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Posts posted by Kohira

  1. DE only has around two more months to get this game in shape for the PS4.

    Which is sadly not going to happen. Even if they were to listen to all of the feedback about the current state of the game, at the moment it's just too late for them to be ready by the ps4 launch. It's nothing more than an empty shell of a game now, and that's how it's going to most likely be at the launch too. They have to start thinking long term now.

  2. There, if I didn't think of a reward someone else will.

    Not enough. You must not forget that most of the player base is in the casual department. Could be awesome for those people who have hours to waste each day, but what about the casual player? What would their incentive be? Not everyone cares about rankings.


    And the reason why it's different than normal missions, is because it's slightly more open world. At the start your saddled with 4-7 objectives, how you tackle them is up to you. No matter what you do, success or failure has an actual impact on gameplay. That way it feels like your actually having an impact on the game universe.

    My issue with this is the fact that this is not a game fit for high scale battles or for 'slightly more open world'. It's a dungeon crawler, I know you guys dream of Planetside stuff, but not every game can be like that and not every game matches that type of gameplay.


    You may have multiple objective but that doesn't really change much, overall you have just a few mission types combined into one big mission. It could work for a week, it could work for two, but eventually you are going to get bored since it's the same stuff you played before. We need new actions, new mission types that are fun to do. This thing won't work for long.


    Needless to say, what you are talking about is content meant for clans with skype or other means of communicating. PUGS aren't going to be very viable for this. The chat system is awful, so communication between the players will be a big problem. PUGS are PUGS, strangers will rarely come to an understanding and you will just have the majority of the player base frustrated with how bad these missions will go.


    Players are already complaining daily because some rush, some are slow pokes, some are A******s, some are lagging, some go afk and whatever else there is. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have hard content (everything is easy at this point), but DE really needs a way for these things to scale properly so that they can be completed by almost everyone (completed doesn't means that everyone should get the same rewards, those needs to scale based on the difficulty).


    Increasing the number of players in a mission increases the chance for things to go wrong. The game is already far from perfect with 4 players, 8 would just make things harder, especially with the bad recruiting and chat systems.


    Not only that I don't like this, but I don't see it happening, it could, but probably after maybe 2 years. DE can barely handle what they have now, implementing this frontline idea would take a S#&$load of work for something that will probably not attract all players, or at least not for a long time.


    My 2 cents or whatever you want to call it, I'm not saying that I can't be wrong or that I'm not in the minority by not liking this idea.

  3.  cooperating with the lotus forces we have never seen!

    You mean other Tenno?


    You do have some good points here, but I'm sure DE would work it out. Somehow.

    I actually doubt they would. There are still host problems even today, until I don't see the 4 player fixed, I have no trust in the 8 players idea.

  4. Let me see, what you propose as end game is a zone where you do the same mission types we have been doing up untill now, but wrapped in different packages, on maps with a huge amount of bullet sponges.


    So, overall, you got the same gameplay but with rewards and punishments that make future missions harder/easier.


    You say that this is endgame, but what exactly drives the players to constantly fight in this area, other than the punishments of having lower drop rates and bigger numbers for the enemies (this is still considered difficulty even today?).


    Where are the rewards? And I don't mean new weapons or warframes or any other bullS#&$, but what will drive players to do this thing weekly?


    And 8 players? With how bad the hosting is, you actually want to have 8 players spamming ultimates with probably double the amount of enemies? People already have low framerate and lag issues in 4 players matches and you want 8? What kind of computer will host all of this? How many people are actually going to be able to play this without spending a fortune on a super computer?


    This is merely my opinion, the opinion of one player, but from me, you get a thumbs down. For me it doesn't sounds like I will have fun playing this. And incentive to do it in the first place? None.


    Anyway, I see you have the support of everyone for now, so I guess I'm the only bad apple.

  5. Personally while I don't like how this game is going, I'm trying my best to sympathize with DE. I've seen these things before, and this is mild compared to the c*** I have seen before. I'm mainly talking about (god forbid) Jagex and Funcom. Runescape used to be a good game, but then I took a break and did not play till 2013, and boy did it change. They just announced Runescape 3, which was very buggy and was tough to play even on high end desktops, and they barely gave anything that they promised, giving only a graphical update and an even more confusing UI that most veterans took days to get used to. And I shall delve into the c*** like the squeal of fortune (another way of squeezing money with "better content". Then there is the way that Funcom treated Anarchy online, barely changes since 2005, the current staff of twelve is responsible for a whole new engine (good luck with that) with 4 to 6 of them working on cosmetic clothes with 2001 graphics. The only people left in AO are people who were playing this game since the early 2000's and even many of them are quitting.

    Tl;dr : DE might be going off track, but I've seen worse s*** and this is not the beginning if the end for them yet

    I don't care, I don't care, I don't care that there are worst things out there. DE started good, they gave me hope about the future of gaming, they made me trust them. There might me worst things out there but that makes no difference to me, I have huge expectations of DE, or at least I had, so any disappoint, no matter how small is a big deal because I care about DE and I care about their game too.


    And it's not like they've been making mistakes only recently, nope, they have been going on the wrong path since Update 7 and I haven't seen even a glimpse of their improvement. They do fix some things, but not enough and their priorities are all wrong.


    Meh, no point in going any further, I've been saying these things for a long time.

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