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Posts posted by VincentHelmic

  1. 2 minutes ago, YUNoJump said:

    +1 to this, people asking for more time to get to rank 30 probably don't know that there is nothing but Wolf Cred past that point.

    Adding a further boost or time extension for less serious players at this point would just be an insult to the people who have put in the most effort. I put in as much effort as I could towards finishing Nightwave early, and I enjoyed the challenges for the most part, but now I'm basically just saving up the small Wolf Cred bonuses until I can buy another Catalyst over and over, and it's not very fun because there's not much of an incentive to get the rewards. 

    The problem isn't that other people want more time while you want less.  The issue is that everyone has to play the game on the same exact schedule now, and so there will always be a significant chunk of people unhappy with how long NIghtwave takes so long it keeps the season format.

    You don't see any complaints like this in regards to, say, syndicate reputation because there's no time pressure at all.  You can do it as slow or as fast as you want, daily caps permitting, and at no point is your progress just deleted.

  2. 1 hour ago, Gabbynaru said:

    I've said it before, I'll say it again, Frame Fighter should have been like Divekick. Any other type of fighting game takes too many resources to be made good, which DE is never going to deploy for just a simple minigame.


    Frame Fighter's pretty much unplayable, especially since it seems like there's a massive host advantage if there's any amount of ping, if you block an attack and you're not the host you're not going to be able to do much to punish their overaggression.  The game is defined by infinites.  GGPO this is not.  It'd be nice to have it be a slightly more polished gag that focused on being a very simple fighter, but it's hard to make a call whether we care enough about it to justify the development costs.

  3. I've been saying what you've said again and again, OP.  There is no reason for Nightwave to have a seasonal format.  Let Nightwave last forever, and you can complete it whenever you want, and it needs to last a minimum of say 3-5 weeks before you can start a new one.  No more losing all your progress because you needed to take a break from the game, no more prestiging so there's no reason to do more than 50% of the available stuff (and so you have actual choice on what challenges you want to do and can 100% safely ignore those you find obnoxious), just a chill background thing to do to feel like you're progressing.

    The current format is pushed by other games because it causes stress, the whole point of seasonal content in these other games is to push some form of microtransactions.  Overwatch has seasonal lootboxes, Fortnite uses battle passes.  They're not supposed to be super pleasant for the player, they exist because they're profitable.  It doesn't seem like DE intends to monetize Nightwave, so there's no point in having an exploitative FOMO setup for something that's supposed to be fun.

  4. OP is being kind of an entitled jerk if they're just waltzing into pretty difficult content unprepared.  Most of the game it's fine to bring just whatever, but Eidolons are supposed to be raid-like experiences you'd see in other MMO's, bosses that take real coordination to complete.  Bringing whatever frame you want just because you like it is kind of selfish, putting your fun ahead of everyone else's.  You should expect others to leave, you're not entitled to an hour of their time.  Limbo can be decent, but if you can't even be assed to at least bring an Itzal then yeah people are going to be annoyed, doubly so if you're constantly forgetting to get rid of your Cataclyms and just preventing your team from damaging the boss (as an aside, that's probably the real reason people leave when they see Limbo - it's stupidly common in my experience).

    That said, bosses just being blanket immune to warframe abilities is a symptom of the game's power creep issues, and the end result is a fight that makes no goddamn sense if you're playing it efficiently.  People are air-humping the Eidolon's face to get boosted crits, there has to be a Volt whose only job is to lay down a shield because it's the only way to boost shield stuff, everyone just sits in void mode for fifteen minutes before nightfall because that's how you oneshot the shields, only one person actually shoots the limbs and face because everyone else has Void Strike and can't do anything BUT Void Strike.  It's a weird and janky fight when you're doing 3x3's and 4x3's, and it only gets worse as you get better at it.  Bugs, load times, seemingly absent vomvalysts.  It's not a well-designed fight with a bunch of dumb stuff you gotta learn before you can actually practice the interesting bits.

    I don't think the fight needs to accommodate every frame, but the list of frames that have anything they can offer is pretty short.  OP should still expect there to be a well-defined meta, that's an inevitable part of a dedicated playerbase theorycrafting the S#&$ out of one thing, but when there's one frame that literally must be included for just one abilitiy it's a bit annoying.

    Profit Taker I think is a more interesting fight, but I still want something styled like Eidolons that rewards gearing yourself in a super specialized role, that justifies all that effort you've spent collecting mods trying to maximize your DPS.

  5. I like conservations, but I do think they can be improved.

    First, the old style of selecting gear really needs an overhaul.  Swapping into and out of gear uses the old weapon swap speeds, but the game also likes to throw enemies at you unexpectedly.  So you're constantly subjected to these lengthy swap animations that make you want to just finish what you're doing while you're being shot at, because it's such a pain in the ass.

    Games like Minecraft are able to get away with throwing enemies at you while you're fishing or mining or whatever because swapping to a weapon is instantaneous (or as instantaneous as that control scheme will allow); you can turn around, press 1, and hit the zombie harassing you until it's dead, then turn right back around and go back to what you were doing.  The zombie slowed you down somewhat, but it also dropped loot you want and it didn't ruin what you were doing.

    What should happen is that swapping between gear and weapons should be instantaneous, as low friction as possible, and it needs to be lightning fast to go straight back to using hte tool you were just using.  To do this, the Gear wheel would need sectioning out a bit.  Tools (any item that can be used indefinitely other than Archwings) should be given their own gear wheel, with the player able to right click to swap between gear wheels - so when you tap instead of hold your gear wheel button, you instantaneously equip the last tool you were using.  We don't want any consumables on this wheel, to avoid using up possibly precious resources from a mispress.  Items like Codex Scanners that are absurdly cheap should just be made reusable anyways for everyone's sanity.  This would greatly improve pretty much all activities involving hte gear wheel.


    Then there's the enemies themselves.  They need to #*!% off when the player doesn't want to fight.  The Orb Vallis alert system is a good starting point, but when a player is spotted (often because they have no choice if they want to complete some objective like hunting) it needs to be super clear how to end the engagement now and make enemies stop spawning altogether.  Having 2-3 weak enemies pop up that interrupt you is fine, a way to break monotony, but they should drop something useful and they should not be calling for backup unless the player deliberately tries to piss off a bunch of enemies because they're bored.

    This is much worse on the Plains of Eidolon, where the Grineer are omnipresent and omniangry.  Any engagement with them lasts 10-15 minutes, of just nonstop dropships, ghouls, and CC.  The CC in particular is really bad, since you can be knocked out of what you were doing which feels infuriating.  The only times I have ragequit Warframe have been while gathering or hunting on Plains of Eidolon, it's a hellish, unfun experience and I hate it.  Being chain-CC'd and falling on my ass for eons, seeing a beacon go off and being unable to get rid of it, having my hunting targets killed, it's practically the only thing that tempts me to scream at the screen.  In most of Warframe, all of this is fine because you can just kill the problem away, the point is the fight - when gathering, fighting becomes inescapable even when you're explicitly trying to do something other than fighting.

    The fix is just having less aggressive enemies, and more mechanics to signal to the game that you do not want to fight.  Outposts you can raid to disable the enemy's beacons, ways to cancel beacons on all planets, not spawning CC enemies at all until a fight's escalating to the point where the game is reasonably certain the player wants a big chaotic fight, mildly useful drops that make fighting those clusters of enemies not feel like a waste (a consumable to craft useful consumables for gathering, like pheromones or bait), these would all serve to make combat more of a brief change of pace than something that domineers over gathering, that makes you stop doing what you want to do because the game won't leave you alone.


    And finally, the conservations themselves.  I do like being able to tranq random animals, seeing them around feels cool.  However, I think it's currently too generous on the Plains of Eidolon, to the point where I don't do the hunting minigame at all.  What's the point in going through all that effort if there's not one but three Emperor Condrucs right there in front of spawn? The animals you can get from here shouldn't be as high value - nothing rare should ever spawn there (because then that tempts players doing bounties or Eidolons or whatever to stop doing that group activity to go get the rare thing) and they should generally be worth less than if you tracked the animal down (always a bad capture?).  It should be a fun supplement to your daily reputation grinding, not the entire thing.

    The tracking minigame itself is very colorblind-unfriendly, with footprints being too hard to see and often clipping into the environment (especially in mushroom areas, where the animal will appear to walk under rocks.  It also kind of keeps your camera stuck on the ground.  A more fun tracking section would have you able to see the tracks from much further away, but would make the tracks sporadic, instead asking you to find some clue the animal left to pick up the tracks again.  The fun of tracking is exploring the environment and feeling like you're onto this animal - play into that feeling!  Monster Hunter World is a great place to look - Warframe doesn't have to animate anything either since the animal is never there, but having spots where the animal appears to have eaten something like fruit or smaller prey, spots where they've nested, spots where they've scratched up a tree, that'd all be more interesting and would familiarize players more with the detailed environments.

    Using items when you're ready to bait out the animal is arbitrarily clunky.  Interacting with the calling point should pull out your echo-lure with the correct call and take you straight into the minigame, there's no reason for it to have its own button you have to sift through.  Holding down interact with the calling point should use the correct pheromone, if you have any remaining, and of course the screen should prompt you to do all this.  Congratulations, now tranq rifles don't need their own selection menu for this nonsense, so now you can use warframe abilities with your tranq out, which makes getting rid of enemies while hunting even less annoying.

    The shooting itself is mostly fine, IMO.  Animals need to spawn in-bounds, of course, and should generally give the player a reasonable chance to not be detected.  Stuff spawning right on top of the player and making it a bad capture is bad, that's fine for Stovers since them mauling the S#&$ out of you is part of the fun and gives them a lot of characters, but Pobbers have no business doing that.  Sawgaws are really annoying to hunt, but that's partly because the tranq behaves poorly while in archwing - you should be able to move around like with any other gun, you should be able to hold space and rise and be able to use shift + space to maximum speed, there's no reason for it to be more awkward.


    Conservation itself I think is one of the best minigames in Warframe, but a lot of its problems are problems shared with other activities.  A few tweaks could greatly improve the experience of quite a bit of the game.

  6. If you tend to use only one or two of your weapons, making the third a Wolf killer helps.

    But yeah, we all know the Wolf fight is awful.  It's annoying because it's awful in all the ways anyone who's ever designed a video game knows is awful.  He's a bullet sponge boss that only appears sporadically and never when you can prepare for him, with no strategy to his fight but kiting and shooting at him for 30 minutes, with invincible adds, with a terrible drop table to just rub it in that he wasted possibly a half hour of the limited time you have available to play video games in a day.

    I don't think I've fought a worse boss in any video game I didn't hate.  Like he's worse than the Bed of Chaos in Dark Souls - at least Bed of Chaos had an interesting gimmick and failed because it tried something new.  The Wolf is practically optimized to be terrible, it's horrid in all the most boring ways.  Maybe some tanky JRPG bosses could give him a run for his money in sheer frustraion and boredom, but even the most uninspired of those tend to at least be optional postgame bosses that are totally avoidable.  I legitimately can't think of a worse example from a good game.

  7. Don't spend plat on anything but slots for stuff, then maybe potatoes.  Save the rest for buying what you need from other players like Prime warframes and weapons.  You're not going to be able to level those weapons fast enough to justify spending so much platinum rushing their construction, you can build many things at once and just let them keep going in the background while you play.

    The game's got easily hundreds of hours of content and plenty of stuff to grind for, you won't exhaust the content.  I'd worry more about wasting your hard-earned, real life money on something that won't actually increase your enjoyment of the game.  Don't rush the timers, at least not until you've ran out of better things to spend your plat on like cosmetics and boosters.  You're going to have way more fun with slots, Prime warframes, or fancy skins than you will have rushing something that's going to sit passively in your inventory for a week anyways.  It's pointless as you can only increase your MR once a day anyways, you can't spend money to rank your MR up faster.

  8. This thread is exactly why I don't like the season format for Nightwave.  There are people who are going to finish early and have to wait weeks before anything interesting will happen, and then there are people who can't finish at all because they didn't log in for a couple weeks who will have to wait months to get extremely important resources.  It's stressful and draining, it is fractal deadlines ranging from what you need to complete within an hour lest you miss out on this daily from a couple days ago to what you need grind like your life depended on it this week so you have the rep to complete another objective to getting the 60% to "pass" by the end of the 10 week period like you were studying for midterms or something.

    Oh, and then there's people who don't only need to reach rank 30 but also need to prestige as much as possible because there's not enough Wolf Creds to go around and get the resources you need if you're not interested in waiting yet another 10 weeks.

    While OP asking for the entire event to be extended because he personally won't make it is absurd, that anyone would feel the need to ask and others would feel the need to argue to shorten it just shows it's created a new host of problems.  It's all so unnecessary, there doesn't have to be seasons at all.  There shouldn't be any incentive whatsoever to complete literally every objective Nightwave throws at you, because then you're stuck with people being very justifiably upset when certain objectives are onerous, boring, difficult, or literally impossible while others get angry that people are trying to take away niche content from them.

    Nightwave pits players against players such that all their interests end up competing and no one walks away happy.  It's still better than Alerts dragging you out of bed or away from social gatherings because Warframe says it's time to play RIGHT NOW, or withholding potatoes because you couldn't log in that precise day because of real life obligations, but it's an extremely flawed replacement.

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  9. If they do go for a turret, I'd rather it be a manned, active thing rather than yet another AI-controlled passive.  Excalibur Umbra is already something of a $&*^ move in Index where people will use it for AFK farming, and to be frank it's frustrating feeling like the skill ceiling of a character is just "do you know where is the meta spot to drop this on this map" with no further meaningful interaction.

    Warframe is a fast-pace game with lots of mobility.  Even Excalibur Umbra's unique ability is done with the intent that it would enable you to use Operator abilities more, free from the responsibility of shooting a gun yourself.  If there's gonna be a turret, it needs to be a bit more full-featured than the existing "turrets" in the game like Specters.  Vauban's key ability shouldn't be worse than everyone else's gear wheel consumable.

    As for there being a turret at all, warframes are meant to accomodate different playstyles and preferences in genre.  If someone wants an Engineer-like character from other games, it'd be great to have that in this game, just as there's traditional support healers like Trinity and the music game inspired Octavia.  I think it's OK if Vauban isn't strictly meta so long he's useful in some places or otherwise a viable choice in a broader range of activities like Ash or Excalibur, what's important is that he is fun for those that find the idea of an engineer-themed character attractive.

  10. I 100% use Itzal because of its Blink ability, in combination with its overall fastest speed.  I will use any Archwing that is the fastest, because that's the current role and purpose of using Archwings in the game.  I avoid Archwing missions as much as possible as they're a mess of bouncing into walls or sitting still and passively shooting stuff rather than zipping around like a fighter pilot dogfighting and actually using the mobility to do something interesting, so 99% of what was intended to set them apart don't matter.  People use Archwings for the open world and when they're forced to farm resources that drop only in Archwing missions.

    Cosmic Crush is also very useful, of course, but it being nerfed/removed wouldn't stop me from using Itzal.

    The problem is that Itzal's abilities are basically what all Archwings should be anyways.  Blink feels good because it allows us to have these wide open maps without the boring bits of having a wide open map, namely having to actually walk everywhere.  And I still think Blink and Cosmic Crush should be completely removed.

    I want them removed because I want Cosmic Crush to be replaced with a built-in, wide range Vacuum on all Archwings, by default.  I want Blink removed because I want the speeds of Arcwings to be adjusted so that they can have different "modes" of flight that can be easily swapped between: jetpack-like movement with no momentum when you just WASD + space/control, an Itzal-like max speed when holding shift (what we'd do now by holding shift+space), and shift+space moving so quickly it's almost as good as Blink.  All without needing to eat energy pizzas to fuel basic transversal abilities in an awkward, unergonomic keybinding.  Again, for all Archwings.

    This seems to keep coming up.  A sentinel or Archwing or whatever will be specialized in some task that is what we'd expect out of every choice, and so long it's the specialist none of hte other choices are permitted to "intrude" upon its specialty.  Remember how Carrier was the only sentinel anyone used because Vacuum was its schtick?  Anyone miss that?  Me neither.  Itzal is the Carrier of Archwings.  There should be no Archwing whose specialty is speed; all of them need to be equally fast in order to be equally viable in the open world, at least while in atmosphere.  Itzal can be reworked to focus more on the stealth fighter theme without hogging all the speed stuff, just as Carrier turned out just fine being an ammo carrier instead of hogging Vacuum.

    I'd actually be just fine with all Archwings losing all of their abilities in atmosphere, because they're all utterly useless except in extremely niche scenarios with exceedingly stubborn players who don't have access to the superior Warframe alternative.  Let them just be fancy fun jetpacks, similar to how K-drives don't really have any meaningful differences between them, and only let their differences come out for actual dedicated Archwing missions.  Nobody uses anything but Blink and Cosmic Crush, so once those are just built-in features of Archwings we're not going to need the rest.  Pick what looks cool, or just keep what you usually use for Archwing misisons equipped all the time without worrying if you'll forget to switch back to your open world setup.

    It's all kind of a moot conversation right now anyways, though, since the whole thing is going to be so dramatically overhauled with Railjack.  It's hard to make definitive suggestions when things may change dramatically anyways.

  11. 39 minutes ago, (PS4)Dr_Bruiser said:

    DE has essentially solved this problem now by reducing the requirement to 3 statues (at least on PC - I still had to do 5 on PS4, but I'm sure that will be picked up in the next update or patch).  As long as this challenge doesn't come up, on average, more than once every 3 weeks, all you need to do is take a few minutes to run Maroo's weekly challenge every week and then stockpile your ayatans.  Any extras you pick up through regular play, sorties, arbitrations, etc are a bonus.  No major time investment or plat required as far as I can see.  What am I missing?

    What you're missing is that people don't necessarily know to stockpile the statues, because the game never says you need to.  When DE said they thought the Ayatan sculpture cheevo was bad for X reasons, a lot of people assumed that meant it wasn't coming back at all.  And people are naturally going to want to fill their statues, because they need Endo in their day-to-day play - sitting on statues when you need Endo to rank up mods you need to play higher level content is pretty unfun.

    So we're yet again stuck with a situation where people, whether you think they "deserve" the objective or not, are yet again going to be stuck with something they might not be able to complete without paying platinum.  Which is completely unnecessary.  And reducing the requirement from 5 to 3 means nothing when DE created the problem to begin with; they could also make it just 1 statue, so that everyone can get it no matter what.  Or they can have guaranteed drops for doing X sorties in addition to the regular rewards.  Or really anything that removes the RNG elements that push any number of people, no matter how small, to feel like they have to spend money to complete an objective.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

    Fix the wayponts.

    And fix the G. D. doors. I've had more missions failing recently because a door won't open than ever before. What is it with DE and their doors? 😄

    (actually, I think the best way to handle it is to make sure there's always 2 ways to a given location, one without any doors - like ventilation shafts or something - that, or give us a Breaching Charge gear item that will blow a hole through a wall). 

    Even better - let people clip through doors.  As it is , there seems to be door opening animations that physically block you based on the door's animation, which can lead to it getting stuck.  Instead, make the doors non-obstacles for warframes but not bullets, sort of like Frost bubbles - you can run right through them so long they're not locked like they're not even there, and if a door must be locked and then unlocked, instantly apply the noclip before the opening animation even starts.

    End result: sometimes people will appear to clip through a door, but there's fewer instances of doors just plain blocking people and making it impossible to complete a misison.

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  13. A key problem in Nightwave is that there just isn't enough choice in what objectives you want to do.  For a significant chunk of the playerbase, we're pushed to do 100% or as close to 100% of the objectives as we can muster.

    We cannot simply do 60% of the objectives, even if we played every single day since Nightwave started, because prestiging exists and gives meaningful rewards.  Some players don't feel any need to do them, because they already got everything from the old Alert system and no longer need potatoes, Nitain, or aura mods.  Others, however, don't already have everything, and because Nightwave lasts for literal months at a time it's a massive opportunity cost to not farm as much as you can for these scarce resources.  The fix?  No more rewards for prestiging - they should either be utterly negligible (stuff that could be better farmed through other methods) or ideally completely non-existant.  No glyphs, no little marker for achieving 100% of objectives, absolutely nothing.  Yes, there is a group of players who care about achievements, we all know about Bartle's taxonomy - don't abuse them.

    The other side of this is that not everyone logs into the game every single week, and that should be respected.  Not everyone started Nightwave at week 0 - they should not feel like the next five weeks are going to be a complete waste because it's now impossible for them to get rewards.  This is the problem with the 10 week format and the expiring objectives.  This helps play into burnout as well, since players who don't want to be one of those who've fallen hopelessly behind feel like they have to "do their homework" every week so they can turn it in on Sunday night (which just so happens to line right up when a lot of people's IRL school assignments are due - I wonder why that might be stressful?).

    I really do appreciate that Alerts were replaced - having players stop playing with their friends becuase they want something an Alert has and they don't is terrible design, logging into the game in the middle of the night or leaving a social gathering because the game has a rare reward you want is unethical game design. But the faults of Alerts don't justify Nightwave having its own exploitative elements.

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  14. Nightwave's biggest problems are its laser focus on FOMO (do this now or you miss out on rewards) and its overall presentation as a list of obligations with deadlines.  This has burnt people out of other games they used to love; I know I personally stopped playing Overwatch because of burnout from seasonal events making the game extremely stressful for me, and I'm going through that same feeling right now.  I don't want to leave Warframe for the sake of my mental well-being, but I might have to.

    The way Wolf Creds work mean that you cannot simply do "60%" as Nightwave's defenders like to so often quote - you need to get as many done as possible to get enough credits to get the scarce resources you need.  Players who no longer need potatoes or nitain or aura mods or helmets simply aren't going to empathize with players who do need those resources, and because there's this fundamental misunderstanding it breeds hostility between high MR players who see all these criticisms as unjustified whining and lower MR players who feel all of the pressure Nightwave puts on them.

    It also leads to a very contentious split on what players want the  objectives to be - for those who need the resources, who recognize that 10 weeks is an extremely long time and that simply choosing not to do stuff means not getting that stuff again for possibly months at a time, they want to be able to complete 100% of the objectives.  For those who only care about the Umbra Forma and the exclusive armor set, it's desirable to have difficult objectives to serve as a reward for having grinded for OP gear or for being good at the game, meaning they don't have to grind as much to get that magical 60% as other players.  And again, this leads to conflict on the forums on subreddit, conflict that could have been largely avoided had prestiging not been a thing.

    DE needs to respect player's time and their decision to not play the game every day.  It means not demanding players do difficult or grindy tasks on the game's timetable, because that leads to players logging in when they don't want to, doing stuff when they aren't having fun, and building long-term resentment for the game that can ultimately hurt overall engagement.  It is better to encourage people to log in once a week and feel like they missed nothing than it is to encourage them to log in five or seven times a week and then risk them leaving the game altogether from burnout.

    No more rewards for doing literally everything in whatever replaces Nigthwave, and I do mean none.  No credits, no glyphs, absolutely 0% rewards for doing anything more than the 60%.  No more 10 week periods, we should be looking at one or two weeks tops - logging in after taking a few weeks off from Warframe for your own sake should not have you staring down an Umbra Forma that you mathematically can no longer get, with the next 5-6 weeks being an utter waste to you.  These changes would mean players would have real choice on what objectives they want to complete.

    Being able to choose your own goals is a major part of what makes grindy games like Warframe fun, because it always feels like you're working towards your own objectives on your own timetable.  When Nightwave takes that away and starts dictating to players when and how exactly players should grind lest they lose out on this limited-time reward, it turns that grind into a toxic, stressful, and unfun experience.  That Alerts had their own serious problems isn't an excuse.

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  15. The problem with referring to anyone getting rewards that they didn't directly contribute towards as "leeching" is that any other method would result in a lot more open hostility.  It's OK with a Saryn clears the map and everyone gets the XP; if Saryn clears the map and only she gets the XP, suddenly any high MR player that plays a low level mission will be viewed as a predator stealing affinity from new players and ruining the experience for everyone.

    To be honest, that's kind of already the case. It's a bit $&*^ish to run a Volt in a low level mission and just delete the map and not let anyone else in your group play the game, but that's mitigated by people getting the mild rewards from that mission and the fact that most low level missions aren't worth the time of high level Volts in the first place.  if you have to deal damage to get affinity for a kill, suddenly being that Volt is a form of griefing, a way to steal XP from other players and make the whole experience more toxic.

    I certainly get the frustration with AFK'ers - in the Index, AFK'ing is actually rewarded quite a bit as Excalibur Umbra is pretty good at killing things.  Regardless of how effective he is, though, it's pretty unfair that one group of players get to alt tab from the game and go do something else and get credits for it while other players have to do all the work; and it's pretty frustrating when those AFK'ing players almost by definition are not incapable of contributing more to Index since Excalibur Umbra is such a lategame aquisition.  I don't think that kind of "playstyle" if you could even call it that has any place in Warframe, at least not so long that an entire team can't do the same strategy and still succeed.  So long one group of players can AFK while another is forced to do the work or risk failure, that's fundamentally unfair.

    But that can't be applied to literally every group where someone does 2% total damage.  That's your own damn fault for bringing a nuker, pressing a single button a couple times to kill everything, and then thinking that entitles you to a bigger reward than everyone else.

  16. I think the proof of the problem is in the pudding, so to speak.  The prices of empty Ayatan sculptures have predictably spiked again.  Whether or not you personally believe it's reasonable to be able to RNG farm these if you're not playing literally every day, it's undeniable that people at least feel they need to go out and spend money to buy empty statues, so much so that they're playing vastly inflated prices for them.  Whether or not you think they actually need to, we need to admit they being lead to believe that by the design of the achievement.

    It's completely unnecessary, DE doesn't need to do this to earn money, and any P2W elements in Nightwave, no matter how mild, is unwelcome.  At the very, very least, it's not a good look.

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  17. I'd rather the Wolf Creds be more dramatically overhauled.  Remove the potatoes or whatever it is that's causing DE to treat them like they're too precious to actually award, and then give out Wolf Creds at a reasonable rate so that players can actually be rewarded what they need if they do the things the game asks of them.  Then just put extra potatoes in the initial tier lineup.  For whatever reason they chose 300 Wolf Creds to be reasonably attainable in a 10 weak season, which implies they don't want players buying more than 4 potatoes every 10 weeks.

    So add 4 potatoes to the reward pool, bundled alongside the stocking stuffer rewards like sigils and emotes that no one really gets excited about except for collection's sake, and then make the Wolf Creds flow like water, something that can be easily farmed so that players can get all the aura mods they want.

  18. Ultimately people are going to argue against pretty much anything if it means that their setup gets even a little weaker.  A long list of varied and viable weapons that allow players to make any weapon they've grown attached to just as good as the meta wepons?  A longer list of warframes that have useful niches, that aren't outmoded by frames that can just outright kill the problem away?  A less buggy and more intuitive game where it isn't necessary to have an encyclopedic knowledge of exploits to perform as well as others?

    Nope, all those things might mean I have to go find some other top% build.  Gotta hold the whole damn game hostage so that someone, somewhere, doesn't have their build slightly nerfed, even though all the numbers are relative and it's not like the game is going to get appreciably more difficult when people are oneshotting Eidolon limbs anyways.

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  19. 2 hours ago, 541K4T said:

    I am utterly disappointed that Alert died for this...

    I'm very OK that Alerts went away, I'm less OK with how Wolf Credits are handled since you just do not get enough to get resources at the same rate as under Alerts.

    Alerts were just plain unethical game design.  A game should not get to decide when it gets played.  When an Alert goes out for something youv'e been waiting for, the game is basically demanding you drop what you're doing and play on Warframe's time schedule, and that's not OK.  It incentivize players to prioritize the game's needs over their own, I regularly talked with people who would wake up in the middle of the night or look for an excuse to leave a social gathering to go get credit for an alert they wanted. It should have never been in the game to begin with.

    What I think people actually miss from Alerts were the more generous rewards, that let you get a new item maybe every single day rather than once every few weeks.  And on that front, I wholehearted agree that it's not a good look to take a bunch of stuff that was given away fairly liberally and then lock it behind an impossible grindgate.

    The homework deadline presentation doesn't do it any favors either.  Better turn in your homework and get at least a 60% if you don't want to fail this class Warframe just sprung on you!  Everyone had so much fun in high school and college, a 10 week period of regular assignments and tests is just the most fun possible way to present a video game.

  20. 13 minutes ago, (XB1)Skiller115 said:

    Did you intentionally miss the part where he said 4 Ivaras just to make your point valid?

    Key word was "if" in "if he was alone."  If it took 4 people and still took them 3 minutes to take down the Wolf, they should be very unsurprised when it takes people 5 minutes or more to beat them.

  21. 30 minutes ago, (PS4)Mordecai_Vrykul said:

    5 minutes?!!!

    The longest fight i have had with him was maybe 3 and it happened during a kuva flood spy mission, 4 ivaras vs a level 90 wolf. My baza was doing maybe 120-200 a shot.

    A level 90 Wolf has about 269k HP according to the wiki.  The Baza has a fire rate of a little under 17 rounds per second, with a magazine size of 40, meaning for every 2.35 seconds fo shooting you'll be doing 1.4 seconds of reloading.  It will take about 1,345 Baza rounds to kill the Wolf if every single one did 200 damage, meaning it would take around 79 seconds of uninterrupted shooting and 47 seconds of reloading, for a grand total of 126 seconds being the absolute fastest you could kill a level 90 Wolf with a Baza if you missed no shots and did the max damage.  Two straight minutes of perfect accuracy with your mouse button taped down.

    The Baza only has 800 rounds.

    You have to dodge his attacks, he's constantly forcing you to reposition, and the Baza isn't exactly accurate.  You probably needed to at least place down a squad ammo restore, or if you didn't have any handy you'd have needed to go loot enemies.  You were also dealing with a crapload ot other enemies and the mission objective.  If you were alone, as many people are when they bump into The Wolf, it is extremely unlikely that you would have completed it under 3 minutes with a Baza dealing only 120-200 damage a shot.  5 minutes is pretty realistic and lines up with my own experiences.

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  22. Obviously a tool put out by DE being used in an extremely obvious way shouldn't be bannable.  The ball is entirely in DE's court there.

    I do, however, think it's bad for the game, you're essentially demanding other players farm for you.  It doesn't matter how effective it is or if it's even meta, because it's still a matter of one player getting to go do something else and get a reward while preying upon the time of other players who can't make the same choice, since if everyone AFK's the objective can't be completed.  Why do you get to AFK and I have to be the one that does the work?  It's exploitative.

    The Index already doesn't allow certain abilities or features to work, like how nobody has any companions except for Khora.  I think it would be fair to disable Excalibur Umbra's ability to act independently in the Index to prevent AFK tactics, which historically has been something DE has used as justification for nerfs for other warframes.

  23. Pretty much my take.  It looks like the Wolf Creds are awarded at such a miserly rate because you can buy theoretically unlimited catalysts and reactors with them, if you lacked any sanity.  In which case... just take them out of the listings?  If DE wants to make sure people aren't getting more than X number of potatoes a month, then just only make X available per month.  Don't make it compete for slots with all this other stuff.  Wolf Creds should have flowed like water, just as all the other rewards listed there used to flow like water under Alerts.  Just put the potatoes as tier rewards, or as a choice you can make between them and something more useful to vets as a reward for prestiging.

    Though I don't really like the overall format of Nightwave to begin with, as it's basically a gigantic listing of deadlines and things you're going to lose out on if you don't turn in your Warframe homework on time.  The whole system could do with a lot more flexibility so that players don't feel they have to do this exact thing in this exact window of time lest they miss out on rewards.

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