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Posts posted by Prism77

  1. 5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    New Deep Archimedea Mission Risk Variables & Deviations

    The following have been added to the pool of possible Mission Risk Variables & Deviations that can appear in the weekly Deep Archimedea reset. 

    New Mission Risk Variables: 

    • Bold Venture: Enemies deal -15% Damage and take +15% Damage but gain +15% Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Fire Rate.
    • Devil's Bargain: Allies within 4m of slain enemies gain +25% Fire Rate at the cost of -50% Ammo Efficiency.
    • Entanglement: Allies within 4m of slain enemies endure reduced Movement Speed and Parkour Velocity.
    • Commanding Culverins: Rogue Culverins equip weapons that deal 5x Damage to Overguard and Necramechs.
    • Explosive Potential: Rupturing Fragments replace Shuffling Fragments.
    • Alluring Arcocanids: As Rogue Arcocanids charge attacks, they pull Warframes toward them.

    New Mission Deviation: 

    • Unified Purpose (Disruption): All enemies target Conduits. 
      • This has replaced Parasitic Conduits (the Conduit’s timer is paused unless a player is within 10m; more players in range will accelerate the timer. Conduits drain Shields). While originally listed in the Dante Unbound Patch Notes, we felt it didn’t quite fit the core Disruption gameplay. In its stead, we have added Unified Purpose. 


    Oh great... more insufferable negative modifiers for a broken game mode. The time you spent making these new modifiers you could've spent making Deep Archimedea less of a boring slog fest. Just saying.

    • Like 11
  2. On 2024-04-18 at 10:51 AM, NOsPL said:

    If you have an issue with leeches that don't contribute to the game, don't use public matchmaking. Create a squad with your friends/clanmates or use Recruit chat.

    Not every Warframe player has 3 other friends who play Warframe, an active clan, or enough time to sit around trying to form a half-way functional group in Recruit Chat.

    • Like 5
  3. 29 minutes ago, Karyst said:

    What an extreme opinion, DA according to those who designed it is an end-game content which obviously comes with a challenge, what you are claiming, someone without rank 30 can claim regarding not being able to access sortie.

    Ah, but see? You can eventually progress and become strong enough to turn Sorties into a cakewalk. You can't do that with DA. I don't see Sorties limiting your arsenal to only 3 different choices for each slot that, 9 times out of 10, are garbage. It doesn't matter how good your gear is for the new game mode since either A: It's not available to use or B: The negative modifiers for the mission completely counter your maxed out build. There is a difference between a mission that is a challenge and a mission that is unfair. Deep Archimedea is straight up unfair.

    • Like 9
  4. 3 minutes ago, Shodian87 said:

    I disagree. I'm getting some sweet rewards from it. :)

    Ah yes, who could forget about the menial rewards that 99% of the time are unavailable since RNG gives you the worst of your arsenal to choose from causing repeated failures of the mission? By the time you actually manage to complete an E/DA run, IF you manage to complete a run, you could've gotten twice the amount of those rewards doing other game modes that are, you know, fair. The rewards that Deep Archimedea provides are not worth the frustration that is caused from it. But hey, if you have fun beating your head against a wall to complete an unfair game mode, don't let me stop you. Masochism is a thing, after all.

    • Like 4
  5. On 2024-04-21 at 2:09 AM, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    That's why they implemented the gear randomizer. To try and weaken the players by making them use gear they do not want to use.

    All it does however is take away player agency, take away player choice. And it's never fun.

    The difference between DRG and Warframe is that... DRG is a game about mining ore (simplifying things here). While Warframe is a "power fantasy looter shooter", where you get to be a void-power-slinging god, ripping and tearing through armies. That's what Warframe is in 90%+ of its content. Except Duviri and... DA/EDA, where it just strips you all of that, via both randomizer and dumb negatives that even further impact your already underperforming setup of gear - due to it not being one of your favorite setups, but rather something that the randomizer shoved in your hands. Like that +500% shield regen pause or the -75% ability duration modifiers, you know?

    THIS. This right here, you nailed it. Warframe is a "power fantasy looter shooter". I don't play Warframe for a "challenge". I play it to turn my brain off and obliterate droves of enemies, because it's extremely fun to feel like an otherworldly one-man army! It is the core, fundamental design of the game, which is why Deep Archimedea does NOT work. If you have to completely remove normal mechanics (such as Transference Distortion) and turn enemies into complete bullet sponges with Damage Attenuation (ugh...) to make your game challenging, then you're doing something seriously wrong, DE. Deep Archimedea is not fun, it's a complete waste of time.

    • Like 6
  6. You're not the only one who is salty, believe me. I have failed every single Elite DA attempt and I am about ready to scream. How this game mode is supposed to be fun is beyond me. I'm NOT having fun. This mission is nothing more than a slog that wastes your time and forces you to use the pinnacle of pure garbage that is in your arsenal because. I can tolerate it in Duviri's Elite Circuit since you at least get decrees which boost your skills, but in DA it's the exact opposite. Now you get to use your peashooters, wooden sticks, and Poorframes against extreme bullet sponges that take you down with a single hit, boosted by some of the stupidest designed negative modifiers I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. As a bonus, you 90% of the time get to be matchmade or invited into a squad with players that ALSO have been hit with bad RNG. OH... HOW FUN...

    No, this is unbelievable. I can't pretend to enjoy this sad excuse of an endgame anymore. As far as I'm concerned, Deep Archimedea doesn't exist. It's just a bad fever dream that I had. I'm done.

    • Like 2
  7. You hit the nail on the head. Deep Archimedea is, by far, one of the WORST game modes that has ever been devised by D.E. since Eidolon Hunts. RNG gave me some of the literal worst frames and weapons to use today, and every attempt at the Mirror Defense mission ended with the defense objective getting one shot when it still had plenty of health.


    I am never playing Deep Archimedea again until there are some big changes to it. The rewards are NOT worth it.

    • Like 1
  8. This just happened to me. I was guiding Otak and Loid through the area and he just had to activate one more of the crystals, then he got stuck on one of the plants going up and down in a loop. D.E. should really add some kind of fail-safe where if the Escort NPC isn't making any progress and is stuck in a loop, it teleports forward a bit where it needs to go in order to fix itself. There shouldn't have to be a Loki on the team every single mission to fix this with his Switch Teleport ability.

  9. 3 hours ago, (PS4)death404 said:

    With Wisp in particular moving is key, stay mobile and make sure your buffs are up and you know where they are or keep new motes by you. I run her an hour + into arbitrations with no problem, again; you have to move. Constantly. 

    For frames with high energy the Rage / Quick Thinking combo is great; of course you need a way to keep your energy up but it will save your ass.

    Adaptation is a great mod as well, although you need to be able to take some hits to keep the stacks up. 

    Arcane Guardian is another good way to help.

    Some frames you just can't face tank with. With them it's more about synergizing your abilities, good movement and killing them all first. 

    Good luck!

    Thank you very much for the advice. I just can't believe I died from the Grustrag Three. In all my years of Warframe that has never happened. I feel like the only one. DX

  10. So recently I did a high level Kuva Fissure mission for cracking open those Requiem Relics. It was 60 - 80 and I was using my Wisp Warframe. The Grustrag Three ended up spawning and they instantly downed my Warframe and put a bolt on her and I had to break it off using a bolt extractor. This got me thinking about how many times I've gotten downed quickly in high level missions overall and was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on how to survive such high level enemies as a squishy frame like Wisp, Banshee, etc. It really didn't feel good dying to those three stooges. Makes me feel like the only viable Warframe for such difficult missions is Inaros.

    Anyways, any advice is appreciated, thanks.

  11. Yep. I've been noticing a consistent 3 second frame freeze. FPS tracker shows my FPS going from the normal 60 FPS to 58 FPS every time the freeze occurs. It's very slight, but a lot more noticeable in combat.


    Edit: I almost forgot to clarify that this freeze occurs everywhere and not in a set location. Even standing around idle in the Orbiter is not an exception.

  12. Sorry in advance if this isn't the correct place to post suggestions.

    The emotes in Warframe are really fun to use. However, some of the animations, such as sitting and kneeling, make your character go below the camera's visage.

    For example, my Warframe is currently sitting in this picture, but all you can see when looking forward is the very tip of their head:308060A10266F31ED806D7CA6B2D67F8B65A7267

    It would be nice if the camera were to do something such as show your entire character upon doing an emote, or at the very least, lower when your character sits or kneels. Just an idea, though.

  13. When I am the host of a game and my friend joins me, his Warframe disappears about 5-10 minutes into a mission and all that can be seen is his username off in the distance. He also said that he was unable to interact with anything and doors wouldn't open for him. He can only interact with objects and open doors in his Operator mode. I'm not exactly sure what is causing this or why this happens, but it most commonly occurs when it's just me and him in a mission. Here's an example of what he appears as from my perspective: 8FEE4237045AB6DFB13FE2D6C0B67B77F599C6E8

    As you can see by his username he is off into the distance out of bounds. Very strange indeed.

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