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Posts posted by Ahrimansiah

  1. When you upgrade your seeker volley it will still fire the basic number of missiles, in other word upgrading seeker volley doesnt effect it! also the new look is terrible! not sure if its intended or bug but old effect (the blue missiles) were far superior and fun to watch

  2. Im kinda not sure if its bug or intended but new seeker volley Visuals are changed and have no effect at all, no longer have after burner smoke or visual explosive effect, if its intended the new visuals are TERRIBLE! the old ones were far more cool and made u feel the power of the voller... please either FIX or RETURN the old one thanks.

  3. Hey so i have a very powerful pc i can play all new games easily without any problem so there is no need to tell whats my spec,

    Like many others i have overheating problem when i play warframe my PC overheat in very short time like less than 1 hour! (same thing with my laptop) im sure this problem is from warframe side since MANY other ppl have this problem! 


    please fix this asap!

  4. 4 minutes ago, Sormaran said:

    Except sculpture challenge, which im sure will be tweaked, i dont dare to call others even a trifle, not to mention a grind. What are you talking about? You can do them in few minutes.

    They gave us syndicate-like system where you get rewards by doing just challenges, most of which are laughably easy. No payment to advance the ranks, nothing like that. Just challenges. And with creds you can get whatever helmets\other old alert stuff you like. No need to watch the alerts like a hawk.

    I completely disagree, this change is nothing but good and all they need to do is tweak a few challenges... actually, just one, the sculpture one, everything else so far was never even near grinding.

    haha i would love to see how u do x10 survivel or x10 invasion or all eidolon or complete sortie hunt in A MINUTE!! xD in fact u can do sculpture challenge IN A MINUTE! spend 30min in fissure hunt and u will have 20p at least which can give u best of those rewards that this new system give u for RANK6!!!!!

  5. this whole new system is boring and forced!, some ppl need to stop being a FANBOY and start counting! this chores take at least 5 more time than fissure hunting in order to get same reward! u can easily farm 20p in fissure hunting for less than 30min, which can give u a catal or char slot or weapon slot! in fissure u have to get to RANK 6 in  order to get a catal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  6. One of the reasons i love warframe for is the fact that grinding was not forced but rather a choice! because u get most of things such as XP or Materials and items by simply playing the game however u want whenever u want! the froced grind element in warframe is very small, and thats why i invited my friends to this game! i told them: in warframe ur rewarded for enjoying the game!


    But with this recent nightwave update now im FORCED to do stupid things that i dont need/want to in order to get a simple helmet or nitain extract and etc... why the hell do i have to finish 10 SURVIVAL! 10 invasion! 10 Bounty for somewhere that im exalted with and etc, in order to get just an helmet! farming the nightwave tokens for buying rewards get far more time than farming fissures for plat in order to get exact same reward! i can farm a fissure and get 20p for less than a 30min in order to buy char slot or weapon slot or catalyst!... also old alert system motivated me to back to game whenever a alert with good reward poped up on my cell phone! which most of times resulted continue playing even after doing the alert! now i can force my self to finish all this stupid night wave missions in one day and get annoyed to hell and then wait for next challenges


    I cannot believe that such brilliant minds behind warframe did came up with such a BAD idea! "DE team: Yeah lets force players to do random S#&$ which they dont want/need, to FORCE them to play more! yeaaaah lets force them to do a couple of boring missions 10 TIMES EACH or or force them to do some high rank hunts that is not for their rank so either they are stuck with low rank repeat boring missions or beg other high ranks to carry them on eidolon hunts!!! thats how u make a game fun and rewarding yayyyy...." really? -.-


    i have couple of suggestions pick whatever u think is better:

    1. Reduce the difficulty of missions, like instead of needing to do x10 of that mission, make it x3 and make high rank missions such as eidolon hunt FAR MORE rewarding! i mean for f sake 3 eidolons reward it self is 10 times better than the reward u get from nightwave.

    2. Make this nightwave missions a completely separate event with its own rewards and give us back alerts!

    3. Give players Choice over their missions, EX: give 15 mission with high reputation rewards but close to each other! BUT allow player to only pick 5 of them for them selves! this way we can find the missions we want and only play what we need/like and be rewarded and leave those that we do not need!



    This new system is an step backward to all those forced grind MMOs out there! dont break the fun and freedom of Warframe.


    • Like 3
  7. @Birdframe_Prime

    there are far better way and creative ways to keep the grind and playing alive instead of forcing grinding for days without even enjoying it a bit! as i said they could do the same system but at least make it a separate item instead of making it an attachment for each part and item! that way i could enjoy my reguler play by switching my frames and weapons and do my regular fun/missions an updating my focus in same time!

    ALL that was needed to be done was to make lenses work like mods instead of permanent attachments! EVERYTHING else could have stay the same!

  8. yo do realize

    13 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    You have to use specific loadouts but that's it. You can't complain if you are doing it wrong though! It's like saying "damn my Loki can't oneshot large groups with his abilities". It's not his kit. Or with Rhino: "Spy missions are too hard because enemies always see me"

    Absolutely not!

    There is a large variety (Saryn, Volt, Equinox, Rhino, Nova, Trinity etc). Weapons are also completely free to pick. You just haven't thought of a way you could like it!

    Before PoE last year November the only way to get new lenses was Sorties! So 1 chance a day to get small lenses. Also no Eidolon lenses existed!

    Then don't do it. Like you said: it's not the main gameplay. Just leave it be if you don't have fun with it! It helps ofc but is by far mandatory.


    Here are three tips, so I'm not just nagging:

    1. Put your lens on dps frames (Volt, Saryn, Equinox) and play ESO (2 or 3 runs should get you 360k Focus)
    2. Put your lens on any Melee weapon (and play support in ESO Trinity, Rhino, Nova etc) (one run gives you 360k if the dps doesn't suck!)
    3. Use your lenses on Banshee/Scoliac or Equinox/any hard hitting melee with range (Polearms) and do Adaro runs.

    at point 2 (this was after 6 Zones)



    at point 3 (1 run Adaro each, also forgot Naramon passive on Banshee)banshee_focus.jpg


    yo do realize that u have to upgrade lenses and then add it to warframe and at least 1 weapon in order to get enough affinity to start with right?
    and u do realize that if i have like 6-10 warframe and i want to play with them all i have to do ALL THE MENTIONED above for EACH of the separately! because if i dont then i have to only focus to play with 1 warframe and 1 weapons!

    and now, DO YOU REALIZE how much grind or plat it will actually take to have multi warframe loadout with decent lense?!!! i dont care if u want to defend this mechanism with your life but this is way stupid grind! there is no reason behind it and no fun in it to upgrade and  ATTACH an stupid item to a piece of armor/armor which CANNOT be reused ever again and play with THAT armor/weapon in order to upgrade something else which is an utility! the damn thing require u the host item to be even max level! so i cannot even add it to a new frame and use it as an excuse to levelup both frame and focus!

    this stupid design is both anti fun for player and anti cash for company! if they would add some form of Focus boost in shop it would have sold far better than this lenses!

    before u start about grind, as i said before Grind use to be fun and rewarding on other aspects of this game! and not all players have 24h free to grind and play! when we are talking about a grind subject we should put casual players as our reference!

  9. Ok i will start with some of positives sides this game have compared to almost all other MMO and online games!
     one of the things that i LOVE about warframe is how easy, fun AND rewarding it is to farm most of things u want! the game instead of forcing you to do hours, days and weeks of farming just for a single item instead it make it easy to get items u want and reward you well BUT putt ALOT of cool things that u want to farm on table so it will make u busy for hours, days, weeks and months (for most items!) and i LOVED this system!

    But ONE exception exist! and its lvling up ur operator which is done by Focus lense system which is an stupid system design! not only it force you to main one loadout (warframe and weapons) but its also painfully slow and force you to play limited mods which are best for gaining affinity!

    I dont understand such GRIND FEST system when operator is not the MAIN gameplay and is simply an utility addon for ur warframe! not to mention that farming ur amps and operator's cosmetic take u already enough time and have their own liner method (killing sentinels in POE again again and again) but my BIGGEST PROBLEM is how Lenses works! they force you to focus on one weapon set and one frame! (ofcourse if u dont wana grind even more for more lenses to make the better version to add on a new frame or spend a MASSIVE amount of plat to make a second loadout with lenses)

    I love to play with different warframes and weapon loadouts on different missions, and i have MANY but this system is forcing me to pick only 1 and always play with that!

    Why cant we have operator lvling up its focus by its own usage just like other warframe equipment (and ofcourse less nightmarish grindy)? or at least make lenses attach to our operator's AMP (and ofcourse again less grindy) if none of this then AT LEAST make lenses like mods!!! so once i got it i can attach it to different warframes and weapons whenever i want instead of permanent attachment for one!

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