 hours ago, (PS4)thecoolman575 said:

    I tried using peacemaker on him multiple times and it didn’t work


    4 hours ago, OneYenShort said:

    From what my wife told me, The regulators don't target the trio at all, so I doubt they work on wolf either which in my opinion, is just plain wrong and should be fixed.

    Well, that sucks. Perhaps it'd be easier to wear him down with constant corrosive procs from the Regulators.

  7. 10 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    But to make it work, I think DE would need to create some new stuff that we could craft from the broken-down items, or else obtain by trading said components.

    When I mean break them down, I actually mean transforming them into the resources we already have. Sticking to my example, the Corpus portable computer could perhaps be broken down into mostly Circuits, a bit of Polymer bundle, while the Grineer toolbox could be broken down into mostly Ferrite, and a bit of Plastids.


    7 hours ago, Invisibleaxeman said:

    I like the idea, you could break them down for resources as you say or decorate your orbiter with trophies like a serial killer.  Also like the idea of making some craftables from them too.

    I bought a few of the items from Ticker's second hand like the food boxes and junk crates, really give my orbiter a lived in feeling, so similar (but smaller) items from lockers would be cool.

    Yeah, right? I didn't mention it in the original post, but I thought about Ticker's stuff as well, how they have that info on them, and how that gives us some depth into the SU's culture and way of life. Never thought about using these items as Orbiter/Dojo decorations though, and I think that is a great idea.


    4 hours ago, Fishyflakes said:

    Funnily enough, DE refused to place a single Locker in the entirety of in the Orb Vallis.

    Indeed, but this could be easily changed. Though lockers are usually part of the level design and don't spawn like resource deposits/chests do, in the end they're just props that can be placed and removed at the dev's will. But knowing how capricious DE tends to be, I know they'd probably make a few changes to the terrain as well if they were to implement lockers.


    Of course, this wouldn't be a priority for DE right now, as they are focused on Melee changes, I suppose. But a dreamer can dream, I suppose.

  8.  Hey, people, what's up? I'm great, thank you for asking. If you'd like to skip my introduction as to why I'm writing this, skip to paragraph 5.

     So, I come here today with a particularly strange idea that I had while seeking out those Resource Caches in Sabotage missions, all for dear old Nora. This idea sprouted from the fact that I, though far from being what one would call a "top player"(I'm MR 12), absolutely love Warframe, for MANY reasons. One such reasons, which is by far the most important for me, is the lore.

     Warframe has seen a lot of growth since its launch, or so I presume from backtracking info, and while it introduced several new and reformulated game mode and mechanics over the past years, it also developed it's lore, by building a very deep and living world(or system, whatever you want to call it). This world, though, as much as I love it, in contrast to all the aforementioned, can feel barren and lackluster at times. And that takes me to a somewhat easy and cheap idea for them(DE) to make Lockers more interesting, while expanding a bit on the game's lore and worldbuilding.

     This idea I present to you has inspirations on two other games, namely Fallout 4 and the Dark Souls/Bloodborne series.

     So, we all know lockers grow less and less interesting the farther you are into the game, because they only drop few raw resources and/or Credits, besides Ammo. Sure, they serve their purpose, and are not useless or anything, just uninteresting. What I propose here is a change from(most of) these raw resources and credits to some items that could be broken down into said resources or sold for Credits.

     What would these items be? Well, I'm glad you asked, I was about to get into it. They would be mostly useless items to you as the player, but perhaps items that belonged to those Grineer clones or Corpus soldiers you just slaughtered. Stuff like Corpus portable computers, Grineer toolboxes, canned food, etc. Again, useless stuff for us, but that could be broken down into raw resources(like when we dismantle those robot fishes from Orb Vallis), or sold for a handful of Credits. Besides their practical uses, they could sport Item Descriptions, kinda like items do in Dark Souls, to provide us some background info on them, their functions and generally give us a better idea of the world.

     So, there you have it, a weird and somewhat useless idea as far as game mechanics go, but that could add a lot of room for worldbuilding.

     Thanks for reading.

    • Like 2
  9. They are called elite challenges for a reason, this week's challenges are by far the most reasonable yet.

    Most of them can be done passively(Kill 1500 baddies? Did it in a single survival mission), while just playing the game regularly, be it doing those Invasions, or Syndicate alerts.

    People never seem to be happy, this is a game, and it requires you to play it if you want to achieve stuff. And I'm sick of "but I'm a completionist, how am I supposed to beat THAT challenge?", because if they were actual completionists, they'd be max rank with SU by now, and have an active clan of other hardcore players, so no problem there.

    It even seems people want stuff handed to them in a silver tray, with no effort whatsoever.

    Rest easy, child, you can get to Rank 30 of Wolf of Saturn Six even if you don't do these ELITE challenges, they are only there for ELITE players, A.K.A. hardcore completionists. All these challenges do is make you rank up faster, but you'll rank up all the same if you just completely ignore them.

  10. 8 hours ago, rapt0rman said:

    The animation itself doesn't need to change, as it's pretty much just a skin over the underlying code that makes up finishers (though there are finisher animations for other weapons that frankly take longer then just killing an enemy normally, and those could definitely do with an update).

    I agree, the animation doesn't look bad or unfinished, but it seems the hitbox is aligned with the animation, and both are unaligned with the enemy

    8 hours ago, rapt0rman said:

    Basically, the problem just lies with whatever allows ground finishers to be misaligned in the first place, can't really fix it for just Tatsu.

    And that, yeah. Wholeheartedly agree, as this problem isn't exclusive of Tatsu, however I made this post because I was taken aback by how often it happens to said weapon, when compared to other classes.

    But then again, it's not exclusive to the Tatsu, and it's a somewhat common issue, but it's not something that happens THAT often, except for Gunblades, which most of the time just send enemies flying around in ragdoll.

  11. 36 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    Finishers as a whole are apparently getting reworked with the coming melee changes, so there's that. But yeah, it's a pretty common issue with a lot of ground finishers.

    Agreed, just thought it'd be worth reporting since this weapon, along with all its animation sets were added only recently, and it makes little sense for them to make something they already have plans to rework, if that rework's from ground up.

  12. So, I've been giving a try to the recently implemented nodachi added to the game, the Tatsu, and so far I love the combos and overall handling, not to mention how beautiful of a weapon it is.

    However, there is a slight problem - it seems the ground finishers are kinda off, there have been many instances in which the Warframe stabs the ground to the side of the enemy, particularly to the left of said Warframe. This kinda breaks the flow, and it's super annoying, to have to wait for your enemy to get back up in order to finish them off.

    I believe this should be fixed ASAP.

    • Like 1
  13. Every Warframe ability is unique to its specific Frame, aside from variants(Prime/Umbra).

    Slash Dash is Excalibur's first skill, and it's only his, no other frame can use it. But of course, there are lots of frames, each with its unique skill set, and while it's debatable whether there's one cooler than the next one, it all comes down to personal preference.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Auranim said:

    I also find it midly odd to press T to chat when every single other game is Enter, but that's very very minor lol

    I've seen several other games have T for text chat, so it's not that weird for me, though I can see why you find it strange. I believe this is due to the fact that T is closer to where your hands should be most of the time when you're playing, to allow for slightly quicker access to the chat.

    If you still don't like that, you can always change the keybindings in the Options menu, which actually provide both primary and secondary inputs. In my case, I've set it so that both T and Enter start up text chat.

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