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Posts posted by victorcas

  1. As it says in the title, if you have an exalted weapon active, and disable it while you have no weapon equiped, you cannot do anything until you get your weapon back.

    This just happened to me. I had just a Ferrox equipped. Throwed it and then activated Mesa's peacemaker. When I disabled peacemaker ability (while ferrox was still stuck on a wall), I wasn't able to use any other ability o to use transference. I was still able to walk tho, so I just had to walk and pick Ferrox from that wall. Then I could use abilities and transference again. If you keep repeating this process you will still be bugged everytime.

  2. I was playing a 50 min survival arbitration when I died. My team went to extraction and I got the following error message ( https://imgur.com/TWJ3aR7 ). It wasn't loading for like 5 minutes so I decided to hit the abort update. When returned to the orbiter I got nothing and I had no "last mission results" option on the menu. I tried to exit the game and relogin but still didn't have anything.


  3. While doing an eidolon hunt, I entered the Warframe from my operator at the same time the eidolon did the stomp on the ground, causing my frame to fall under the map. Unstuck didn't work, and couldn't use archwings/kdrive either.

    Also, in the same mission, one of my mates was stuck on operator mode without the ability to use primary fire or jump, he coudn't enter warframe either.


  4. Yeah, I've experienced this a lot on eidolons. In my case I was able only to walk or use gear items. And to remove that condition I had to completely die and respawn manually, or to use the k-drive/archgun.

    The problem comes when the same happens and you are in operator mode, in which case you cannot use those gear items, so you must wait for the eidolon to kill you and it takes a long while. 

    Also, while in that condition I couldn't even use the chat, so don't know if the unstuck command works, couldn't even try it. 

    • Like 1
  5. I thought this bug was solved on a previous patch but apparently it still exists.

    When finished a mission this random Excalibur label appeared as if it was another item gainig affinity.




    It happened again in the next mission:



    I'm doing fast lich missions (rescue, captures, etc) on Mars with Baruuk, don't know if it has nothing to do.


    Edit 2:

    I think it have to do with the number of items displayed, if the last row of items is full (3 in the image) it will add a new placeholder item in a new row(the excalibur one), but if this number is less it will display the correct items.

  6. When throwing a speargun with the alternate fire, if it hits an enemy, it will be attached to the enemy even when he is dead so, if the enemy the spear is attached to dies, you won't be able to take it back until the throw time ends, because the spear disappears with the enemy.

  7. 8 hours ago, Fanzschnabs said:

    Same here, and it's actually also "visible" in the "MODS" part of the end-of-mission reward screen. there is a line under which no render is done, as expanding the top mod by hovering above it shows the very bottom of it being clipped too.

    Quoting to notify fellow tennos above :

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    Did you guys happen to update your Video Drivers recently ? I didn't have this bug after the latest patch, yet in-between I did update to the last nVidia drivers. This might help pinpoint the origin of this particular bug.

    I did not, my last update was from december. And I've just come back from ESO and they are displayed correctly, so it doesn't happen all the time. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, Regulus_Prime said:

    Happened to me too. Just left ESO, if that helps track it down

    Maybe has something to do with returning to orbiter, cause just happened to me again when returning from a relay.

  9. When on anomaly ship on railjack, I walked into the "boost tube" that brings you flying to another sector of that anomaly ship, but instead of bringing me to the other part, it throw me straight forward into infinite.

    After a while I was auto-respawned into the las part of the map I was (before taking that tube), but I wasn't able to take that tube again. Actually I couldn't use any button that's not the WASD for movement and ESC for menu. T for chat wasn't working even, so I coudn't use the /unstuck command, coudn't attack nor jump, just move.

    Also, I was in an state where I could walk wherever I want, and I had the effect off that speed tube, like I was still in there.

    Attach image: https://imgur.com/FryzLi1

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