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Posts posted by B0N3M4N

  1. Well of course I can only agree with you talking about Well of Life, but instead of making the ennesimal thread giving tips for revamping or changing Well of Life I've preferred take in consideration other things that maybe should be "fixed" in-game, maybe with simple tweaks that programmers could be able to do in less than a week but still important for balancing and adjusting what the game already has inside, fixes that I normally see too many times with the form of nerfs to frames/weapon/mods/whatsoever.

  2. Hello Everyone,


    Discussion(Warning: Imminent Wall of Text):

    Yesterday playing with Trinity, which is one of my favourite frames with Loki, I noticed that her base stats seems like are not aligned for her role, if you ask to me what should need a Warframe with regenerating capacities I will say to you only one thing: HP. So I will suggest for her a little rework about her base stats: from 100 Shield and 100 Health to 50 Shield and 150 Health, making her a true HP-Based Warframe.


    Another thing that I tried was an experiment with Quick Thinking, and I can say that even if the mod is not really bad(we're talking about 1080 extra HP on a 450 energy pool) right now it's kinda pointless, if you ask me why is because everytime you'll get an hit you will stagger(even with anti-stagger buffs like Link are activated), and on a normal situation with some enemies they'll just stagger you on death until all your energy is gone. My suggestion is to make a little change and completely remove the stagger from the Mod, making the people under the effect of Quick Thinking able to react and defend themselves, I think this should be maded just from the fact that the mod is not common at all and takes 15 Warframe Slots which are a lot for a "mediocre" Mod like it is right now.


    Some other things that I wanted to talk about are the effectiveness of Physique and the Effects of the Arcane Helmets. Here seems like the Devs decided to play all against the player, cause when in the case of Physique the mod will increase your base HP but NOT the scaling of Mods like Vitality and Vigor, which make the mod kinda pointless, especially counting on the fact that Rejuvenation is way more useful, making Physique useful only if you need slots and don't have Rejuvenation. On the other side the Arcane Helmets with negative effects are going to modify the stats of the Warframe AFTER the multiplier of the positive Mods, making you lose more max HP/Shields or whatever as they will increase. For this I will suggest to change the multipliers, making Physique increase the base multiplier of Mods like Vitaity and Vigor OR making it apply after these ones, effectively becoming an alternative to Rejuvenation, and changing the Arcane Helmets, decreasing the determined stat before all the other multipliers BUT uneffecting these last, just like the positive buffs of the Arcane Helmets will do.


    My last suggestion is to add on Warframe new Corrupted Mods that enable the players to get more Shields/Health at the expense of some other stats(Increasing Health and Reducing Shields, Increasing Shield and Reducing Power Strenght and so on), creating another step for the Survival Capacities of the Warframes.


    Quick Resume for avoid the Wall of Text:

    Trinity Base HP Change: Changing the Base Stats from 100 Shield/Health to 50 Shield and 150 Health, making her a True HP-Themed Warframe.



    Quick Thinking Tweak: Removing the stagger animation when getting an hit while Quick Thinking is activated, affectively making people able to get out of a bad situation(change that SHOULD be done on a Mod that takes 15 Slots for leaving you perma-staggered until you lost all your energy).


    Physique change: Enabling Physique to actually change the Base Multiplier of the HP stat, increasing the Effectiveness of Mods like Vitality and Vigor OR making the Buff apply AFTER these ones, making it a good option to Rejuvenation.


    Aura Helmet Change: Decreasing the base stat of the Warframe BUT not the Multiplier of Positive Mods, balancing the fact that Positive effects will not change the multiplier of a stat and will only apply themselves at the base of this one.


    Corrupted Shield/Health Mods: Adding Mods that increase your Health/Shields and Decrease another stat(Health for Shields, Shields for Power Strenght/Duration/Efficency and so on).


    If you have some comments/suggestions please write down here, I would be pleased to hear something about these ingame elements from other players(please only constructive comments, people throwing S#&$ instead of trying to make a conversation will be ignored, I warned you).

  3. AI use the Aimbot against the Players? Better Nerf Trinity.

    Spawning stuck on the map? Better Nerf Trinity.

    Accessories and many weapon still have the glass effect when in mission? Better Nerf Trinity.

    The colors of the Halikar and the Dread are completely f**** up? Better Nerf Trinity.

    Boltor P still obliterate the rest of the weapons? Better Nerf Trinity.

    Same for the Brakk and the Marelok for the secondary? Better Nerf Trinity.

    People Spamming 4 and Rushing all the map? Better Nerf Trinity.

    Coptering broke and with no sense still in game? Better Nerf Trinity.

    Revamping Excalibur? Better Nerf Trinity.

    Revamping Limbo? Better Nerf Trinity.

    Saryn OP? Better Nerf Trinity.

    Trinity is still useful? Better Nerf Trinity.

  4. This guy got all the points of this huge mess and perfectly summarized them on this thread, magnificent.


    At the end of the day Viver is just a tool like the nerfed Warframes are, and of course the ubergrind is a synptom of something way bigger. Even if they DE nerfed these ones for sure there's gonna be something like a Viver 2/3/4 and so on and Farm Team 2/3/4 , so instead of nerfing every time the X grind location and the Y farming frames we need to get to the root of the problem and resolve it before this thing will get out of DE control.


    Get my +1 and I'm sure that many other upvotes are gonna rain from the sky for the magnificent work that you did.

  5. I wonder where is DE when there are hundred of suggestion Threads about nearly everything, from Warframes to Syndicates and so, with Hundred or even Thousand of upvotes but these ones are completely ignored, but instead they pop out with stupid ideas like nerfing 4 Warframes when the half of these should be Revamped and the other Half should not be touched cause they are completely balanced as they are.

    They said people have spoken, maybe they didn't well listened these peoples.

  6. Agreed but please do not give to DE ideas for nerfing Blessing(again) cause I'm sure if they're gonna read a thread on the forum from million of suggestions about Warframe, Syndicates and so on are gonna read this and specifically the Nerf of Blessing.

  7. Cooldowns should be a good thing for the game as it is right now. This will kill one of the principal problems of the game which is the fact of seeing thousand of players rushing the map and spamming 4 like no tomorrow, after this we need a completely removal of the Coptering which is broken as hell but NO ONE is gonna say that and we're gonna get a good game where teamwork is something instead of this Ultimate-Rushing Fest that is Warframe right now.

  8. Completely agree, I mean they nerfed Excalibur which cannot be used at high level after the Radial Blind nerf and they did that ridicolous thing that they called "Excalibur Buff" and then they nerfed the buff transforming him from a Mid-Level killing machine in a Perfect Decoration in your Inventory, just like the one that they have on their offices. Then they decided to kill Mag completely destroying one of her 2 abilities that make her be useful against Corpus(as a Mag user I'm really angry of this), then Trinity which is one of the most balanced Warframes(still do not understand the motivation of this nerf) and at the end Limbo which his real funcion was to be a living Energy Recharge for the team, now I don't think there's a real reason to use it on other missions except Capture and Sabotage.


    Just GG DE on Nerfing Warframes that should be revamped or leaved as they are, next time instead of randomly hit Warframes with the Nerf Hammer try to get on the root of the problem, cause after this nerf I think that you don't want to see that at all.

  9. Critical Delay and its family need to give better crit chance. I tried them with Warframe Builder on many weapons and realize that almost no weapon would benefit from using these mods comparing to other mods. 


    Even with the Vectis Critical Delay is actually a slot wasted for a potentially much more powerful mods that gives more damage and has no chances to don't activate itself, which crit has.

  10. Rifle Aptitude, Sure Shot, Melee Prowess: +15% of status chance at max

    Shotgun Savvy: +30% of status chance at max


    Maybe a bit too newish but:


    Galvanized Blade (Archwing Melee Mod): At max uses 2 more mod points and adds 50% less damage than it's peers while also having double conclave rating but whatevs.


    Perhaps these as well:




    Well, I can say that I completely agree with you with the mods on the spoiler, actually the first 3 mods should give a 90% of damage boost instead of 30% with the slots that they take, and for the last 3 the base multiplier should be increased to 15%(getting a good 90% at max rank like the "revamped" rifle ones) with an increase of their max capacity from 7 to 9.

  11. Hello everyone,


    while people are talking about performance problems and Warframe revamps yesterday I thought that still we have some mods "nerfed" on Warframe, actually I'm gonna put here what I remember and what I think should be revamped, but if I've forgot some mods please add them with a comment:


    Deep Freeze(Pistol Mod): Still 60% Freeze Damage, completely overwhelmed by Frostbite(and even IceStorm if I can say) and actually being a limit to the damage potential of the secondary weapons against enemies weak to Ice and Combined Elements with it.


    Shocking Touch(Melee Mod): Same as Deep Freeze, 60% Electric Damage, nerfing the offensive potential of the Melee Weapons, plus it takes the same amount of slots of the other elemental mods which gave 90% elemental damage, overwhelmed by Focus Energy and Voltaic Strike.


    North Wind(Melee Mod): Same as Shocking Touch, 60% damage and 11 slots taken, overwhelmed by Vicious Frost.


    Ice Mods: While all the Elemental Mods uses the Naramon Polarity these mods are actually using the Vazarin for no real motivation at all, limiting the modding potential for eventually Multi Potatoed builds(making quite popular Anti-Corpus Combos like Magnetic or Magnetic+Toxin) without consuming from 5 to 8 additional slot mods, which not many people can do.


    As I said before if I've missed some mods please write a comment with what mods and I just hope this Ancient "issues" will get fixed quite soon.

  12. Actually I tried to access to the Warframe Builder and I got a completely white screen, maybe the server is up but the page it's not correctly sent to the browsers?

  13. Hello everyone,


    the update 15 has been released since one week or so, and Excalibur has got some pretty nice tweaks for his abilities, but actually as many people can say he's still under many Warframes in terms of CC and Damage, playing with this Warframe and putting a Forma on it I'll actually thought some suggestions for increase the actual damage scaling and survivability of Excalibur, making him a decent Frame even on High Level Missions.


    These tweaks are basically focused on the three greatest problems of Excalibur:


    1) Casting Speed.


    Near all of his ability are Extremely slow to cast(making this one of the first causes of Excalibur's low survivability) without the Natural Talent mod, equipping this instead of another one will actually reduce even more the actual potential of Excalibur cause of the slot taken by this one(and then reduced personalization of the warframe).


    2) Ability Damage Falloff.


    The Ability Damage Falloff of Excalibur it's pretty heavy when it comes to high levels and I think that this could be fixed by one simple tweak that I'm gonna write later.


    3) Super Jump.


    Even if Super Jump have got some tweaks like the invisibility which I like to use for casting other abilities while in mid-air and invisible it's still an obsolete ability and has becomed even more obsolete after the realease of the update 15 which have added a new mid-air attack to the melee weapons.


    So these are my suggestions:


    Slash Dash

    Cast speed reduced by 25%


    Forced bleed proc added


    Weapon damage included on the base damage of the ability


    Capable of go through enemies, making it able of comboing more than one and becoming useful as mobility option when surrounded


    Power Duration unaffecting the ability(really I don't understand why an ability like this should be affected by power duration, it's just like the many projecticles abilities that we have in game would get they're projecticle fight speed affected by power duration, just nothing more than a limit to this ability for me and nothing of really useful at all)


    Radial Blind

    Halved the cast speed(even my grandma can lift her arm faster compared to Excalibur when casting this ability)


    When the enemies get blinded by this ability they'll get a damage multiplier status(affected by power strenght) that will effect the Excalibur Abilities, the status duration of the ability multiplier it's 5 sec and it's unaffected by Power Duration(making unable for the players stacking damage duration and abusing of this ability but still being capable of maintaning the enemies blinded for the people that will use blind builds on Excalibur). The damage multiplier status of the Radial Blind should be enough for making Excalibur an excellent warframe even at the end-game, giving him enough damage output when using Slash Dash and Radial Blind


    Super Jump

    Should become a basic Warfame ability(like many people said in many post) that allow you to charge your jump holding spacebar, the more time will be hold spacebar the higher will be the jump(and the power cost)


    After this the ability should be completely removed and changed with something better(I'm not gonna say what other ability should be cause there are TONS of people giving suggestions about this one on the forum)


    Radial Javelin

    Halved the cast speed(I really have to say why am I suggesting this? It's just one of the slowest in-game ability, and if you are not able to kill all the enemies at the first cast you're gonna get free hits and die with pretty high chances even on mid level missions, plus the new blinding effect after the enemies will get the hit by the Javelins will expire BEFORE the end of the ability cast, making it kinda useless)


    These tweaks as you can see except the change of the Super Jump are pretty much simple and don't change the skill structure of Excalibur, however will help him as I said before to be a very good Warframe on High Level Missions like many other frames.


    That's all and I'll just hope that these tweaks are gonna be evalued by Digital Extremes, Excalibur it's the first Warframe and it's the symbol of the game itself, so please give him some love and make him capable of be a good Warframe at every level like many others already are.

  14. Hello Guys,


    Today I want to warn you about this guy, -snippers-, actually he promise to you to buy the parts that are you selling for exploiting you in resource farming and so, in the 2 spoilers down there are the Screenshots of the Phases and the ticket that I've sent to DE for more detailed informations, just remember that if you meet this guy or anyone that makes you promise to AT LEAST make some screenshots of the conversation that you have with him, and eventually if you feel like it's too much risky to just refuse and continue to do what you was doing on that moment.



    Still do not understand why this guy instead of calling me, promising plat and getting himself in trouble didn't just get on the recruit channel and asked for an orokin cell farm team :\

  15. Today I decided to stay a bit on the Dojo and control the labs, rooms and everything, after some time i decided to get at the observatory and then after kneeling and getting up this happened:



    Is my Excalibur possessed or what? I've eard(and seen) something about the neck of the Warframes but this it's just a bit over...

  16. For me the biggest disappointment with this update comes with the Syndicates: a lot of grind and extreme sacrifices(especially if you want to get more mods that maybe your actual faction doesn't have) for mods that are not really worth the time and resources spent for those. I just hope DE will make this thing more affordable for F2P Players in general because putting Reactors and Catalysts on the sacrifices will actually advantage those which have more plat and can even block completely the progression for the Players that want a F2P approach to the game before eventually spent some bucks for a game that they feel worth those money.

  17. I think should be a good idea adding the unarmed combat for defending yourself while you're throwing the Glaive or other Throwing Weapons. Because sometimes when you're fighting with only melee you need to defend yourself while your Glaive it's far away and it's gonna take a bit for coming back.

    Actually I'll like the Reaper idea, because even as a Weapon we should have some kind of physical combat that resemble the real martial arts in a game like this.

  18. Actually if you wanna equip a sigil you have to choose between front or back, sigils with different types seems like cannot be equipped at the same time too, that's related to the amount of exp taken for the Syndicate after every mission(I think taking 2 Sigils actually will double the exp acquisition but it's impossible to) and the other one it's for the fact that you can exp just one faction at time, so taking 2 different sigil will allow you to exp for 2 factions which it's not possible.

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