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Posts posted by truthless

  1. It's not RNG. Well, it is RNG, just not in that way. Only the Eximus have a chance of dropping traces. Eximus only have a chance of spawning when you hand in a node. Doesn't matter how long you wait, the gain will be the same. The one exception is if you don't kill the Eximus that've spawned before closing the rift. So, hand in 9, kill all Eximus, hand in 10th.

  2. #1 - Whenever I leave a mission my warframe is stuck in the kneeling position used when looking at the Nav chart. I can't move unless I perform a slide (shift+crouch) in some direction, which causes my warframe to slide in that direction, yet remain in the kneeling position. The only way to break out of this seems to be to hit Escape currently.

    #2 - Whenever I start a mission, I'm stuck in ADS. If I perform some various movements, like bullet jumping etc, it'll break out of the ADS but then my ADS button doesn't work afterwards. Rebinding ADS to another key has made no difference. This also applies to Archwing missions btw.

  3. I'm sure I'm not the only one saving every weapon after they level it up and what not. I have around 90% of them and it's starting to get a bit crowded... to the point where it's annoying to look for which ones I haven't leveled yet, or which I might've started leveling but for some reason not finish. Never mind looking for a particular weapon that I might not remember the name of, but maybe I knew it was a slashing type.

    Has there been any talk about allowing more advanced sorting and filtering of weapons in the Arsenal? I'm thinking about things like hiding all max rank weapons, sorting by rank of weapons, filtering/sorting on weapon damage type, etc.

  4. It would be great if we could get more than a week's notice on when primes are being vaulted. I had a lot of things to do this weekend, so only had time to do about 400 waves without getting an ember BP (last piece I needed), and eventually had to resort to buying it for 100p.



    so can i not get it anymore or will it be after today?


    As of writing this, it's still available for another 6 hours.

  5. I recently went on vacation and brought my laptop, which still has Warframe installed regularly instead of through Steam. Internet being poor where I was, decided to not redownload the game.


    Now here's the rub. While on vacation I picked up the Brawler Mastery 1 challenge. When I got back home, this achievement was not synced with steam. I kept going with the same fist weapon until I got the Brawler Mastery 2 challenge, which also unlocked the corresponding Steam achievement - but the Brawler Mastery 1 is still under "so close...".


    Is there some way for me to force Steam to recheck my challenges and update achievements? Will a reinstall of Warframe (via Steam) fix it?

  6. Sure, I'll do it. But only if you go out and purchase the dice for me. I don't have a D5 or a D8 just sitting around. I will also ask that you pay me since sitting around, dropping, and recording die rolls is not my idea of a fun past time.


    Pretty sure you also won't live long enough to throw the D8 a few million times.

  7. somebody screened a response to a ticket and uploaded it here a while ago, they confirmed the different rarities there


    That's good to know - I thought they (or at least some of them) truly believed that it was equal rarity, based on Rebecca's statement when the Void loot list was released.

  8. If I drop a six-sided die six times, I'm not likely to get each side represented in that sample. Assuming each part has equal rarity the same would hold true here.


    I challenge you to drop a 5-sided die 21 times, getting 3 twice, 4 once and never 5.


    Even better: drop a 8-sided die 150 times and not getting 8 once.

  9. On Survival II we burned over 25 keys at 35 minutes each (so a total of at least 150 rewards) before we got 1 Fang Prime Blade.


    Assuming equal chance drops, the chances for going 150 rewards in a row without getting a particular reward from a pool of 8 (6 + core and cash) possible rewards is approximately 2*10^-9. That's 0.00000002%.


    There's RNG, and then there's blatantly false information.


    edit: Fixed math.

  10. @4 Just press Z to see other players Health. it obscures  chat though,


    My bad, didn't know of this feature. Still, it would be nice if it was visible by default and in a position that isn't taking up vital screenspace. An MMORPG-like display, if you will.

  11. 1-Perhaps instead of having a faded endpoint, keep the normal icon at the endpoint, and make a new arrow-like icon at the midpoint, so that players who know how to navigate the room can ignore the midpoint and be able to go to the endpoint again. Just having the waypoint at the midpoint is really detrimental to quick room navigation. For players that can't / don't want to figure out how to get around a room, they can watch the midpoint as it takes them along the longest route to the exit, but players that want to get along in the mission are forced to run around to every door until the waypoint bothers to show which one is the one they need to go out.

    2- I also feel like waypoints that have been locked-on to resources should last twice as long as waypoints that aren't pointing at anything.


    Nice addendums, I agree :) Adding them to the original post, if you don't mind.

  12. Having played a lot of online lately, I would love to see the waypoint system enhanced. It's the primary form of communication, especially since it transcends language barriers and allows the player to keep playing without having to stop and type. Here's a few of my suggestions on how to improve the system;


    1) Always show the endpoint of the waypoint, not just the "partway" point. Big, multi-tiered rooms like the Grineer Galleon Endless Defense room easily trick you into going a long way around to somewhere you could've just as easily jumped off a ledge if you had known. A good solution is to have the endpoint be visible, but faded out, when there's a partway point.


    2) "Resource", and perhaps a separate entry for "Research" should be automatically tagged when you point straight at it (as it is with Module currently). With how important resources have become, I don't see why they should disappear completely either after you pick them up. Allow them an after-glow like the modules have, until each player has picked them up.


    3) Holding down the waypoint hotkey should pop up a "com-rose" which allows you to pick between different waypoint options by flicking your mouse to that side and releasing it. Module/Resource/Research being the obvious ones, but others could be useful; "Defend" and "Attack" come to mind.


    4) Consider having a way to tell the waypoints apart. Something as simple as having a 1/2/3/4 in front of the waypoint tag, with each number assigned to a player. (Why aren't all players health and energy bars not always visible by the way? Why do we have to escape out to show this?)


    5) Allow us a way to remove a waypoint. Waypointing a second time on the same spot for example, or as an option on the com-rose mentioned above in point 3.


    Anyway, those are my ideas. Might add more later if I think of anything else.


    Will highlight some replies below, which I thought were good additions!


    1-Perhaps instead of having a faded endpoint, keep the normal icon at the endpoint, and make a new arrow-like icon at the midpoint, so that players who know how to navigate the room can ignore the midpoint and be able to go to the endpoint again. Just having the waypoint at the midpoint is really detrimental to quick room navigation. For players that can't / don't want to figure out how to get around a room, they can watch the midpoint as it takes them along the longest route to the exit, but players that want to get along in the mission are forced to run around to every door until the waypoint bothers to show which one is the one they need to go out.

    2- I also feel like waypoints that have been locked-on to resources should last twice as long as waypoints that aren't pointing at anything.



    I think generally waypoints could use some love.

    1 and 2 I agree with. 3 I kind of agree with. Waypoint options would be great, but to head off any griefing at the pass I would not allow "Module", "Resource"/"Material" or "Enemy" to be player-selectable options. This, plus a fix for the host's waypoints not registering when modules are targeted would keep the important stuff out of griefer's reach, without harming gameplay for others.

    4 - again, absolutely. 1/2/3/4 or, even easier, the player's name accompanying the waypoint marker.


    As for your parentheses - I believe Z is the default key to show squad vital statistics. By default, unfortunately, it displays in the busy area where chat and the Lotus pop up. No doubt this will get some consideration in the UI overhaul, when they get to the HUD.

  13. Game performance is flawless when I play with friends. I use a ping limit of 200 (100 below the default of 300).


    It's almost exclusively a problem when I play on the europe server and I almost always try to chat up the host, they always have bad english skils, which lead me to believe it's eastern europeans with limited uploads. Their nets are not good for hosting games.


    I can see how they'd oversee this as most people in NA have decent uploads, but when you're sitting on modem speeds you can't really be hosting a fps game for 4 players.

  14. I'm not sure if this counts as a bug or just a grievous error in the matchmaking. In short, you guys need to take a look at how much bandwidth a host requires and adapt the online mode to suit that. More than half the time I queue online I end up with a laggy host. We're talking monstrous "oh I guess I missed that wave" in endless defense kind of lag. Delays beyond 5-10 seconds for your shots, abilities and pickups to register. It makes the game literally unplayable.


    I have way more issues with it in Europe than when I queue on NA East (even though I reside in Sweden), so I'm guessing it's all the eastern europe countries who have low bandwidth and can't manage to host a 4-player game. More severe checks need to be put in place for this so that these players aren't made to host, but rather forced to join hosts who fulfill the minimum bandwidth requirements.

  15. Just failed my mastery test because of it. Died countless times in missions because of it. Please fix it already.


    For those who don't know what I'm talking about, sometimes while you're reloading and you switch weapon, you'll get "stuck". Your reloading weapon will not reload, and your secondary weapon won't fire. You'll be able to melee, but that's it. Only way I've found to reliably break it is to get knocked down or die.

  16. Recently I got stuck in a mission alert for the the new Swindle Loki helmet. Whilst running (manly) away from a few nefarious Chargers, throwing my Hikou at them, I accidentally backed into a hole and fell down. It was in one of the new rooms (for the Grineer Galleon I believe) added in the recent patch, so I assume it slipped by testing.


    The hole I ended up in was small, square and had a bloodish looking liquid at the bottom. The bottom was clear, but there was a big pillar in the middle surrounded by four pillars at each of the corners. The corner pillars were only possible to get beneath if you slide, but the middle was possible to walk under. I assume you're meant to get reset back to the top, but I didn't. Two of the walls were viable for wall-running, alas, those two didn't have enough space next to the middle pillar to allow me to squeeze back up.


    In retrospect I should probably have taken a screenshot or two, but I was a bit &!$$ed off about missing the helmet at the time.

  17. This topic perplexes me a little now that I have stewed on it a little more.  I understand that players want to spend time with their friends. 


    One solution that players are trying is the creation of small clans for just them and their friends.  I see nothing wrong with this and I am glad you guys are enjoying Warframe together! =)


    The opposite part is the Dojo aspect of a clan.  The Dojo (as it stands right now) is structured that if you want to complete a building project quickly, you will need a certain amount of active players contributing to the resources of each build project.


    Without recruiting more players, the length of time to build a small section of the Dojo will take a good amount of time.  I am not sure this is short sighted by DE.  If you want more immediate results, you need to build your clan.  If you do not want to build your clan, how different is than just playing with people on your contact list?  Granted, you get an extra channel to talk in, but if you have a voice chat software then that may be a litte moot or at least Clan chat would be used less.  Right now and other than events like the Moa event, your clan name is only going to be seen on a recruitment forum post or your clan website.


    If you want more immediate results and DE does not restructure build requirments, why not look for a little bit larger clan that is already pre-established? 


    I am one of the officers of my current clan and I spend time out of each gaming night to review Dojo progress, answer recruitment questions, help farm Void keys, run Void missions for people wanting their prime bluprints, and then I spend time on my own to level a Warframe that is not going to slow down clan farming.  I find the game relaxing and I do not see any obstacles on our Dojo needs because we have generous members and we recruit people who fit in with the idea being helpful, contributing members and not just for resources, but more importantly time with us.


    I hope all clans have success in building their respective Dojos and DE evaluates a way to perhaps offer different avenues that could boost smaller clans.




    Quantum Entanglement


    You're missing the point I think. Even if there were no rewards, I would like to build and maintain the Dojo with my friends. A sort of "base of our own". An accomplishment that we could strive for together. You lose that when you join a big clan in the sense you're proposing, and basically you're just collecting the rewards without any sense of accomplishment. Does that make sense?


    Not trying to say big clans are bad. They're probably great if you have a big community of friends playing the game. But I wouldn't want to be in a big clan with a bunch of people I never play with, just to collect the rewards of their Dojo. I want to build my own Dojo with my friends.

  18. This is easily fixable by implementing a cost to unlock rooms for new members of the clan to use.


    A certain fee (in resources) would have to be paid to unlock a room for use by a new member. Thus is such exploiting prevented.


    Transferring the cost of building rooms and research from the group to the individual kind of removes from the sense of accomplishment of working on something together, though. I don't think that's a good thing, nor do I think devs consider that a solution.

  19. Well, my clan is currently 5 members, 2 of us are pretty active with a 3rd part-time active and the other two not playing more than once a week. We cannot even begin to approach the costs needed to build anything, and we have no interest in joining a larger clan. Some sort of scaling needs to happen or this feature is essentially dead for us.

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