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Posts posted by DoomHarbinger

  1. What if its someone who has never spent a dime on Warframe and got all the helms through alerts? That's not helping the game. What helps games develop is useful, constructive feedback and intelligent design choices. Leaving broken crap in because you're afraid to offend people by taking it out (presumably) isn't intelligent design choice. Again, you may as well be saying to allow people to keep weapons which have been nerf-balanced simply because "they were there first". 

    I've spent money on the game. I've run alerts. I'm perfectly OK with them deciding that statted helms are out in favor of a more functional tweak system down the road. Why would you not be, because having stuff other people don't makes you feel better about yourself? I'm not sure why you'd be against changes which will, overall, improve the game.

    I bought about 4 helm with plat for the stats before they were even released on alerts, is it fair that they remove them? that is 20$ before they used Alerts, tell me why is it so bad that the way they are handling it now doesn't work for you? we have already stated that the stats are minor to nothing really that cannot be achieved by mods, Also they stated a month or more before they were going to remove them, is it fair to new players that started, no not that much, but the differences is so minimal is it really a problem? You know as well as I do that we are in "BETA" so things change alot or get exclusive status, EX. Strun Wraith, Prime Chamber, EXCALIBUR PRIME.



    Take in mind exclusivity is not the best way to go but that's DE's fault for doing such.

  2. if pvp was to be implemented there should be no rewards given maybe a badge but no special mods cause everyone hates pvp walls there would actually have to be Dedicated servers to run it as you can tell that's a bit of money if you think peer to peer connection is fine think about all the other people that will spam forums " HOST is UNFAIR " bla blah I am all for pvp but with the current state of the game I would rather pvp be held off till,




    1 the story and lore are out, cause tenno fighting tenno is weird don't you think "conclave lets us fight each other" (fighting and killing one another is different from dueling)

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