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Posts posted by tribal556

  1. perhaps you could hide maxed mods, or put a sign on thoses, to see thoses mods are maxed without having to click or remembring max lv of each mods..



    i say that because "installed" Mods page is almost only used to upgrade mods..  displaying maxed mods here is useless, unless Mods  are clearly defined as "maxed" ..could be a nice small sign, like the lotus one, on one corner, or a small gold line  (color of mod)...whatever... discreet but visible.

    (but maxed mods should be displayed, for the user to see what other mod should be upgraded first)

    the overall setup of a weapon or Warframe can be, and should be checked on "upgrade" page, to  see polarities,mods avaiable,etc..

    so this page "installed mods" should be optimized for upgrades...not overall view.

    just a small suggestion, it s already nicely functionnal !


    Edit; anyway it s cool to see which mods are maxed..

  2. it ll not make any weapon worse, but better in its role ! (comparatively)..

    so i don't see where s the problem, + it ll make gameplay more interesting... no more OP all around weapon with high damage ..

    if each squad member have a role, it s better for teamplay,co-op..


      Also Warframe skills may be a bit more specific instead of killing everything...

    It could make game harder (lot of people complaining it s too easy)


    I would like to see Weapon restricted to Warframe or at least heavy weapoons to slow user down, and light one to give speed bonus...would make thing a bit more tactical..

  3. Having myself  played ~ 170 hours (rank 7) i agree with most points and started to feel the lack of goals... but,


     Constant grind for weapons and warframe experience:


    - Warfame offer at least 100-150 hours of exciting, totally free to play gaming, before getting repetitive so i find it a bit rude...

    Even cash shop items can be awarded for free... it should be noted.


    Lack of efficient ways to grind experience:

    - Again, this is not boring until hundreds of hours spent online... i find the grind to be honest, compared to most MMO.


    Polarities and Forma sucking the life from players:

    This is a bonus, it s not really needed, it s like "reborn" in some MMO

    Starting from scratch with a small bonus, here it s generally 5 or 6 points(or more) gained for a polarity so 10% bonus,

    sounds fair.. (leveling to 30 don't take months, or weeks, but hours or days)

    it s designed for hardcore gamers, so it should some take time, If you forma 5x each of your weapon,well.. it s your choice !


    Farming Credits and Rare Materials:

    Here too, it s reasonable to me... if you don't want to own everything !! Again, only people who wants to complete a game @ 100% are 

    hardcore gamers (by this i mean the gamer that play many hours,everyday).

    For the player who wants a few Weapons and Frames, the ones he likes most, it s not so difficult !!


    Not having requirements. New players leeching:

    I agree, Also conclave rating was removed, killing "natural selection" (where only advanced players  access advanced stuff,cause leechers get kicked)..

    But there s nothing worse than a game where there is a pro community , not talking and not playing with the "noob" community.. the information are not shared anymore, "Pros" are arrogants towards "Noobs" and don't want to waste time with them..

    (We have an excellent wikia,it's true, but people learn to play well by watching more experienced players!)

    So overall it s benefit.

    + we rarely see the word "noob" ingame, it s a good thing, and players kindly revives "noobs" as long as they don't put mission in peril and stay where they should be..(so they learn naturally to move at decent speed and following team action..) 

    Yes that does happen to have hardtime, but it s not so often!!


    Limited Inventory Slots restricting F2P players from long-term play

    Totally agree, i don't think it s restricting people from playing (not that much) but it s sure restricting people from acquiring new stuff (cause they have to throw their loved Frame or weapon , it s even more difficult to throw it when you leveled and formated your old stuff.)

    I am sure its preventing many from ranking up.(and unlocking better weapons)

    Prices of slots are not high, but why force people to dump or stick to items they have already leveled ? (so no more xp or no new wep/frame) 

    I am buying small amount of plats here and then, but i had to delete lot of stuff... (my poor Loki,took me a week to finally delete it)


    ZERO Endgame content:

    I am not so strong yet, but i did most missions and bosses, and Void...without too much troubles..so i agree ....

    the real problem is lack of Endgame rewards..content well, if monsters starts to drop exclusive mods at lv 100,then 150,200 it can be exciting,

    Or allow user to choose difficulty (easy,normal,hard,etc) with scaled rewards, could also help with leechers..(for example must complete hard without dying more than X to unlock very hard..or solo,or killing X monsters,undetected..things like that,idk..)


    Would reward "skilled" and strong players vs careless and weak who die 5x-10x by mission...and triggers alarm a dozen of times

    (some challenge and a incentive to build perfect setup )someone wrote on forums his team kill lv 200+ on defense, only for them to drop the usual mods... disappointing.



    This game is growing, Beta doesn't mean anything today,everything is in Beta , some games are forever "open beta" ..

    Honestly they add new content at  fast pace (vs other mmos) and already offer a great experience !

    So patience...they can't do much more.. Hardcore gamers reach the top fast so when new content is released, as they own everything yet,new content is owned immedialtly .. But i am confident they will add higher level content soon, for people to keep playing.. and buying.. (the game have a potential number of max players,so they will have to keep players entertained , after some time)

    But New players need the best experience first...to attract as much as possible...

  4. I know it works well, it s because my connection is weak, (i don't say there s any problem ingame, it s just an observation)

    but i find it weird any weapon does work and Ignis cause me troubles! 

  5. I have tried this several times .... i can play normally with any weapons(no lag), but as soon as i fire Ignis at ennemies ...after a few hits (~10) the game start to lag, i can't pickup items anymore, nor switching weapons... and teamates and monsters are going clearly out of sync ! (or i should say "me" cause it keep running smoothly, just me can't do anything,my hits don't register anymore))

    But the game keeps running and doesn't kick me...i cant' do anything but move around and lag get worse.. (then it make me host,alone after ~10 mins like this, i tried to see if it was "catching up"...but no! it doesn't)

    I know it s sound strange, but that s true, tested it 10x today+, it's all smooth until i use Ignis.

    I am playing on public wifi + "Frozen way" (paid proxy) (yes,i know..) but it does work fine and my ping is average..(i would say around 200ms)

    Perhaps there s not enough bandwidth ("Frozen way" advertise 512kbps).

    I don't have any other AoE weapon to test it , Flux rifle doesn't do it (continous fire)

    Banshee "SonicBoom" or "Sound Quake" or Rhino stomp doesn't lag at all...(multihits) Shotguns = np.

    So i wonder what s different with Ignis? not enough bandwith? too many hits per seconds for me?

    I am just reporting this , i don't care much...

  6. "Nearly no one actually uses even the normal Prova, so don't tell me the Prova Vandal would have changed the world"


    Like anyone used machete ... and all fanboys are complaining at machete wraith today, but it what s decided most people to fight for grineers... 

    anyway you are the one still talking about this..ingame nobody talk about it anymore!

  7. it s not like Primed chamber is needed !! there are maybe only 150-200 people who got it, so it doesn't matter much !

    not because 200 people got + 100% attack on Vectis only we should all get it !


    + perhaps it ll be nerfed in future, because vectis has no clip, and this Mod isn't supposed to give +100% attack every shot !

    If Next sniper released has 10-15 round clip and decent damage, it ll make Vectis looks bad...

  8. almost every MMO do that.. the more players in the game = the worse the average player skill ..


    Also it helps newcommers to catch up with vets... (to avoid having noobs and pros totally separated) It also give vets reason to keep playing and leveling stuff (forma,etc).


    There are some unskilled players that leech their way up to last planets,keep dying but they collect frames parts,ressource and weapons parts and mods with a pathetic conclave rating(guess why it ha been removed?)... also theses people need powerfull stuff for cheap.. or they will be forever useless ! (and as average player age tend to drop constantly, there will be more and more of them)


    So yes it has some drawback, but also lot of benefits...(and keep cash flowing ,of course)


    It ll be balanced by adding very high level content later, probably..

    Get used to it, a popular game is a game played by average Joe, not by hardcore gamers..

  9. The new Stalker is really too strong, 

    Debuff, why not, but then one hit kill (rhino) .... what s the goal? selling "lives" ?


    It has no interest at all if you can't fight him or escape when playing Solo (with supercharged Frame and weapons)

    I am not at home, internet is bad, so i am playing solo a lot this week .


    The stalker already make me fail 3 missions in less than one hour .. perhaps if i play with my best stuff and max shield health ...i could take him down, but i am not even sure.. 

    Also i would not make any XP gain (and solo xp gain is already pathetic).


    + it s spawn really often.. what is it ?insta-kill anyone anytime? failing any mission, hard or easy, after 3 or 15 min? not serious!! and break the fun..


    Also if it can debuff any skill, at least release anti-debuff mod% or something to balance it, Stalker is God now!

    Remove rhino shield,or loki inviisibilty ...what s left? a meat bag.. 

    When playing team, it doesn't matter too much to die, but Solo !


    It was not high lv stalker ...around 40, hit for 1.000+ (armor ?) ... invisble, ultra fast and of course he attack when you fight ennemies...


    And finally someone joined my room mid-mission (forgot to put Solo) , Stalker come for him apparently, i don't had any warning, he didn't told me anything,he quit , and a little while after a Stalker attacked me unexpectedly, failing one more mission !

  10. bzzz, of course it will reappear some day, even this event may be replayed at a later date ..

    this game will probably run for a few years.. they won't create new content and event like this every months...

    And it don't take long to "create" a weapon when you have everything ready (texture,sound,effectscharacter animation,etc,etc..)


     lot of people want theses weapons, there s an expectation , so it would be stupid not to release them soon (few weeks or months)

    now it s been advertised (teaser)


    Devs are not clairvoyant ... they say this and that but it s not set in stone... (exclusive,limited,etc,etc)

  11. ah you are funny, "be mature,be a hero,stop whinning...  "

    lesson is learned, dont expect anymore 2 sided event cause it ll be 100% on winning side this time ! no more "roleplaying" or anything, straight

    to the best rewards !


    i don t even understand how we can talk of win or loose ... There was a choice, majority win, end of story. (not "war" decided )

    Still some got 2 BP they don't really want, other 2 free supercharged weapons +2 free weapon slot...


    it s not "loosers" who divide community, i remind you... but a poorly designed event. .. too much "hate" since day 1... (can t count the number of insult i ve read)

  12. Grinners ,there nothing to be proud of with 65-70% players supporting grineers, you did nothing more than corpus players.. (100+ missions for most people)

    i am not even talking of thoses who supported both side to get all the best rewards..

    kinda sad to reward big the cheapest and greediest players...other thoses who stick to a faction...

  13. well there s no reason to do more than 100 missions for Corpus side...  + battle pay are not so interesting for veterans and clans... 

    I blame the end of event rewards ... (Corpus supporters should  win corpus BP)


    Who will do 500 useless Corpus battles to gain Grineer BP ? seriously?

    I ve done 101 Corpus battle, and it was quite boring cause litlle hope to win ..*


    It s a one sided event... Sacrifice...yea ... finaly i feel dumb, i loose 2x potato and more important = 2 weapon slots for helping Corpus ...

    it s total non sense ... we should have go 100% grineer it would have been the same   

  14. well as a huge clan it s normal to have some drawback,! but it s like this for every clan big or small ..

     it s part of the game ; i don't think there s any big clan that don't have corpus and grineer points mixed.


    the event only last a week, so keep cool ! 

    Btw if 70% of your clan is working together it s nice % (2000+ people!)

    Wikia poll say it s 60% Grineer /40% Corpus (2500 votes) ... so you are still above average

  15. When coloring , the random function only use the default palette.. it would be cool if it s able to choose from any colors the player have unlocked.

    It could bring some nice flashy/disco result and help less inspired players.


    It s not really  a bug, but i don't know where to post this.


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