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Posts posted by CinderSail

  1. TYPE: In-Game, Railjack Missions

    DESCRIPTION: The ship killer platform doesn't always get disabled correctly. Sometimes after disabling it, it will keep firing and no longer have a cooldown inbetween shots.

    VISUAL: nzuUcBD.jpg

    REPRODUCTION: Unknown, I think it only happens if it was shooting at something when it was disabled but I am unsure.

    EXPECTED RESULT: The ship killer platform should stop shooting when it is disabled.

    OBSERVED RESULT: The ship killer platform keeps shooting after it is disabled and loses the cooldown between its shots.


  2. I want to have a change for electrical hazards. Currently they disable the tactical map completely but doing this disables remote repair. Disabling the tactical map also makes you unable to switch the roles of your crew until it is either repaired or you leave your ship. It's kinda silly I can give my crew orders while I'm on archwing but not while actually on the railjack with them.

    The change to electrical hazards I'd propose is to have it leave the tactical map enabled but disable everything except showing hazards and allowing crew control. I'd also want an exception to allow the tactical mod fire suppresion. This would make remote repair work for people who have earned it and make it so you could actually control your crew while being on the ship with them, while still keeping the spirit of the hazard the same.

    Even if it stays mostly the same as it is now, I'd still appreciate it being changed so I can at least control my crew without leaving my ship.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, fatherfakes said:

    will it work on the acceltra?


    26 minutes ago, (PSN)VKPButcher said:

    Nope since that is a rotation reward from Disruption and not a drop from an actual enemy.

    It is actually a drop from the demolishers, not a rotation reward, so Nekros' ability should work fine. The only issue is they can nullify your ability so you have to recast it.

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  4. I would previously always have this issue if I tried to enable High Dynamic Range so it is not a new thing, but now it is enabled with no way to turn it off.

    It also makes health and energy orbs darker. Enemy abilities such as nullifier bubbles are a lot more see-though and harder to spot.

    Raising your effect intensity helps these issues a bit but it is not as good as it used to be, even at max.

  5. There is a problem using tactical 4 to teleport back to your railjack from an exploding crewship when it is going to explode in 4-5 seconds.

    The first bug is sometimes it puts you on your archwing inside the railjack when you teleport back. Leaving the railjack and reentering will still have you on your archwing. Trying to use the turrets or helm will make you completely stuck, unable to pilot/attack, and unable to exit it.

    The second bug is the explosion lighting can sometimes happen inside the railjack. It will get really bright and then turn 100% black. I found teleporting using the tactical menu to another part of the railjack fixes it.

  6. My operator was not working correctly while in a railjack mission. I lost the ability to go into the void at all while crouching, I could not void dash, and I was immune to all damage the whole time I was on my operator. I also could not attack and it appeared as if my operator did not have her amp equipped on her arm.

    I do not know exactly what caused it but it may be because I was in my operator on my railjack before starting my mission, although I did go back to my warframe before actually selecting it.




  7. The name on my railjack keeps floating away. The farther away I am from the name, the farther it moves. I didn't do anything specific to get it happen. It just always happens for me. I can't see the name on it at all while on arching in a railjack mission.




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