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Posts posted by (NSW)SummerX

  1. Same here but I bit the bullet and got the accessories pack. I can confirm that I used to understand the descriptions of both in-game and eshop page similar to OP. It should be made clearer. There should be an in-game detail page stating price and its content before taking user to eshop.

  2. Last night I posted this: 


    Full disclosure: I was a Warframe virgin until Switch version came out. I dumped roughly $250 already and planned to do more when the next prime come out. I have a very big account on multiple games and some I gave up because the devs were not actively banning people. Letting these people go does hurt the payers directly. Nintendo Switch is one of the weakest platforms in term of security. 

    In that thread, I asked:

    "Is there a raid regularly?"

    "Will DE do something?"

    There were replies that give me insight into the system as I'm new to DE. However, @NovusNova closed my thread due to:

    "Buying platinum from 3rd party sites not approved by DE (only the official site, steam and console stores are approved) then you are breaking the TOS and EULA.

    All that will happen is that you will be banned from the game and lose your money as DE will not honor the transaction if something goes wrong, such as if they take your money and never give the platinum they promised you.

    Only buy platinum from official stores."

    The mod did not read the thread clearly and assumed that I'm going to buy the platinum from aforementioned method to justify putting an end to the discussion. I understand that my thread can be implied that way but it dis not asked "Can I buy platinum from xxx?"

    I think discussing it will provide feedback to DE that people care about this issues as it's not fair for players who pay for this game.

    I understand that this kind of topic is sensitive at times but the moderators should not banning the discussion completely as staying silent will make people hush hush and let platinum sellers roam more free.


  3. I heard it 2-3 time today. It was like a buzz sound with high pitch. It freaked me out every times. I tried to record the second time it happened but forgot that I can't capture a video.

    This happened randomly. I'm a new player with account, playing through first few planets.

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