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Posts posted by ThatKrazyMiniMike

  1. So, using a few of my favorite weapons I found out most suck now, Like REALLY suck. Using the Acrid now is like using a lato with pathogen rounds. I fell 2.0 broke it and should fix it a bit, A lot of people worked and grinded for awhile getting those weapons AND the mastery rank to wield them to now have them shoot what feels like sand. I feel like it might be in the works getting fixed (in fact im hoping) When 2.0 came out i figured it would get a fix- NOT a  nerf. Some Dojo weapons need a fix asap, Also some weapons in the market needing fixing...Kunai is quite bad along with despair (not horrible but i do hear some minor complaints) Is this just the fact it was released prematurely? Or is this how it's going to work from now on...Introduce a weapon-Hotfix a Nerf-keep it. I hope it will not stay like that. O.o


    If it is just a bad bug can you just let us know ahead of time?...Alot of panic is spreading about this.


    Looking forward to a response- I'm looking for clarity on this subject kinda hit hard and silently. Much thanks to anyone who can help explain or clarify anything at all.

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