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Posts posted by AlphaRyuuxx

  1. 31 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    problem is the new finisher system makes it now harder to use blind on mass stealth+ finisher damage like before , now its a press finisher when close and that increases the time it takes to kill, so perhaps a defense power could be nice i guess

    its still the same system. They just made it so the animation requires u to press the interact button rather than the melee button. It's just a button change, not a system change. EB waves +blind is still the same

    37 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    have wanted some sort of defensive power with him , but i think like op suggests it could be like harrows were it provided not just for excal but allies, looking at excalibur /caliburn/calidants lore or mythology and find ops idea fits the theme

    Yeah i think that'd be really nice to not only give excal a defensive tool but a team support tool too. Although i think it should like embers augment where its slightly reduced for allies.

  2. 1 minute ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    well it could be a cc/knock down as his current one dosnt do anything for damage unless augmented, maybe even give a debuff onto enemies that way excal and allies can tear them apart easier? 

    Well for CC we have blind. and for damage debuff blind already has stealth multiplier. I still think the best thing would be to make it a defensive tool as stated by the OP

  3. 1 hour ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

    Slash Dash: Its an okay ability. What holds it back is the fact it lacks any sort of utility beyond dealing moderate damage and knocking enemies over. Yeah it makes you invincible for a second, but that's conditional at best. My suggestion: Give it the Rhino Charge/landslide treatment. Basically using it repeatedly will increase damage while reducing energy cost.

    Yes absolutely. Also if we're going to give it the 'combo' system of sorts, ie repeated use does more, we should revert it to the old slash dash, that being just a straight up dash, although it would need to be a lot faster. 

    1 hour ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

    Radial Blind: A beautiful ability. Doesn't really need to be changed. The only issue I've noticed with it is a sort of "meat shield" dilemma, as I call it. Basically when enemy density gets really high the sheer amount of units in front of each other get cause Radial Blind to miss; blinding the closest enemies but not anyone hiding right behind them. It'd be nice if enemies couldn't use their buddies as sunglasses.

    Agree with you on that one

    1 hour ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

    Radial Javelin: Really the first ability to fail. It doesn't do too much damage plus its stun effect is weaker than Radial Blind, on top of the fact it costs 75 energy to use. Suggestion: A complete redesign. Currently Excalibur lacks a genuine defensive ability; so, drawing from the myth of Excalibur's scabbard, I thought of something that would complement Excalibur's swordsmanship. Radial Scabbard. Somewhere between Harrow's Covenant and Rhino's Iron Skin; this skill temporarily makes Excalibur invulnerable, soaking up damage from enemy fire. After the timer ends Excalibur gains bonus armor and healing based on how much damage was received, with minimum and maximum caps. For balance, this skill cannot be recast until the buff ends.

    YES. Abso-freaking-lutely. My only question is would excal be able to move during this. Because the thing about harrow and rhino's is that they have lingering affects after their cast time that adds to their buffs. And even wukong, whos defy seems to be the basis of this ability, is able to move during the cast

    48 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    i like the idea your going with, but another thought is the Excalibur javelin shown in new trailer (supposedly a future augment ) were it does an AOE blast out from exca. what if we grant javelin a hold power and quick cast power variations? hold is normal power and perhaps  quick cast is the new aoe blast provides CC/knockdown and damage ?

    Thing is imo, excal doesn't need an aoe nuke ability, we got enough of that during his reign over draco. If anything, we should move that aoe blast to Excal's heavy slam. 

    1 hour ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

    Exalted Blade: This skill is mostly doing fine, its just acting kinda oddly since the new melee system came out. Its main problems are that it can't collect combo count from its energy waves (which contradicts its usage as a close-mid range weapon) and that it has no real use for a heavy attack (losing what little combo bonus it gains for one slightly beefier attack). Suggestion: Allow Exalted Blade's wave attacks to collect combo. Also grant Exalted Blade a new heavy attack: A large and violent frontal energy wave that gets longer and stronger the higher EB's combo counter is.

    First thing's first is that EB needs a crit chance buff, atleast move it to 20%. Second, EB along with every other exalted should have their crit damage increase from 2.0x to 2.3x-2.5x. And third, a base damage buff across the board for all exalted weapons. 

    I agree that waves should build combo but I would have it so the waves build combo slightly slower than hitting with the actual blade itself. I agree on the heavy attack being a massive wave, and as i stated above, heavy slam should be a massive ground aoe blast. Also i think an update to EB's stance would be really nice along with having all exalted stance's give 10 polarity.

  4. 2 hours ago, MysticDragonMage said:

    while i'd like to see the original slash dash returned, i think that the more simpler solution is to buff surging dash.

    my problem isn't surging dash's values. its that slash dash right now is so slow. Hitting 5 enemies with slash dash with 181% strength gives you 41 combo. Reverting back to old slash dash would give you that 41 combo instantly rather than you hit one, +8, then you hit another, +8, etc. Its way too slow. Yes buffing surging dash would be nice, but its the ability as a whole that needs help. 

  5. 7 hours ago, (NSW)Keryion said:

    Radial Javelin is undoubtedly a useless ability but I don't think that all of his abilities have to be good. 

    That's like saying like they should've left Wukong's 1 (iron jab) the same because all of his abilities don't have to be good.


    7 hours ago, (NSW)Keryion said:

    Sacrificial Steel feels great to use on a bunch of weapons but I can't say the same for Exalted Umbra Blade, which is ironic to say the least. I just want DE to encourage players to not forma out the Umbra polarity (cuz you ain't getting that back) and give Umbra a bit more in the base crit chance (15% -> 20% would result in him getting 75% crit chance). IMO this is the only damage buff he needs

    It's definitely not the only damage buff he needs. All exalteds need an overall increase to total damage because of how the new combo system works, with every other weapon getting a damage buff and not them. All exalted weapons also need an increase to their crit damage increased, with all of them right now having just a basic 2.0x multiplier. And then EB and baruuks waves should be tweaked to either build combo, either at a slower rate or just make it so it halts combo decay. 


  6. Just now, Wolfdoggie said:

    My issue with excal is I feel like he has the same skill 3 times. his 2, 3 and spin attack with 4 up all generally do the same exact thing. The damage on 3 is so low that it doesn't matter, it's the same skill 3 times.

    Yeah i said above already but they really should just remove slide attack blind for a regular slide attack and turn his 3 into a defensive tool

  7. 59 minutes ago, _Schokolade_ said:

    no that would be way to strong

    Then the RJ on slam attack should honestly only be on heavy slam. We use slam attack a decent amount to move around, especially when we need to land quickly. Also I'd honestly just prefer we just have a normal slide attack. We already have 2 for blind and since we're removing RJ it makes sense to put it on his EB.

  8. First thing would be to remove radial javelin and replace it with a defensive tool for Excal. Spamming blind shouldn’t be his only way to survive. 

    I’d also like slash dash to just be a straight line dash so it’d work better with surging dash (something akin to how rhinos ironclad charge works)

    Another thing would be to buff the base damage of all exalted weapons. 

    For EB specifically it needs a buff to its crit chance, crit damage multiplier, and if they don’t want to let its waves build combo then the base damage has to be upped significantly. Also waves should atleast stop combo from falling. So you could go for a combo EB build and not have it be a complete pain the ass to maintain. Another nice thing would be to make it so chromatic blade doesn’t remove the ips and just adds the elements. 

    • Like 1
  9. Spectral Scream: Change to work similar to Ivara's 1. Tapping rotates through all 4 elements and holding launches a elemental blast that explodes on impact with 100% status chance. Scales off of rifle mods and vex armor

    Heat: Reduces the armor of enemies caught in the blast by 50% 

    Cold: Instantly freezes enemies caught in the blast

    Toxin: Leaves a lingering toxic cloud

    Electric: Similar to volt 4 or amprex, where the electricity will arc outwards and chain to enemies, stunning and damaging them 

    Gives more utility to this ability and gives a reason to use it. 

    Elemental Ward: Stays the same with some minor changes, aoe effects are the same. Works similar to wisp's mote where all allies have to do is walk into range of the buff to receive it for a certain duration and will have to walk to chroma again to refresh it. Also re-castable. 

    Heat: Stays the same, increases hp (increase the value/amount of hp)

    Cold: Stays the same, gives armor (increase the value/amount of armor)

    Toxin: Still increases reload speed and holster speed. Also Increases fire rate (fire rate buff is static and does not increase based off strength, etc. felt that might've been a little too much) and also gives a primed/charged chamber effect

    Electric: Still gives shield but will now also give bonus shield regen and shield gates or damage that goes through shields are reduced

    This ability is relatively fine, and hopefully a change similar to this will help push toxin and electricity to be used. 

    Vex Armor: Turns into a flat value that cannot increase with power strength. Stacks both buffs at the same time regardless of its health or shield being damaged. Buff spread works the same way as it does now with allies having to be within a certain range of chroma to receive the buff and will lose the buff upon exiting

    Damage to buff conversion scales off power strength

    Scorn: Flat value of 1100%-1200% (number susceptible to change)

    Fury: Flat value of 900-950% (number susceptible to change, maybe lowered)

    The values I used as an example are with a using a 348% power strength chroma as a basis. As stated these numbers would have to be susceptible to change for balancing's sake. With the changes to toxin, I'd actually like to lower Fury's value more to further push toxin as the go to element for eidolons since pretty much no other enemies can stand up to even 800-900% vex armor and only in eidolons do you need that much damage. Both buffs stacking at the same time will be better for chroma in general and it won't botch the changes to electric i suggested. Making these buffs flat values allows you to build chroma differently rather than to just min max strength and duration. Maybe now you'll be able to opt into range for more team support.

    Effigy: (I'll just get my personal bias out of the way and just say that this is probably one of my most hated abilities, this along with radial javelin.)

    Tap: Same as it does now except that effigy will act similar to that of wukong's celestial twin. Also has it's own elemental ward and vex armor effect with the same aoe properties as stated above. Doesn't lower Chroma's armor. Can press X to make it stationary, similar to interacting with syndicate allies. Health base or duration base. 

    Hold: Channel effigy's power through chroma to gain wings and increase the effects of elemental ward and vex armor and increases/doubles their range. Duration base or drain ability. 

    There are 3 ways to go about this: You could make it similar to that of titanias flight or hildryn's hover. But I think it would be better to just give chroma triple jump with increased speed, distance, and you'll also gain increased duration and full control of aim glide. Also Bullet jumping and landing creates an elemental 'burst' (something akin to heavy impact)

    This change is a best of both worlds deal for those who don't like effigy and those who do with each also offering their own benefits. The tap allows you to divide and conquer and spread out your damage more, while the hold one gives more mobility and an increase in damage to make up for not being able to cover as much space. 

    As for chroma's passive... I have no clue. One thought was because some people believe that the pelt he wears is that of a sentient was to make his passive a weaker version of adaptation or maybe an adaptation to only elemental damage. Another thought was maybe being damaged by elemental attacks refunds some energy. But both of those seem kinda way too strong and the adaptation might mess with his vex armor so idk. 
    Let me know what you guys think

  10. 9 hours ago, Xaero said:

    So mostly you want to go back to the times before separate exalted weapons modding was introduced? What about formas that went into them? What about mods prohibited on exalted weps? Will they be utilized if equipped on melee? And I still don't see a reason to use EB over my equipped melee weapon. What for?

    Basically my idea was to make it so exalteds would just act as a 'super buff' of sorts to your already existing melee weapon. ie if you're using  nikana p, activating your exalted would just add damage along with the special benefits of that exalted (EB/baruuk waves, valkyrs invincibility, wukong range) along with unique heavy attacks and different stances (which should also be updated). And all mods that the melee has is utilized in the exalted. Also maybe they just refund every forma you've used in your exalted or similar to when the wukong rework came out, give us 3-5 forma. 

    Also as someone who also plays a excal, what do you think of the other changes to him that I suggested

  11. Excalibur is a personal favorite and a frame that I've put a lot of time into, and because of that I say that his age is really showing and the purpose of this post is to propose some touch ups and to make him feel/be better along with a rework/redesign for all exalted melees.

    Passive: Buff the attack speed and damage to 15-20% and possibly 3-5% innate life steal (depends on radial javelin changes)

    Slash Dash: Dash forward X meters dealing damage to all enemies hit and applying slash. Damage scales off of melee mods and combo counter. Holding down the ability charges it, increasing the speed and damage. Still has invincibility frames. 

    With Exalted Blade active: deal bonus damage and apply exalted blades' ips/elemental procs

    This ability feels extremely clunky with the auto targeting being extremely weird, sometimes you try to slash dash + bullet jump over someones head only for the auto targeting system to kick in and all of a sudden jerk you backwards or sometimes you see a group of enemies and try to slash dash combo them all only to hit 1. I want to streamline this ability and to make it just better to use. This redesign will also work a lot better with surging dash working similar to that of rhino's iron clad charge

    Blind: Stays the same

    This ability is just extremely solid. 

    Radial Javelin: Summons swords around Excal providing him with 40-50%(number subject to change) damage reduction or blocks all incoming projectiles, duration base or health base(similar to nezha's warding halo). Reactivate to fire swords in the direction you're facing. 

    Augment: Killing enemy either restores a small portion of the health to radial javelin or a small portion of the duration

    Radial Javelin, once an ability used to nuke on Draco is now an extremely outdated ability who's only purpose is killing lvl 20-30 enemies. While this ability could be changed to either deal more damage, armor strip, etc, I think a better option would be to turn this ability into a good defensive tool for Excal so he isn't just forced to blind spam. Damage reduction would just be good in general for Excal while the blocking projectile idea further pushes his melee oriented play style. 


    Now we move onto exalted weapons, and not just exalted blade but ALL exalted melees. Exalted weapons got little to nothing from the past update, I talked about it in my previous post but tldr: exalted weapons are being out damaged by base weapons such as the nikana prime, orthos prime, silva and aegis prime, etc. These are these frames' pillar abilities and they're called exalted for a reason, they take up an ability slot, drain energy and therefor should be stronger than base weapons. My suggestion, revert back to how exalted's used to be and then some. 

    Exalted Weapons will now copy the stats and mods of whatever melee you're using, with power strength increasing the base damage of said weapon. Example, using nikana prime, exalted blade will copy all of its stats and increases its 198 base damage based on power strength. Combo counter will also be shared between both weapons. i.e. if you build 12x multiplier with your base weapon and switch to your exalted, your 12x multiplier will be carried to your exalted's combo counter and when you switch back, it'll go back to your base melee weapon. This'll bridge the problem of exalted frames either having little to no reason to use a melee weapon or as it is right now, little to reason to use their exalted. It combines the best of both worlds, allowing us to use these recently buffed weapons while also giving us a reason to used our exalteds and power them up. Exalted weapons should also each have their own unique heavy attack possibly heavy slam. 

    Excal: Waves will now generate combo but at a much slower pace (or at least keep combo counter from degrading/resetting), than hitting them with the actual blade. Either make slide attack blind cost no energy or remove it for a regular slide attack that sends out a wave. Heavy attack sends out a massive wave and heavy slam could be a miniature (old)radial javelin

    Valkyr: Still gains invincibility along with life steal. Heavy attack launchers her forward and turns her into a vertical blender or a buzz saw for X meters. Not really sure about her heavy attack, maybe just have it apply slash to the entire aoe. 

    Wukong: Adds a reasonable amount of range to the base range of whatever weapons hes using. Heavy attack slams his staff horizontally on the ground (instead of vertically like in his guard combo). Heavy slam performs a mini celestial stomp

    Baruuk: Similar to Excal where waves generate combo at a lesser pace or at least halts combo from falling. Heavy attack makes him perform a giant super punch and heavy slam does the push/pull depending on whether he was holding guard during the attack. 


    To all those who use Excal or any other exalted melee frame, let me know what you guys think or your ideas/suggestions. 

  12. Ever since the melee changes so many weapons got buffs whether its their crit chance, status chance, damage, range, or even all of them. But you'll notice that pretty much all the exalted's got jack sh!t; with the only one receiving a damage buff being Garudas talons. The only thing these weapons got were range buffs, parry angles, and heavy attacks. We're at a point where regular weapons like the Nikana prime, Fragor prime, Silva and Aegis prime, and the Orthos prime are just completely outclassing these weapons and giving little to no reason to ever use them. 

    Universal Changes: Allow exalted weapons to run acolyte mods, more importantly blood rush, with how strong every other base weapon has gotten, there's little to no reason why exalteds shouldn't be allowed to equip these. Have each exalted stance give +10 capacity, having a stance that gives no capacity really makes exalted weapons extremely forma heavy, especially if you want to use the newly buffed sacrificial steel and sacrificial pressure by proxy to increase it (not including umbra). Buff all of their damage from 250 to 300+. Give each exalted its own unique heavy attack animation, not just a recycled animation. 

    Remember these are exalted weapons, these are suppose to be stronger than normal weapons, the reason you pick these frames, their pillar ability. If they aren't stronger than normal weapons, why even use them, they just end up as a waste of an ability because you can just use something far stronger.

    Desert Wind: This weapon actually got a buff to it, with sacrificial steel bumping its crit chance to 160% (187% with both Sac mods). But remember that Baruuks exalted are locked behind a meter, every other frame are able to cast theirs whenever they want so Baruuk's should be extremely powerful to warrant a restriction.

    Buff: Increase crit multipler to 2.5x-3x. and increase its status chance to 15-20%. Allow waves to build combo

    Valkyr Talons: Valkyr was prob the only frame to even benefit anything from the melee changes, being able to lock into melee mode allowing her to stay invincible and getting a much needed range increase. She also benefited from the sacrificial steel buff, having the same crit chance as Baruuk. 

    Buff: Decrease impact and puncture values and put them into slash (why are claws doing impact damage anyway). Increase crit damage to 2.5x and status chance to 20-25%. Fix her energy economy

    Iron Staff: Wukongs exalted got hit pretty hard with the nerf of condition overload, but with the new sacrificial steel this weapon still hits... for an okay amount. 

    Buff: Increase crit chance to 30%, increase CD to 2.5x, and either leave status chance the same or increase it to 35%. 

    Exalted Blade: oooooh boy I saved the best for last, I have a lot to say so buckle up. This weapon got hit hard by the condition overload nerf, with this being a pure status weapon. Granted this weapon still does decent damage but compared to the nikana prime its completely outclassed. The nerfing of CO and the buffs to the steel series is pushing us back into the crit meta, something that exalted blade is not ready for. 

    Buff: Increase attack speed to 1, increase crit chance to 25% (maybe even 30%) and increase crit multiplier to 2.3x-2.5x. Allow waves to build combo. Change chromatic blade to add the elemental damage but not replace the IPS. Either make slide attack blind costs no energy or replace it for a real slide attack. Make it so heavy attacks send out a wave. Give exalted blade innate lifesteal or make it so wielding/attacking with the exalted blade gives an armor buff or DR (like 20-40%, something on the low side), every other exalted frame has a way to keep themselves alive, Valkyr has warcry/invincibility, Baruuk has DR out the ass, and wukong has defy/cloudwalker (note: NONE of these are cc. So I don't wanna hear the whole "just use his blind" argument, that's like if rhino or nezha didnt have iron skin/warding halo and just being told to spam cc to stay alive), this'll give Excal a little boost in the survivability department. 

    Once again these are exalted weapons, they should be stronger than normal weapons.

    • Like 4
  13. Yeah I know I know, Gauss is new and not even Baruuk has an augment yet but I still wanted to do some brain storming and discussing.
    Mach Rush Augment: I honestly can't really think of anything for this ability. Maybe incorporate a drift feature to allow him to turn corners, although I doubt this'll be used very much aside from speed running missions.
    Kinetic Plating Augment: Maybe something that can block out status effects like warding halo and iron skin. So things like high level toxin damage doesn't just drop gauss.
    Have it be a trade off augment where you lose the ability to reach 100% DR (goes to like 90 or so) but gain DR to everything.
    Thermal Sunder: Ice - When you/allies run through gain X amount of armor for X seconds. Fire - When you/allies run through, regen health and gain bonus health (similar to wisps vitality mote) for X seconds. Gives gauss some support tools for his team
    Red Line: Killing enemies add X seconds to red line's duration (basically eternal war). My only problem with gauss is that whenever red line runs out gauss is put in a pretty vulnerable spot. It still takes time (though not as much as before) to charge up red line for the 100% DR and that in that time Gauss can get dropped. It's like chroma's vex armor a while back where he was unable to refresh it and was forced to restack it everytime the duration ran out, it interrupts game play.
    Anyway let me know what you guys think or your ideas for his augments
  14. Heads up... This is a rant

    I love Excal, one of my favorite frames every since I started the game, and it pains me to see that hes falling just more and more behind all of the current frames whether they be new or reworked. Basically my main annoyance comes from his lack of survivability. And before you say, "just spam your blind", survivability for your frame shouldn't boil down to just keep spamming cc on your enemies. Imagine if Rhino didn't have iron skin and Nezha didn't have warding halo and people just told you in order to survive just spam your cc. Like remember how one of the complaints for Ember among other things like her lack of damage was that she lacked survivability against higher level enemies, DE's solution: give her damage reduction. You'll notice that almost every warframe that's been reworked or released recently has some way to keep themselves alive that isn't just spam cc. Even vauban the CC frame wasn't an exception with, Bastille gives Vauban and his allies armor, up to 1000. 

    (List of recent frames: TDLR everyone nowadays have a way to mitigate damage that isn't spamming cc)Grendel: passive gives armor and 2 heals him, Ember rework: DR, Gauss DR that trades not being immune to everything for 100% to what he is immune to (which is a majority of the damage types that you'll face), Reworked Wukong: 1500 armor which equals around 80% DR, Wisp: vitality mote, Hildryn: shield gating and shield/armor steal, Baruuk: DR out the ass, Garuda, 1 shield and blood shrines, Revenant: Mesmer skin. Gara: 90% DR, and it just goes on from there. There are some frames who don't need this as most of them are able to just nuke entire areas, ie Equinox, Saryn, kinda Khora with her whiplash strangledome, and even then Saryn has regen molt, Equinox has nightform heal, and khora has venari heal. And if they don't have some sort of damage mitigation or room clearing potential they're most likely able to stealth. 

    Now lets see this list of frames who don't have some sort of damage mitigation, stealth, and can't just nuke the area: Excal, Mag (lol), Banshee, Frost ( who you really only ever use for defense missions), Hydroid, Limbo (not sure if he counts since while he can dodge into the rift he really can't attack during it but then again thats what his 1 and 4 are for), Nekros (who you only use for farming), and Nyx (also lol). Notice something? Almost all of these frames are either used in extremely niche scenarios, like farming or defense only missions, or are just straight up below average/mediocre to bad.

    The only exception to this is Excal, whos only reason from not being trash is cause of blind and chromatic blade. The first being one of the best CC imaginable and the other being a good source of damage. However, after the update 26, Excal's issues have become even more obvious with the nerfing of life strike and the buffing regular melee weapons. Life strike became pretty much useless on EB due to EB's heavy attacks 1.having a disgustingly long animation time, and 2. not sending out projectiles. An exception being the heavy attack slam, which while it does reliably heal, doesn't do any damage. The reason old life strike was good because it was extremely easy to use/accessible and that it never hindered your damage, the only thing it hindered was your energy cost, and zenuriks inner might balanced that out. The obvious solution for the nerfing of life strike was to just go for healing return. And while it does work okay, its nowhere NEAR the healing from life strike. 

    Another issue was the nerfing to CO, with DE changing the calculations to longer be exponential. This cut down chromatic blades power a bit. And insult to injury a TON of other weapons got considerable buffs all across the board. One very prominent one was the buffs to nikana prime. Receiving massive buffs to its damage, range, status chance, and crit chance. And what did Exalted blade get? More range, which doesn't matter at all since you rarely hit with the blade,......and that's it. And this isn't just an issue with exalted blade but an issue with almost every other exalteds too. The ONLY exalted weapon to get a damage buff was Garuda's claws (since they count as exalteds). But problem with Excal is that unlike him, every other frame with exalteds have the survivability to run other weapons without being in danger. Wukong defy, Valkyr warcry (remember along with its attack speed it gives armor and slows down enemies), Baruuk DR. This allows them to run the now buffed melee weapons without any fear. And where does that leave Excal? He can't run regular weapons cause he has no tools to keep himself alive except for spamming blind which once again, shouldn't be the only way for a warframe to survive. 

    Another thing is that Radial Javelin is one of the worse abilities in the game (okay maybe not the worse but I really hate this ability). It serves no purpose other than nuking low level enemies, like around 30. And a lot of people often just say, well just have it strip armor, or have it do more damage, etc. Excal doesn't need more damage. Granted the paragraph above was just complaining how EB is weaker now, its still a decent source of damage. 

    Alright so that's pretty much the rant part so lets go onto the fixing. 

    Small Things: Buff his passive a bit or make it multiplicative. Make slash dash faster. 


    Radial Javelin: Summon X amount of swords each sword giving X amount of DR (cap DR of around 40-50%: number subject to change for balancing's sake), each sword has its own health bar and upon taking enough damage will disappear and will cause Excal to lose whatever DR that sword was giving. When activated again, launch all remaining swords at nearby enemies. 


    Summon swords to hover around Excalibur, intercepting all projectiles. Either duration base or Health base.

    Augment: Killing X amount of enemies restore some health to swords

    Basically Vergil's summon sword. This ability will give Excal a little more of a boost to his survivability, but not overwhelmingly so since he already has umbral fiber combined with a decent health pool and base armor. The first change would allow him to be more of an all arounder frame and the second would further push him towards melee oriented. 

    Exalted Blade: Increase base CC to 20-25%, CD to 2.2x-2.5x, and base damage from 250 to around 300 (maybe not all 3 of these buffs, but at least two. And remember this is an exalted weapon, its purpose for existing is that its suppose to be stronger than regular weapons). Also remove its slide attack blind for a real slide attack.

    Increase wave speed by a lot but also reduce the range to compensate, doesn't make sense that Excal can outspeed the waves. Or just outright remove the waves and buff its range to a base of 5m or so to make excal feel more like a melee sword frame rather than a melee turret. 

    From here there's two ways to go (both are with the buffs/changes mentioned prior).

    The first way would be just to keep EB exactly as it is now

    The second way would be a little more controversial and skeptical and would definitely have to be tested.

    Remove Chromatic blade and buff EB's base status chance to 40% (so 3 60/60 mods can still make it reach 100, maybe buff the power strength to damage ratio to compensate for lack of 90 mods but also keep in mind that now EB will be able to slash proc). 

    Perhaps change the augment to either: Increase elemental damage by X amount or give X amount of life steal. 


    So that's it. If you've read it all, thanks for listening this idiot ramble about excal. 


  15. 4 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    I feel like something more similar to the DMC5 Dante approach might fit the 'jack of all trades' thing Excal has going a bit better. He's supposed to be a Warframe who has a little of everything, albeit an emphasis on swords and melee. So how about this as a suggestion?

    Javelin formation: Excalibur can set up a buff to himself for a period of time using ethereal blades. This buff is non-refreshable, but can be changed on the fly (to encourage switching). There's four settings - melee, gunplay, guard and movement. Melee and gunplay work differently depending on if you're using a melee or a gun. Melee formation will either mimic Excalibur's own strikes (including slash dash) around him or deal a small amount of damage in a radius if using guns. Gunplay formation will have them following the bullets Excal fires or firing all at once into surrounding targets on heavy attacks with Melee or on use of Radial Blind. Guard works similarly to as suggested for you (with some rebalancing given it's a wheel ability). Movement formation causes the swords to become a platform, allowing Excalibur an extra double or bullet jump in mid air, and allowing the player to unleash a fully charged slash dash instantly.

    As much as I also really like this idea, give Excal a little more complexity, my only concern is that with how much damage Excal can already pump out (with EB), people might just use and only use the Guard formation.


    5 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    I'm gonna say it - I don't like the sword waves. They basically turn the Exalted Blade into a gun. It doesn't really jive with Excalibur as a swordsman, since it has far more use as a ranged weapon than as a melee one.

    I'd buff the damage, crit chance and crit damage by a fair bit, more than above, but axe the waves, except on heavy attacks (where they behave more like a Getsuga Tenshou kind of thing). Make Exalted Blade into an actual BLADE. You use it as a sword most of the time, albeit with a big ranged wave as a special trait on the heavy attack.

    Yeah I was going to mention removing the waves. But a lot of people always say that the reasons Excal is so good is because of his ability to hit through walls. But I'm also down for making EB into an actual sword rather than a melee fluctus. 

    As for buffs. I didn't wanna go overboard with the stats buff, but now I'm remembering all of the stat buffs they gave a bunch of regular melee weapons.

    How about, 25% CC, 2.5x CD, remove waves and make base range like 5 meters, and make base damage around 350, heavy attacks send out Getusga Tenshou waves. 

  16. Slash Dash: Dashes forward X meters dealing damage to all enemies you pass through. Holding down the ability charges it, increasing the damage and speed of the ability. Procs slash on enemies, damage always scales off of EB mods, and when used with EB activated also applies whatever elemental status you have on EB onto enemies. Still has invincibility frames

    Augment: Increases combo counter by X amount per enemy hit for X seconds.

    IMO slash dash feels really clunky, where sometimes you go a really far distance, sometimes you move only a couple inches, sometimes you do some crazy combo chains, and sometimes you just hit 1 enemy only even though there's enemies grouped together. Making this ability a more streamline and less random. 

    Radial Blind/Howl: Stays the same

    This ability is just really good 

    Radial Javelin: Summon X amount of swords each sword giving X amount of DR (cap DR of around 40-50%: number subject to change for balancing's sake), each sword has its own health bar and upon taking enough damage will disappear and will cause Excal to lose whatever DR that sword was giving. When activated again, launch all remaining swords at nearby enemies. 

    Augment: Killing X amount of enemies restore some health to swords

    Basically Vergil's summon sword. I really hate Radial Javelin as an ability right now as its only purpose is nuking extremely low level enemies and also stunning them, which blind does a better job at as it opens them up to finisher damage and costs less energy. This ability gives Excal a little more of a boost to his survivability, but not overwhelmingly so. 

    Exalted Blade: Increase base CC to 18-20%, CD to 2.2x, and base damage from 250 to around 300 (maybe not all 3 of these buffs, but at least two). Increase wave speed by a lot but also reduce the range to compensate, doesn't make sense that Excal can base sprint and outspeed the waves. 

    From here there's two ways to go (both are with the buffs mentioned prior).

    The first way would be just to keep EB exactly as it is now

    The second way would be a little more controversial and skeptical and would definitely have to be tested.

    Remove Chromatic blade and buff EB's base status chance to 40% (so 3 60/60 mods can still make it reach 100, maybe buff the power strength to damage ratio to compensate for lack of 90 mods but also keep in mind that now EB will be able to slash proc). 

    Perhaps change the augment to either: Increase elemental damage by X amount or give X amount of life steal. 


    Let me know what you guys think, especially my fellow Excal players.

  17. In this post I want to talk about Excal after the melee changes, his passive, and some changes. I already have other posts talking about the garbage known as radial javelin so I'm not going to go over that here. 

    I think we can all agree that as of now, Excal is perfectly fine when it comes to damage. Especially with the changes to heat benefiting chromatic blade. However, this melee update brought two things that Excal didn't really like: The changes to CO and life strike. But even with CO no longer being multiplicative with your total damage and is now acting basically as a slightly stronger primed pressure point (if you have atleast two stacks), chromatic blade's damage still seems relatively the same if not better with being able to armor strip even more with combining heat and corrosive

    However the most egregious change would be the changes to life strike moving its life steal to heavy attacks. Let's be honest, heavy attacks are pretty bad. They're extremely slow, with the charge up time, and worse of all, Exalted Blade's heavy attacks don't generate waves and is just a glorified recycled 1H sword heavy attack(they also eat up you're counter but you never really care too much about combo counter as Excal anyway). Yes it is much easier to do a heavy attack slam to heal with life strike, but it's pretty impractical and is just as slow. With old life strike, you turn it on mid attack, and boom, your hp is essentially back at full. Now, you either have to go through this awfully slow heavy attack animation or waste your time with a slam attack that doesn't do damage. A lot of people would say to just use healing return, but from what I've tested, the healing is so weak its not worth its slot.

    One must have change is to have EB's heavy attacks generate waves. It doesn't make any sense that every swing generates a wave but this 'heavy attack' does next to nothing. Have it send out a huge ass wave to make up for how long the charge is. 

    Now let's talk about his passive. I think we can agree that Excal's passive, like a lot of older frames, is extremely outdated. 10% damage and attack speed with swords is absolutely pitiful. Taking account that these buffs are also additive means that the 10% damage is weaker than a rank 0 pressure point which gives 20%, and the attack speed is equivalent to a rank 1 fury. I don't think its an outrageous thing to say that this passive is next to useless. Take this passive away and unless you're counting numbers, you won't really notice too much of a change.

    If DE really wants Excal to be a perma exalted melee frame then they should give him a passive the truly benefits from it. Also the reason I'm calling Excal a perma exalted frame is because at higher level content, he doesn't have the tools to use guns. He doesn't have the defense say like mesa, rhino, chroma, wukong, nezha, etc to stand there and shoot or to walk up and melee without spamming blind. 

    Excalibur New Passive: When attacking with a sword, gain 5-10% life steal and take 40-50% reduced damage. (numbers obviously subject to change for balancing)

    Granted this is probably way too strong as a passive which is why I'm going to suggest another idea:

    Change passive to either multiplicative or bump the numbers, make the attack damage 50-60% and bump the attack speed to 20-30%. And here's the next big part of this idea that a lot of people might not agree with. Remove chromatic blade. Yup, I said it. Change EB's stats to 20% cc with a 2.2x multiplier and a base 40% status chance(only need 3 60/60 mods to reach 100%).  Maybe up the power strength to damage ratio to make up for some of the lost damage. Then change the chromatic blade augment to the Excalibur passive listed above.


  18. On 2019-10-23 at 5:54 PM, Teridax68 said:

    How about the following:

    • Radial Javelin counts as a melee attack, benefits from Exalted Blade's melee mods, and can trigger finisher damage.
    • Radial Javelin consumes Excalibur's melee combo counter to multiply its damage by a proportionate amount.

    So the ability's mode of usage would be the exact same, except it would be allowed to scale by building off of Excalibur's melee prowess: the gameplay loop would therefore be to build up the melee combo counter via Excalibur's attacks (and at this point Exalted Wave's waves should probably contribute), then produce a climactic finish by expending that counter like a Melee 3.0 heavy attack, and deal massive damage to enemies all around. Additionally, changing Radial Javelin's swords to count as melee attacks means Excalibur would be able to use that ability for stealth, as well as combo it with Radial Blind to finish off crowds of enemies.

    I mean i've said it once and I'll say it again, Excal doesn't need more damage. Yes having RJ have more synergy with EB would be nice but in my opinion Excal really needs more survival tools not a semi-nuke tool/ability.

  19. 1 hour ago, Tatann said:

    I like the idea of a defensive ability on Excal, but I don't see the link between radial javelin and DR 

    At this point why not replace his 3 with a DR skill without the need for an augment, like Exalted Blades circling around him and repelling bullets/melee attacks (I know it sounds like Gara's floating glass shield)

    Also it could be a channeled ability instead of duration based

    Well i had the idea of replacing his ability completely before 

    but seeing as Excal's is most likely no where near DE's rework/update/touch up/etc list. An augment change might be better rather than a whole ability change

  20. 1 hour ago, Uhkretor said:

    Is this topic a follow-up from this?

    .... Or something else entirely different?

    less of a follow up and more of an alternative. Seeing as Excal's most likely no where near DE's rework/update/touch up/etc list. Feel like an update to a currently irrelevant augment will most likely be an easier thing to accomplish/get done rather than a whole ability rework. 

  21. I along with many other people agree on that the new exalted blade design looks awful. Now instead of being a blade of "pure light" its now either a tree branch(umbras EB), or a twig (base excal) with energy flowing around it. https://imgur.com/a/9EIrVaK 

    I understand that there are probably a few people who find the physical blade aesthetic more. But it doesn't make sense that they change EB for both Excals to a physical sword when Umbra came out, update 23, but when DE released the CGi trailer THIS year, they went back to the original pure energy design (https://imgur.com/a/uKwlu8R). So just please give us the option to choose the original EB design, so those who like the current one can keep it and those who don't can change. 

    • Like 1
  22. This ability is never worth casting. It's damage is only relevant to lvl 30 and below enemies and its cc is outclassed by blind. Aside from reworking the ability completely, I think an easier idea would be to change its augment to give the ability itself a better place in Excal's kit


    Furious Javelin (new): Each enemy hit will give Excalibur 10% damage reduction (max 90%) for 16s

    The amount of damage reduction given per enemy scales off power strength. And the duration of the DR scales off duration. 


    Would like to hear other ideas for this ability aside from just buffing the damage, because lets be real, Excal doesn't need more damage and what he really needs is some more survivability tools that isn't spamming blind

    • Like 1
  23. 2 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

    So... a Damage Sink?


    Dude, that's exactly what Excal isn't.

    I'm not asking to make him into a tank who can stand there and soak up everything like inaros, chroma, rhino, etc. I want Excal to have an ability that can benefit a melee frame like him and reworking an ability that has no use in his kit and is borderline useless to fit that need sounds appropriate. Like is there anything wrong with him having some form of damage mitigation? Its not like its a balancing thing. Mesa outputs more damage than Excal and has better survivability than him. Wukong is pretty much a better Excal, he has far superior mobility that heals him, an exalted weapon that is comparable to EB since it can build combo and has defy to help keep him alive, and that's not even mentioning his clone. The only thing that differs Excal from Wukong aside from aesthetics is having a very good cc in his blind. But even then Wukong's 2 also opens enemies to finishers. It's not like I'm trying to S#&$ on Excal or anything, I like him a lot more than Wukong since sword play just appeals to me more. But still, I don't see how there would be a problem in giving Excal a defensive tool. 


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