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Posts posted by bbrtki

  1. I would be much more likely to spend platinum at the foundry, if the cost linearly scaled with the time remaining.


    I'd start building something, go to bed, boost it the next day and start using it.

    I'd start building something, go to work, log in and see it has only a few hours left, boost it for the last few hours and get using the new frame/weapon right away.


    But if it's a flat 50 platinum to boost the time for 1 minute, or 1 day, unchanging - there becomes very little reason to spend platinum that way.

    • Like 7
  2. Great points by voltage,. let me add a few more.


    -> Rushing completion in the foundry for example a weapon or warframe, will cost you around 30 to 60 platinum.

    This price is fixed throughout the build, whether you have 3 days left, 1 day left, or 1 minute left.

    It feels like this price should scale with the remaining time,. I know i'd use it a lot more often if i can quickly rush down the last hour or two for an item at a much lower cost.


    -> Prime parts / components not showing the completed item's mastery.

    When you're cracking a few relics, you can not see whether the items available at the end of the mission will in fact help you or not. Often you need 1 more piece, or already built an item, but don't have any duplicates. I myself, and undoubtedly others, have gotten to the habbit of keeping a spreadsheet with the parts and weapons/items I still need - But this is highly undesireable for the gameplay's speed and level of entry for any and all newer players.

    If like blueprints in your inventory and foundry, all prime weapon/warframe parts could show the "mastered" icon - then you'd know you already have the completed item and no longer need the relic drop.


    -> Ingredient weapons

    As a newer player I didn't bother to use the wiki early on - much to my annoyance I later found out that MANY of the weapons I had sold, were in fact needed to create other weapons.

    Having a tag on an item stating "Ingredient" would be very helpful in deflecting a player's choice to sell an item or to keep it around for longer.


    -> Riven disposition

    As riven dispositions go up/down, some weapons get used more or less.

    However, It feels like some stay at 1/5 forever, even though the item may no longer be used nearly as much.

    Why? It seems rather punishing to having a pretty good riven, and when almost nobody uses an item because it's at 1/5, on the next riven disposition rebalance,. weapons that aren't used should be elegible to regain their disposition values. Catchmoon for example,. is currently at 1/5, but I rarely if ever see anyone using it anymore. (thanks to that excessive nerf)


    -> Appearance - syndicate sigils

    While leveling or switching between syndicates,. you often equip 1-2 warframes with a new symbol for a certain syndicate.

    But, when doing a full on switch, you suddenly need to "remember" to equip ALL your warframes with the new sigil, or risk losing reputation with the syndicate you were trying to improve.

    Syndicate sigils should be a 1 button change for all your warframes, pulled apart and moved, or changed in some way that it's attached to your operator and will affect your warframe.

    Recently, I went ahead and updated every-single-one of my warframes to the suda sigil,. so i wouldn't accidentally lose reputation when using a different warframe for a certain mission type. This feels like a giant hassle which could be improved upon. A lot.


    -> Mining

    With the addition of pustrels and other new metals,. mining for certain ores has gotten a lot trickier and time consuming.

    New sources of the normal earth/venus metals and gems would be greatly appreciated. Or perhaps even add a new node type (green?) specifically for the new ore types, to ensure the overall drop chance of certain ores improves.


    -> Inventory sorting

    We have various sorting mechanisms, but sort by dukat value would be very helpful.

  3. 1: The ability to "lock" an item.

    It'd be nice to have the ability to lock an item from accidentally getting sold.

    Yes you get a confirmation dialogue,. but spend a good day or so in-game, and i'm sure most people have accidentally sold an item or two they didn't intend to sell.

    Such as weapons at level 30,. (Alternative : have an extra warning when selling a level 30 weapon.)


    2: List an item "type" on weapons.

    If a weapon is an "ingredient" for example in another weapon - it'd be nice to see that on the weapon in question, so you don't sell an item that you'll end up having to craft again at some point in the future.


    3: Option to "auto skip cinenatic"

    Pressing escape and enter every time on a mission should be easy, but could be easier if this was always disabled for missions by default.


    4: Option to "auto open map" - 1 option for open worlds, and 1 option for planets etc.

    A lot of people, or,.. well - I know at least 2,...  that have to manually press M every time a mission starts, or a host leaves. This option would remove that need.

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