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Posts posted by Dreamer_Frisk

  1. ...

    "I...I don't know what to say about this...

    I've been playing for quite some time by now, and I'm only recently Rank 8.

    I trained, suffered, stressed myself troughout the entire Solar System."

    <The loss of this game would cause unrepairable damage, I remember a few games I used to play...until PW came along.>

    "Listen, letting yourself be sold to them can potentially cause mental damage so great, people will go mad.

    As a noble Trinity, I speak for myself, no, every faithful Tenno: Keep Warframe as it is, we cannot handle PW messing with it, we just can not."

    <Oh the horrors that will follow, the sorrow, the pain...if I could, I'd have ended PW long ago, regardless of what might've happened to me afterwards.>


    Be praying

    Be praying

    Be Praying..."

  2. Occasionally, during runs trough Exterminate missions troughout the solar system [or the Orokin Derelict], the number tends to go to -1, -2, or rarely, -3. I'm not sure if this happens due to something relating to the Mutalist Ospreys, or something else.

    An example would be displayed here: BPL7mCw.png

    This is especially annoying when I'm doing Vault runs, as I use Exterminate to be clear of the Corrupted so I won't have an issue bringing the artifact to Extraction.

  3. But wait! What about the negative counters in Infested exterminate, DE?

    Has nobody noticed it before? Occasionally, during exterminate missions against the Infested, the counter tends to turn to -1, -2, or rarely, -3, is this caused by the Mutalist Ospreys? This is rather troublesome, especially for a part-time Orokin Vault Hunter, like myself, who tends to use the ODE keys.

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