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Posts posted by Shad0wWatcher

  1. Update on the ticket to support: They got back to me, made an adjustment to my account which allowed me to connect my PlayStation account perfectly. I asked what the problem exactly was and will update you guys as soon as i get another response.

  2. So I've been attempting to connect my Playstation account to my PC account with my PC as my primary account ever since it was made available to people who purchased any of the Prime Access'. Tho much to my dismay, i kept getting an error which denied me from doing so. The error being 'Error code #110'. I've tried it on different browsers and even my phone to no avail, so i made a bug report on it, asked around and whatnot, nobody was able to tell me what the error even meant(or even bothered to acknowledge me even having a problem and asking for help on the matter, no they were more busy arguing over nothing...but whatever) , i did see that i wasn't the only one who was having this problem. 

    Looking at how many problems people are having right now, I'm starting to see it as a blessing in disguise. Suppose I'm better off just waiting for the full thing to come out.

    Also tho, figure i may as well ask. Did anyone else even come across that error code?

  3. 39 minutes ago, (NSW)OphiTheVioletKeeper said:



    you all realize development takes time right? like, as in not something we can get in the snap of a finger or whenever we want? they are trying their best, they've already said New War is coming first, bugs happen, code is not perfect, and if it takes time then fine. Love the community but everyone's so impatient sometimes.

    Oh i know that very well, I'm just overdramatizing it. I don't really rush the devs or anything, I was just curious about it's development progress.

  4. 19 minutes ago, (NSW)OphiTheVioletKeeper said:

    With how some of the devs have talked about it, they've said it won't be a New War release, but afterwards. With how (steve iirc) has talked about it, me and all my friends think we'll likely see it soft launched in 1st quarter of 2022, 2nd quarter if its REALLY buggy, and either 2nd/3rd quarter hard launch depending on when we see it and how buggy it releases as, since crossplay/cross-save is bound to be buggy considering (at least in the programming community) how somewhat new it still is. Its still very much a newer concept for most coders/programmers/devs/server managers and as such tends to release in a VERY buggy state, regardless of dev experience. So right now? I'd say expect it in 2022, likely 1st quarter/2nd quarter unless code goes crazy and they have to delay it.

    Ah, when ya put like that, makes sense, but damn that's too bad. Really wanted to play with my friends on PS4 through my pc account.

  5. 46 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    three words: writing is hard.

    that's the main reason we don't have personalities, and why they abandoned the Sun/Moon system, because it means having to write and record dialogue three times over for Sun, Neutral and Moon respectively, I'd love to be able to be the hilariously over-edgy Moon Operative again, but it doens't seem to be on the cards. if they do bring it back though, they should automatically make story quests use the dialogue appropriate for your character, and encourage multiple playthroughs by changing your alignment in TWW so you can experaince the quest again with what feels like a different operator.

    can't deny current lines are a bit cringey though. "we fought with honor" after I CC and shoot them in the face.. LOL.

    Makes sense, but tbh, that that's something they should've seen coming when they introduced it in the first place.


    40 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    Four more words: Voice acting costs money.

    However a quick-ping system that uses voice clips would be a good thing imo, Warframe is too fast paced to type things, and many people (myself included) don't use voice chat because of G.I.F.T. so having that could serve as an alternative.

    For people who haven't cleared the requisite quest it can just use a still shot of the player's Warframe (like Scarlet Spear transmissions) and text to avoid spoilers and serve the same purpose.

    This is also very true, and honestly one i hadn't thought of.

  6. 1 minute ago, Genitive said:

    Yes, please. Even better, allow us to chose what operators say as a form of ping system. I don't like that my character speaks these silly things without my input.

    That'd be great too, if they could do that, then hats off. But if they could do it like how i said it, then i'd be happy enough.

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