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Posts posted by Eurhetemec

  1. Step back and look at the game. Every mission drops, rewards and invites tons of different types of progress. This mentality that we want ONE THING RIGHT NOW does not work. It is being BAD at the game. It makes you SLOW. It is an INEFFECTIVE STRATEGY by your own measure. Give it up and just play.


    Sure, this game has some low drop rates and some implementations I disagree with, but at some point it's just hyperbole because you're pushing the meaning of farming and grind back into base gameplay. That is not DE's design. That is your own mentality that you want one thing RIGHT NOW and you didn't care about it until you wanted it.


    Complete rubbish, again. I don't know why you think repeating this optimistic vaguely hippy nonsense will magically render it true. If you "just play", you will not get Orokin Cells in any significant number. You keep trying to blame the players, but that's just plainly untrue - the drop rates for Neurodes and Orokin Cells are extremely low, and you MUST play in specific systems if you want to obtain them. You cannot "play how you want". You cannot "just play". You must play in specific systems, doing specific things, or your forward progress will STOP. Period. End of the Line. Do not pass go. You can make some lateral progress whilst "playing as you want", though.


    If we were allowed to trade resources, things might well be different, because you will probably get some kind of useful resource in most places (or BPs), but that is never, ever going to happen whilst people are willing to pay DE RL money for pathetic quantities of resources, which, apparently, they are!


    Before U13, I was scrimping for OC. After U13 and after many missions on Ceres, I have over 60.

    OC is no longer rare. Go to Ceres and do stuff.


    Every mission I can do on Ceres, I do, and since U13, prior to last night, I had gained 1 OC (I got 2 more last night, as punishment for insulting the RNG gods :) ). If you've gained 60, then, wow, how, where? I don't believe "just playing Ceres man!". Possibly "hard-farming high-level Dark Sector defence with four Nekros". Or perhaps you had 59 before you started playing in Ceres! :)


    All this said, the RNG in this game is completely nuts. Last night, in about 3-4 hours of play, I got 2 OCs, Tranquil Cleave (About 60 seconds into Cambria survival! You better believe we all left at 5 minutes!), the 1 Argon I needed for my Dragon Nikana, Intensify (which I didn't have at all) and Streamline from two 5-wave defences, and Master Thief and Flow from Tenno Specters, which is well, quite a haul. All of those except the Streamline/Intensify were from sort of intentionally farming for that thing, though, rather than just doing whatever I felt like.

  2. I'd disagree with dual swords. Swirling tiger isn't too bad, especially with the amount of antimoas.


    It's selling for 20p, and it's Uncommon... I personally killed about 1k anti-moas without it dropping this weekend! :)


    EDIT - Most people think it's actually *better* than the Rare Dual Swords mod, I note.

  3. It's not fast, it's not building EVERYTHING IN THE GAME FOR 300 CELLS in one day, but they're not something you have to grind for unless you do it to yourself by writing off all the places you can get them, and trying to farm them all back to back in one play session.


    This is simply nonsense. You absolutely do have to grind for them. Doing ODD missions, Saturn, Ceres, Dark Sectors which can drop OCs as my main gameplay, without grinding them, I have gained 2 OCs in the last 30 hours or so of gameplay. I don't have access to reliable Nekros farm, though, note. I've gained another two in the last two weeks or so from alerts/infestations etc. - and I always go for those when I see them.


    As for "only 300!", well, 300 and ever-increasing with new content :) With 200 hours played, I'm not sure I've even seen 40 of the things, 75% of them back from when I could quickly and easily farm bosses who almost always dropped them ("the good old days"!).

  4. Calling the Nikana an "animetana" in a game about magic space ninjas with magic space bows, magic space shuriken, magic space magic and so on seems totally and utterly bizarre and petty in the funniest but worst possible way. I mean, why in god's name would magic space ninjas NOT have magic space katanas? Bizarre!


    Frankly I think the stance placement has generally been pretty irritating, but I guess it gets people to do content that they don't necessarily do normally, and away from the hyperprofitable Dark Sectors. Ironically, it may be easier to get the new Nikana stance than the old one right now - the Tenno Specters can only drop five different mods, all of them Rare, one of them this, so if they drop any mod *at all*, it's going to be one of those (equal chance of each, I believe). Whereas the ones who can drop the other Nikana mod can drop more mods, and most of them are much higher chance.


    I don't think it's a problem peculiar to Nikanas, either - one-handed swords and dual swords are equally in demand and also require some fairly hellacious grinding to get.

  5. Increasing TTK this way has upsides and downsides:




    1) Status becomes more meaningful.

    2) Gameplay potentially becomes more complex and tactical, with more opportunity to utilize specialist weapons and fighting methods (this is particularly obvious because prior to damage 2.0, one often had to specalize a lot more to win against higher-level enemies, and to try more complex actions).

    3) Game becomes easier to learn and less punishing to new players.

    4) Defensive mods and CC abilities would be more important at higher levels, rather than only "all or nothing" abilities (i.e. invulnerability, hard CC etc.) being worth much.




    A) Game potentially becomes less exciting and more grind-y (and arguably is already fairly grindy). Less ninja-like, possibly.

    B) Ammo would need to be increased across the board (in both the amount dropped and the amount you can hold total and probably clip size as well). Might be complex to do.

    C) Energy costs of damaging abilities would need looking at.

    D) Flaws in enemy AI and behaviour become vastly more obvious (Warframe's enemies are dim even by computer game standards).


    There's more, of course. All in all, I'm not sure it'd be much of a "win", more of a zero-sum. Warframe is designed, seemingly, to be a pretty fast game. I think smarter enemies, enemies who required a bit more to defeat in the way of tactics (without just being Really Annoying, like Ancient Disrupters or some of the revised bosses), working stealth and so on could probably make the game feel better without the need to increase the TTK much.

  6. As I said it is closed, but I read somewhere if you ask for a refund if the item has been bought 24 hours ago you won't get it back. So I think it's the ebst to make a proof thread about it?


    The team are pretty helpful. I bought a Wyrm whilst the game was still in semi-closed beta (so, like, last year) and just recently found it's Laser Rifle should have come with a Catalyst, and they fixed that. So long as you avoid buying anything else until Monday you should be okay.

  7. If you think this is the most grindy game there is, you obviously haven't played any other games. Also, the definition of "grind" in games is "doing a boring task repeatedly to access other content hoped to be fun", whereas in Warframe, what you call "grinding" is simply playing the game, striking a dashing figure and blowing S#&$ up. Nothing grindy about that.


    Before this event I would have agreed, but picking hard-to-spot, randomly-spawning flowers is pretty much the definition of grind. The basic idea isn't awful but the practice isn't all it could be.

  8. Actually, according to the Lore, we should keep balance.

    It means exactly opposite, we should support whoever is losing.


    So we should never get paid? Er, no, that's not "being on your own side", dude, that's being a idiot. Keeping the balance doesn't mean not getting paid. It means not always supporting Grineer or always supporting Corpus. Which is exactly what I was saying...

  9. For all the jokes, this is a serious problem.


    After a certain, every single person who IS going to do the Event, will HAVE done the event. If those people split, rather than all choosing one side, the event could potentially sit there forever. I mean, you see the silly business in this thread. Someone saying "Oh support Grineer!". No. Dude, that stuff is why this even will never end, because there are some roleplayers out there (and I say that with love, because I play plenty of P&P RPGs) who will stick to their "side" (not understanding that space ninjas should always be on their OWN side) regardless, and thus keep this even going indefinitely. We should be supporting whoever is winning.


    What they need to do is make the event either have a set ending date (I'd suggest none of these should be allowed to last more than three days - that's plenty of time), or make it so that once it's not 50/50 the event has it's own inertia, as in the whichever side is winning keeps gaining ground (it would make sense - if Grineer already have 70% of a mission, that they would keep pushing Corpus back, for example).


    I'm really surprised DE didn't put in a hard end date for this sort of stuff. It's really boring and irritating to have it just sitting around, taking up screen space, not giving the rewards we all worked for, and so on.

  10. This is not exclusive content. Everyone can get it.


    Er, yes it is. You don't seem to understand what "exclusive" means in this context.


    By your logic, Halo 4 isn't "exclusive" to Xbox 360, because I could just buy an Xbox 360 and play it. Or indeed, just play it on an Xbox 360 I already have - of course I can - but it's still exclusive. I can't play it on my PS3 or PC or get a copy of it on those. That makes it exclusive.


    Your position utterly ridiculous.


    This is exclusive content to Steam. You must have Steam installed and you must use Warframe SOLELY through Steam FOREVER ONWARDS in order to get it. That's exclusivity. People like me, who use Warframe normally, not through Steam can NEVER have the content. Just like someone who doesn't buy or own an Xbox 360 can NEVER have Halo 4.


    Exclusive. As in I am excluded, unless I want to permanently deface my account by going to Steam (honestly, I use Steam for as few games as possible now - the last thing I want to do is add Warframe to the list of games I have to use via it).


  11. Then no one would be screwed and had to THINK about the game they want to play...






    This is not a case of "thinking."


    This is a case of a lack of information. We have not been informed what these new target types are, or who has them, or where, and it isn't obvious in most cases (and I guarantee some "obvious" stuff is incorrect assumptions - it always is with DE).


    Nor does will it require thinking when we do know that. Because we will all just use A B C configurations for Grineer, Corpus and Infested respectively! It is just an overcomplicated way of doing cookie-cutter, and will mostly hurt two categories of player:


    1) New players who don't have all the mods.


    2) People who forget to select the right build before the mission starts.


    That is pretty unimpressive design.

  12. It actually isn't that complicated once you really look at it. And I love it, the system finally feels like it has some sense to it. Every bonus/weakness is logical within the Warframe universe. This change also destroys any ability to have a one-size fits all weapon, which I very much like.


    No. Sorry, you cannot actually say this. It is not reasonable or correct.


    You do not know what, for example, "sinew" is, which enemies have it, or where. I know this because NO ONE except DE (and maybe not even them!) knows this. So claiming it's "not complicated" and "makes sense" is just absolute hogwash.

    Maybe, when DE have explained what "proto shields", "sinew", "alloy" and so on are, which mobs have them, and where, THEN maybe you can say that. Right now? Just not true.

  13. This new event seems strangely...anti-grindy, and it's confusing the hell out of people.


    The points either accumulate and you need only play a few missions to get your antitoxins, and play a few missions with a squad to get to 100 points




    The points don't accumulate and you need to get 100 points in one mission with everyone in squad using Lapiz. In which case you only need 1 of every material (one mission run; night/day) and play one mission successfuly with a squad of others with Lapiz bringing the total missions to get to 100 points(best case scenario) at 3 missions total...


    Because it breaks DE's track record of an ultra grindfest, everyone is dazed and confused. Utterly stunned. It can't be this good can it? Or is it really that bad? I'm don't even know what to think...


    It's alright, it's still really bad! Don't worry!


    It's just instead of being grindy, they decided to punish all Solo players!

  14. No it is not. Do 10 runs with the most common anti-toxin bp and you get 100 points. Thats enough points for all the rewards. Read the event stuff carefully next time.


    That makes no sense. Even if it is a bit laggy, it wont prevent you from teaming up with few people and go do one mission. If your internet connection would be so bad that you couldn't do that, then you wouldn't be able to play the game at all.


    Dude, you are wrong. Look up the Strict NAT stuff.


    Also, try playing Solo some time - realize you do not need a good connection to do it, because it's basically run locally (you can even pause!). Stop being ignorant, please.

  15. Dat goop.


    Awesome secondary for sure, but the best thing about it is the fact they are using more unique weapon-types. (Perhaps not to gaming as a whole, but certainly to Warframe.)


    Digging it.


    < gets out his walking stick, chases kids off his lawn >




    Did none of you kids play Unreal back in the day? Also by Digital Extremes (and Epic - but DE did the game design iirc).


    That's where the origin of this gun lies - the good old-fashioned goo gun. It's great to see it back, but it's not new, it's just a really old, cool weapon that has returned to an era of boring assault rifles and combat knives.

  16. I'm more interested in "What is the Karak?". I wonder if the name was "influenced" by Warhammer, Karak Norn and Karak Azgal fortresses/game servers. But then Dakra used to be Dakka, so probably...


    Karak is the name of, iirc, any mountain in Dwarvish in the Warhammer setting. Similarly in Tolkien's proto-Elvish it's "spike" (which is probably where Warhammer got it).

    Could be influenced, could just be a coincidence because it's a nice hard simple sound.

  17. When we block in game, we still move about quite quickly. If you're lugging a heavy shield around, you're going to be a lot slower anyways


    So carry a light shield? Do you think all shields are gigantic door shields? There are tons of viable options. Hell, in REAL LIFE, let alone "Future Space Ninja Life", people were (and are!) able to run at speed carrying large, heavy shields. Surely Space Ninja can manage that? Eh?


    Shields could be pretty great, so long as they have their own mods, I think. Blocking is a core mechanic and very under-used.

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