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Posts posted by NeptunePH

  1. Everything costs 5 Plat, Only the burston costs a lil more because is a Set.

    Send me a PM here in the forums with the part you want! thanks!




    + Boar Prime Receiver

    + Latron Prime Receiver

    + Paris Prime Lower Limb

    + Braton Prime BP




    + Akbronco Prime BP

    + Sicarus Prime Barrel

    + Bronco Prime Barrel

    + Bronco Prime Complete Set! ---> 15 Plat.




    + Dakra Prime BP and Handle

    + Orthos Prime BP

    + Fang Prime BP

    + Glaive Prime Disc




    + Rhino Prime Systems

    + Frost Prime BP and Helmet

  2. Everything Costs 5 Plat! Only the burston costs a lil more because is a Set.

    Send Me a PM here on the forums with the part you want! Thanks!




    Boar Prime Receiver

    Latron Prime Receiver

    Paris Prime Lower Limb

    Braton Prime BP

    Burston Prime Complete Set! ---> 15 Plat.




    Akbronco Prime BP

    Sicarus Prime Barrel x2




    Dakra Prime BP

    Dakra Prime Handle x2

    Orthos Prime BP

    Fang Prime BP

    Glaive Prime Disc

    Reaper Prime Blade




    Rhino Prime Systems

    Frost Prime BP, Helmet and Systems

    Mag Prime BP and Helmet

  3. Everything costs 5 Plat!. only the burston set costs a lil more. thanks!

    Send me a PM here in the forums with the part you want, also! if you have the Boltor Prime BP. I can give you some parts listed here for it!. Thanks again.




    Burston Prime Set! --> 15 Plat.


    Boar Prime Receiver

    Latron Prime Receiver

    Braton Prime BP

    Paris Prime Lower Limb



    Sicarus Prime Barrel x2

    Akbronco Prime BP




    Dakra Prime BP

    Dakra Prime Handle x2

    Orthos Prime BP ----No more here :(

    Fang Prime BP

    Glaive Prime Disc

    Reaper Prime Blade




    Frost Prime BP, Systems and Helmet.

    Mag Prime BP and Helmet

  4. Welcome! Im selling some prime parts!

    See Anything you need? PM Ingame or Here in the forums!!



    Burston Prime Stock - 5 Plat 

    Burston Prime Receiver x2 - 5  Plat

    Latron Prime Receiver - 5 Plat



    Sicarus Prime Barrel x2 - 5 Plat



    Rhino Prime Helmet - 20 Plat

    Rhino Prime System - 6 Plat

    Frost Prime BP - 5 Plat

    Frost Prime Helmet - 5 Plat

    Frost Prime Systems - 10 Plat

    Mag Prime BP - 5 Plat



    Dakra Prime Handle x2 - 5 Plat

    Reaper Prime Blade - 5 Plat

    Glaive Prime Disc -  5 Plat

  5. Me acaba de salir, un descuento de 75% de platinum, y no me sale la misma opcion de pago para pagar por pago facil, quisiera saber si ultimatepay, sigue cobrando los platinum porque esto realmente me desespera y no se que hacer si alguien me puede ayudar, se lo agradeceria! gracias.

    Acabo de ver. y si tenes razon, No aparece la opcion de pagar con Pago Facil.

    solo aparece Visa y Paypal en dolar. -_____-

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