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  1. When loading into any relic mission in almost all of my void missions on average 2/4 (sometimes 3) people will not have a relic equipped even though they selected it beforehand. They had no knowledge in un-equipping a relic before going into the mission. This leads to a mission completion but only those unaffected by the bug to receive the rewards. Replicated (not consistently) by going into any a relic mission, finding a group, and starting a mission from the very beginning (not jumping into another group). From what i've seen matchmaking from a relay/dojo has a higher chance of triggering this bug. It seems like the group forms, starts the mission, then the missions restarts the que causing the relics to count as "not selected". This is a pretty random bug so i'm not sure how big of a deal it is Edit: after further testing I've found this bug to happen consistently whenever I am a host for a relic session from a dojo.
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