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Posts posted by Gremlin

  1. 4 minutes ago, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:


    is it really forgotten? or is it actually just a normal low-MR weapon intended to be forgotten?

    I think it really is forgotten. When I started playing, Acrid was the crème de la crème meta of the game. The fact that another gun is implemented that overshadows its once unique mechanic shows that it should probably get a tweak in order to stand out. I think DE is kind of transparent when it comes to trying to breathe life into old weapons with augments and even the implementation of rivens with differentiating disposition stats. 

    It's like why not have the low MR version, and then options to improve it later in the game? I feel like these are perfectly fair suggestions to keep it a low tier weapon, but also to give it more variety once new mods are acquired through the syndicate mod, and eventually a riven mod. Those are the most satisfying weapons in the game I would argue. 


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  2. Out of any weapon that needs a rework, I would really want one for this. Auto fire, and adding a 'kill switch' on the gun would really be great, and would synergize so well with it's syndicate augment! Turn this meme into a dream please. 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

    I'm not saying its gonna bring more people btw just to make sure we are on the same ground here ^.^

    1 - Boosters stack with double affinity , credits and ressources Thats a fact no need to argue on that we can both agree right ?

    2 - Double affinity , credit and ressources events see an increased sales of boosters due to the fact that they stack ( point no 1 ) . Allright if you were not aware of that ill tell you right now they are selling insane amount of boosters during those time Credits x4 on index generates millions of credits easely , ressources x4 max toroid or even fishing for standing skyrocketing farm and same for mutagene sample for hema or other. Last but not least double affinity generate ammount of forma usage insane and speed leveling of stuff and also the only opportunity to level up strong weapons like the machete ( btw this one is a joke )

    So basicly as a matter of fact its really true.

    But the event is more than enough to be honest ^.^ 

    Of course they stack, that's 100% fact, not trying to deny how a system works. 

    But to me, it just sounds like someone trying to get free stuff out of a disaster, and it puts a bad taste in my mouth. Theoretically it does net more sales, but don't you think the booster weekends would happen more often? I don't want to say anything that I don't have the facts of, and I definitely don't know what happens in regards to spending when there is a booster weekend, I can only speak for myself. 

    But I do support whatever they would do, boosters or not. For the moment, I still think you should grab a booster from the store regardless if you are looking to get the most out of quarantining!




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  4. 2 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

    Well since they stack believe me they are gonna sell those like Hot pies if they do that ^.^ 

    That's not really true... Theoretically yes if it fits the idea of wanting free stuff, but there's a reason DE doesn't do booster weekends often. They don't need a reason to get people playing the game RN, they just dropped an event, and with the current situation with the virus keeping everyone home,  people will definitely be playing more. 

    Stay home, but keep in mind the devs are as well. They have families as well they are trying to keep safe and care for! 

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  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    take a break, there isn't gonna be anything to really miss out on now until Scarlet Spear arrives anyhow. come back refreshed and ready to take on the new sentient threat!

    or don't.. it's your life after all.

    I agree with this. I've been playing on and off for 5 years now (or 6, can't even remember now) and this is the way to do it.

    I have times where I don't log in for 2 months, and also stretches where I'm putting all of my free time for months playing.


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  6. OOF. People are using the 'we are supposed to be powerful' argument... why? That's unbelievable. It's a game, it's supposed to be engaging. Do you really want the game to be even more mindless? To me, that's just asking the devs to kill the player base with boredom.

    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, Vyra said:

    Im speaking of smth available.
    I play for 6 years ive not yet got that mod.

    ( due to my lack of ingame ( and outgame ) social ability such as chat and socialize and trade i cant just buy it off someone )

    I got an extra if you want? Just hit me up in game. It's a really good mod.

  8. 7 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Urban myth with nothing to back it up...

    It does, more or less. Free to play games obviously have statistics on who buys, how much they buy, when they buy and how long they stay playing the game. I think it's kind of too complicated to say 'well just stop playing a bit and you'll get one' though. If you've purchased before kind of often, and you login after an absence, there is definitely a high chance for a coupon to try to keep you playing for longer, since typically if you're buying, then you're playing more. Of course, the more you play, the higher chance you will buy additional things.

    I've actually done a small experiment (you can chalk it up to a 1 off thing if you'd like)

    I have spent a lot of money on Warframe, more than I am willing to admit. Either way, DE sees me as a spender.

    I haven't logged in in 9 days and have quite a bit of time played on steam:


    And I was greeted with a 50% discount coupon:



    Obviously the 75% is definitely fewer and far between than the 50% or other discounts, and like I said, maybe this is a one time instance, but I was able to pretty confidently log in after a short absence and snag a discount.


  9. Just now, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

    Dude, warframe IS an anime.

    I mean, this is the mandatory beach episode for Frod's sake

    I know you're joking around for the most part, but I'm not sure how a silly summer event makes it an anime. Nor how it makes Warframe into Fortnite. 😛 

    No disrespect you for whatever you're a fan of, but why not just see it for what it is. An action sci fi game with a limited goofy event.

  10. I'm not forced to do anything. Of course I want the rewards, but that doesn't stop my lazy ass not going too much out of my way for them. 


    People seem to be too easily effected by the whole "fear of missing out" mentality. I think DE is being alright with it though. It's something to keep players coming back, even if they aren't super thrilled about it. Sales go up when more people play. 😛

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