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Posts posted by B0N3M4N

  1. I love scythes. My favorite melee class so far. Although it's all because I got Stalking Fan which turns scythes into spinning blades of fury, especially with Beserker. I've been trying to get hate because I want a slash version, but so far the Anku has made me a happy Tenno.

    Well actually the Hate is far inferior compared to the Anku, so it'd be better if you drop it but wait for building until DE decides to make it on a decent status like all the other Scythes ingame(except for the Anku which is fine).


    Bumping again because I don't want this to be forgotten, this is just a step on balancing weapons because DE should balance all the weapons that never got updated after Damage 2.0, which is unfair for who loved those before it.

  2. Bumping this, because too many old weapons got ignored by DE after Damage 2.0, and players which were having fun with them now they got a weapon where they've put their forma and effort that does the same or even less damage compared to the Braton.


    DE Focus more on the actually weapons before nonstop releasing a lot of them.

  3. After I've seen this thread I tried to do some tests with Nullifiers Bubble and my Penta, as much as I can say before 17.5 I was capable of hitting them with the explosion from the outstide, now I'm not. Said this I hope it's just a bug and not a stealth AoE nerf or a Nullies buff, because I mean, do really explosive weapons NEED a nerf or Nullifier a BUFF? I mean Nullifier, and Buff? These things are broken as hell and I hope that DE will remove them from the Origin System sooner or later, and replace them with something more fair, like the new Corpus units as blasron said(new units alone = OK, these + Nullifiers is equal to "no fun allowed" zone, and right now that zone is Corpus high level titlesets).

  4. Normally Rank 8 is a good way for getting a decent mod with low costs, I do this mainly on Corrupted Mods and Legendary ones, the first for not getting more negative stats(cause personally for me isn't worth) and the second one for the very high costs, so if you can't afford for something like a R10 Vitality you can still go R8 and wait when you'll have more fusion cores for progressing with it or with other "mandatory" mods.

  5. la quest l'ho fatta e in fucina mi ritovo che mi manca solo "Olodata-sistema"...


    come ho scritto "sopra" nella quest mi ritovo solo da completare "usa la fucina per costruire l'olodata"...


    vabbè.... fa nulla.. è solo un gioco.. se vorrà "uscire" stò oladata-sistema, bene.. sennò mi limiterò a fare le missioni in cui NON serve l'archwing...


    Grazie per la pazienza che avete avuto nel rispondermi...

    Se hai già superato la fase della quest dei sistemi MA non li hai ottenuti oppure li hai venduti puoi cercare qualcuno che deve ancora farla e unirti alla sua sessione, in questo modo una volta che dropperà i sistemi li riceverai pure tu e potrai finire l'Odonata. La chat di reclutamento o il clan penso possano esserti di grande aiuto per questo.

  6. Just like the ones in regular Void missions, it's a race. If you get to the end fast enough, you are granted access to some containers with increased chance for mods and some lockers.

    What he said. Just like all the others Orokin Secret Rooms(this can be searched on google for more infos) it's just a room that you have to get through as fast as possible before the door on the other side will close, then step on the pad behing the door and you'll open it for everyone(even who didn't got in time). Usually inside there are useful mods like Flow, Quick Thinking, Continuity and so. Nothing particularly rare but still some very useful mods for who didn't got them.

  7. Salve oldstone,


    dall'ultima parte non riesco a capire se i sistemi dell'Odonata non li hai presi come schema o non li hai costruiti. Ti consiglio di controllare nella fucina sezione Archwing e vedere se stanno lì. Detto questo nel caso in cui non li hai droppati sentiti libero di scrivermi qui o In-Game in modo che io possa darti una mano. Penso che la situazione sia meno grave di quello che sembra e possa essere risolta in poco tempo con un po' di pazienza e supporto.

  8. I can second this, DE should listen for a moment and give frames with old arcane helmets a helmet vanity slot. Because i sure as hell want the Premium skin on her, while still keeping my 300%+ duration.

    Vanity Slot should be a thing because I don't even know how many time I had to use helmets that I didn't asthetically liked because those were giving me some nice stats bonus for my build, it ruins the customization of the frames and force you to use what helmet got the best stats for your build, that's it.

  9. All of my yes.


    I ever like the Dera but after Damage 2.0 I wasn't able anymore to use it at high levels because it can't even put down a Lv30 Heavy Unit on a decent time(and please don't tell me about heavy caliber, which makes it from an high precision rifle to a stormtrooper one). This weapon is screaming for love and is screaming for love RIGHT NOW, so please DE DO SOMETHING for these abandoned weapons which are still being loved by players that are looking for their playstyle on the game instead of straight going for the classic RhinoBoltor Meta.

  10. Bandaid mod? Like Covert Lethality? No.

    Tbh Covert Lethality should have been a passive upgrade and not a bandaid mod.

    Any weapon that needs a super special mod or tons of forma to Un-suck it is just not worth using.

    I agree with this, actually bandaid can have 2 results, which are 1st not gonna resolve the problem for real, creating an even stronger powercreep on Scythes, and as 2nd it's just not gonna resolve the issue.


    Scythes do need a complete revamp, they didn't got updated after the release of melee 2.0 and became from god tier pure armor ignore to utterly slow garbage with litterally everything low, from atk speed to crit and status.


    Plus I think that I could disagree with Blur saying that weapons like the Reaper Prime, which is no more aviable and needs, other from parts from pre-vaulting or shopped by other users with a set price of at least 100P and 10 Orokin Cells to be "mediocre" weapon.


    Same to the Hate which is a rare drop from the Stalker(the rarest for some players), and still it got garbage on litterally everything, and having 3% more status chances compared to the Reaper Prime are not gonna help it to be a good alternative (I want to add that the same thing happened on these days with Spira and Despair, and as a Despair lover I think that a little more of stat revamp should be nice for those super rare and old little Kunai).


    As last thing I want to say to all the players that talked about a Kama revamp that the Kama is not a Scythe weapon, it's a Machete and uses Machete stances. Now Machetes got problems in terms of stats too but right now we're talking about Scythes so. Plus talking about a Scythes revamp it should exclude the Anku of course, which is the only usable Scythe and the one that's actually creating powercreep between those.

  11. Bump the Channeling consumption rate down to 1 (even after other modifiers) and I'd be happy. Range would be appreciated, as well as multiple targets and some kind of forward movement. Never heard of the armor ignoring aspect, but if that gets re-added, then there's not much else to dream about, ne? :3


    Going all the way out here on a limb, since DE is tinkering around with innate damage growth on weapon rankings, so what about innate reach growth? Start out with a terrible reach, and then it goes bonkers-haywire up around rank 30, enabling for absolutely massive amounts of crowd control.

    Well armor ignore was pretty much a thing before Damage 2.0, but right now it's all Corrosive Projection or go home.


    For the channelling part I've ever tough that, while we got many different weapons, none of them actually got a base channelling multiplier that's higher than 2.0; maybe DE should try to put weapons with higher multiplier that will convince players to go full channelling. Because I do normally channel a weapon only if I'm on low HP and need to get back some with Life Strike, that's it.


    For range increase on ranking I dunno what to say, because actually this will make only players try to rush exp for getting all the possible advantages from the weapon(guard. atk and range on this case), which COULD potentially make come back our actual Draco issue.


    In the end I don't even think that these weapons should be called Scythes, but until DE think that the weapon class resemble their initial concept then they'll keep going with that. At these point we can only go ahead and try to put some attention to the actual weapon class and to create a new type of Scythe that resemble the old ones, that's it.

  12. First thing that I want to say is that I wasnt actually serious, and second is that just because creators of game can change definition of what scythe is doesnt mean that they should, for example: can game creators call swords in game "guns" ? they can but it will piss of people who got mislead by it, believing that there are  guns in game.


    There wouldnt be a problem if they created their own name like did with nikana, but if you use name of something existing people will believe that its what normally it should be.

    scythe's shaft normally has length of 170 centimetres  or longer, I wouldnt mind if they kept those weapons that called "scythes" as seperate category and created new weapons that look like real scythes, but its the real scythes that should have "scythe" name and old "scythes" should be renamed as sickles or something, or  DE should create completly new name for them like they did for "nikana's"

    Well, about the seriousness I was a bit on guard because on these days people who just wait for S#&$post are really really common, plus having seen this posted 2 times didn't really helped me on trusting on that "joke".


    For the part of the name-switching with a new class of Scythes I'm all for it. This because me as first players knows how much confusion cause having a weapon class named Scythe which does not resemble the classic ones, plus with all these requests by the users for a new Scythe class I don't see why DE shouldn't do it, so you got all my support on that.

  13. -snip-

    You say so but if you look at the game you'll see that those are actually Scythes.


    From the Anku description: "Reap havoc with this full sized Tenno-crafted Scythe.


    Now read carefully what's written on both Reaping Spiral and Stalking Fan on the weapon class section: Scythe.


    It's like saying that because Tennos are not Divine Japanese Emperors then are not Tennos. In the end DE can create its own terms without having to coincide with the reality in Warframe, so your argument exposed like that is invalid.


    Said that if you want to have a more realistic Scythe on Warframe then you should ask for a new weapon class, like there are Swords and Greatswords on this game but thus are not sharing anything except some similar traits which are pretty common on every sword.

  14. I don't think that users should already think of an alternative way for the incoming change where the change itself it's not really fully known. Surely Multishot won't get out alive from this but still with all the weapon and ammo economy managing that DE is doing I think that maybe we'll finally be able to get on the endgame with the weapon that we like instead of going full Soma and Bolter(which I don't but many does so).


    For me is all hurray for the imminent changes if these do remove the power creep of the weapons in general and able you to do nice things like going on the endgame with the Dera, which right now it's pretty much a beginner weapon with high requirements, like having a decent MR and a Forma to use for crafting it(and of course you've already got a better weapon when you get the requirements, which make it useless).

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