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Posts posted by CombatTeddy

  1. nekros have a heart? :l, i think he is like the death.. he have no soul and heart. xD


    but the draw is excellent :D


    how do you explain the hole in his chest and heart in his hand?


  2. why does it seem that everyone has a girlfriend who plays awesome games and together whenever my girlfriend plays game(rarely) she tells me not to play, doesnt make sense to me


    Well my girlfriend dosn't play warframe, i just showed her the warframe wiki and told her to pick one.


    Mine is a big geeky girl so she dosn't mine me and my games.

  3. 28ahwlk.jpg


    "We risk our Ace of Hearts for a all or nothing gamble"


    My second sketch more detailed and more with a story. The Saryn was picked by my girlfriend and i represent the Nekros, because i relate to him. I will be making a better detailed by making it go through a printer scanner and then painting it in. Al-tho I'm bad and painting or coloring it in i will ask someone for help.

  4. Welcome! 


    Bears are awesome.


    Werebears even more so.


    Nice skyrim reference. :3


    I'm a dinosaur. We should become crime-fighting buddies.


    As long as your the get away, Cops wont get close to a dinosaur.

  5. NO! I'm da bear!


    But in all seriousness welcome! I've seen your post a while back and I gotta say I really like the idea of predator style rhino. I wish I could do quick doodles like that! XP


    Hey there, we can live prosperously like mammals. I'm just a wanderlust bear traveling around and such.


    Wouldn't say it was quick, but it di take me half an hour. Nevertheless you can to draw like i can it's all about the POP (Patience, Observing, Practice). I am in the project on making another drawing, maybe I'll even pain it. Just maybe.


    Edit: Yea i do poke my head in the Fan Art sub section of the forums every now and then.

  6. yup...


    Not much to socialize community wise.


    but in a nutshell I've have already over 250 hours into this game and past late to introduce myself. I own 4 Frames for 4 different situations. Rhino (Tank), Nekros (Support), Saryn (DPS/ Offensive), and Trinity (Healer). At the moment Rhino's ultimate tank set is what I'm working on and its taking a long time to get all the 10 rank mods it has to the max. Used Nekros a little, taped Trinity for a day and not yet touch Saryn. (Sorry Saryn).


    I personally do commentary, but not so much. I will do a recording on Warframe once i figure out what will be a good first video. I also am a skilled drawer and sketches. I'm not the greatest so don't pin me or my work to be the greatest. Example of one here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/123452-rhino-corpus-modified-by-combatteddy/#entry1457695 On that note i will also does in that I'm bad at actually painting things in, so sketches is what i normally do.


    That pretty much covers everything in a nutshell.

  7. Soul Calibur is actually hemorrhaging fans right now and their attempt to sexy up each successive installment isn't helping.

    If anything it's driving people away.

    Even in house it's not going well. Apparently Soul Cal 6 is in development hell partially because Ivy's breasts have reached critical mass and the Devs are arguing about them. That is such a ridiculous statement. Ugh.


    Ok :3 but you know what i mean, it be nice to see saryn with physics

  8. Nice.WarMachine inspired Frame?

    Hell if the Cybermen can have abs then why not!

    Nice concept, Clean & sleek look.





    awe geez making me blush here. Its not really a "War Machine" inspired frame. Just to clear the air Its not movie inspired. I see warframes like the giant mechs in Armored Core. (Wich im a HUGE fan of... no kidding i own all there games except for the 3rd gen consules.) Also i like to neat and clean, any pencil smuges i do i erase them.


    Ive been itchin to give another go at drawing a more accurate frame wrather than modifing it myself.(but i lose concetration of the though and forget about it, i basicly critic myself before i even make it)




    I have not even been to the OD since forever, i gave up once i only got 2 helmets and a chassis from lephantis.


    If you like you can piggy-back ride me and my rhino. 990 shield/860 Health, i is a beefy frame :3

  9. I'd like to join.  


    30 volt, strun, lex, scindo.  


    18 mag 12(ish) bo. 


    8 frost braton furis dual ether  


    looking for void runs. 




    and im in europe region for now. 


    Not only do we have keys for voids we also have good people to play them with.Also we welcome all races and regions. Its alright of you do or don't have good frames. We assist who wish to be assisted. :3

  10. Hello, Im a bear. :3


    Yui can i get your opinion on my sketch?




                                                                                                                                                                   -Yui Fan

                                                                                                                                                                               C.T. :3

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