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Posts posted by DanteYoda

  1. 7 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    I have to ask, why bother buying K-Drives?


    My reasoning goes like this: even if you're only buying the K-Drive so you can level it for the Mastery, the way that Ventkids Standing gain works is that ranking up your board by doing tricks and things will in itself cause you to qualify for the next rank and get the blueprint for the next board, easy peasy. You know that's how the Ventkids Syndicate gain works, yes, that you gain rank points with them through the exact same mechanic that you use to level up the board? It's as if the Affinity gain from killing stuff with a Zaw got converted into Ostron Standing, thus meaning that by the time you've ranked up the Zaw to 30 you automatically gain enough points to get the blueprints for another Zaw.

    K-drives are far more fun than Archwings

  2. 5 hours ago, ChaoticEdge said:


    Feel like that is correct answer why would I buy it a zaw that is just...terrible in stats? I find nikana zaw every time I go to the shop but none impress me because I made my zaw for vampire type katana and yes I build one for that type occasion. Not perfect but good enough deal with enemies who is lvl 30-60 enemies at lest its not all bombardier enemies.  So no I don't buy already made zaw for its completely useless because of 1 its not modified to my liking for the reason.

    Maybe DE should put the NPC in command that you want a zaw that focus this type next time you come back like next timing for it so the zaw will be sold for plat.

    I have a Riven for one..

  3. Does the rotation not exist? Can you not get Nikana zaws for the daily sale, if so why not? as i've been going to cetus for weeks now.. but never any nikanas..


    And why are Nikana zaws so buggy, i can't even preview them.

  4. 12 hours ago, -NightmareMoon- said:

    another moron, do you even know how armor and damage work on this game? the fools on this game never seize to amaze me,  I don't have to photoshop anything to state a point, but ofc this dude that created his account no less than 3 months know better than me lol

    Go with a video, screenshots can be doctored..

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, JarodDempsey said:

    basically summarized all of my issues in the large followup post i made with just 1 sentence lol but fr totally agree.

    I like the idea of Baruuk but as he is now he totally isn't working in an online multiplayer game.. His mechanics do not promote team play at all.

  6. I really don't get this warframe.. It goes against everything Warframe the game is and its kinda pointless.. Another sounds good in theory but plays horrible... Standing around losing passive? to actually attack is selfish and kinda pointless to your team.. It takes far to long to strip and makes you useless to your team..

    His number 1 should be 360 degrees at rank 1.. if they must keep this mechanic..(or better yet completely overhauled), his number 2 gets blocked by everything. number 3 is lackluster and 4 locked behind silly gating..

    Honestly even with his number 4 Wukong is better, at least Wukong can actually attack things.. Badly... but at least he tries to help his team, Baruuk is nothing but a hindrance.

  7. On 2018-12-18 at 8:17 PM, (XB1)ZAYNE 79 said:


    You have a mod problem then 😉

    Doesn't everyone at lower (newer to the game) levels, that imo is a mechanics issue not a players.. If mods don't drop because of RNG then its the games fault.

    No one wants to help newer customers do story missions even hard ones because high levels get no rewards from them so new players are stuck doing them solo, explain how a new customer can do the ABCD point games solo or 15 rounds on a defend solo.. they have limited warframes, limited mods and no one to help because zero incentives..

    You stagnate in the star chart for weeks and see how fast you uninstall warframe..

  8. On 2018-12-01 at 1:29 AM, Oreades said:

    Why? I enjoy spy and already hate having my mission type changed so might as well have it change to a mode I actually enjoy. 

    Plus maybe just maybe it would be a wakeup call about how irritating the mechanic is to the people who keep defending the mission objective changing as being fine because it's just a nominal inconvenience. Cause I'd bet that they change their tune real fast if it changed to a nominal inconvenience that was just slightly more nominal than they are willing to deal with.

    Worst case scenario people actually might finally get good at spy missions instead of constantly needing hard carries for the Sorties. 

    They are too easy to fail and it wastes my hard time.

  9. I have a similar issue with Saryns spores at least at low levels they die so fast its impossible to get anything with spores.. even up to neptune, Saryn has spore generation issues, i hope Baruuk doesn't have similar issues as i totally ignore saryn now, and i will Baruuk as well.

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