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Everything posted by Lime-Prime

  1. Hello! I have an idea for the eclipse that could be interesting, at least in my head. When the ability is activiated, you start in the "light mode". You remain in this mode until you have taken a certain treshold amount of damage, which should scale with duration I guess? Anyway, once you have taken enough damage the ability turns into the shadow one. Here you take less damage, however, after you have done enough damage or performed enough kills you go back to the light mode again. Sort of a dynamic way that does not depend on the lighting, but more so on what you are doing in the mission. Although I think in order for this to work, the shadow mode needs to be made a little better than it is today. Add some more benefits, such as energy regen etc...
  2. So this went from "you cannot play the game without umbra mods" to "I want that last marginal power spike and see the biggest numbers, for my specific build"?
  3. I explained earlier that the % increase from using two mods is marginal and can easily be accounted for via shards, arcanes, etc. The increase of adding umbral vitality together with umbral intensify, instead of just vitality I guess, is not something that is crucial. It is a "small" improvement at best, although having played for almost 2.2 k hours at this point I can say that Umbral vitality really is not worth it in most cases. The OP argument was that you have to have these, but that's incorrect. I am doing all content available in the game with one umbral mod or without any of them in some cases. You have other/better/cheaper options to get those stats. In most builds, replacing umbral intensify with intensify is not a significant deal at all. And as showed, you can have one umbral mod without umbral forma. For the rare cases that you want 2 or 3 umbral mods, well, feel free to dump the few umbral forma there. But this is definitely not needed nor recommended for all frames or even most frames. You can easily test these things in simulacrum and you will see that the margins you are chasing are easily covered/exceeded by other means. Molt Augmented arcane can help, red shards can help, madurai focus tree can help, growing power aura can help etc... Same goes for armor and health, many other means to get those stats that will cover the margins umbral mods provide over the ordinary mods.
  4. Hello Here is an example of a high strength build using umbral intensify without any umbra forma: In this case the exilus polarity is off, but the augment mod being cheap made up for that. It will work but as you see, you need to put in some serious forma in some cases.
  5. Umbral mods are a marginal stat upgrade compare to their normal counterparts and these margins can always be covered by arcanes or archon shards, which are easier to obtain. For Warframe builds, you mostly just use the umbral intensify alone. Which does work without the umbra forma, although it does cause you to use some more forma on the frame. For the melee builds, sacrificial steel tends to be preferred for critical chance, so that one is used very often too. But this too is achievable without umbra forma. You only need umbral forma if you want to use 2 or more of the umbral mods, but that's a very marginal increase in power. But is that really needed? Looking at your total ability strength, you gain 14% more strength from the lone umbral mod than the normal intensify. How much is that in grand total? If your build has 150% strength, you literally added 10% more. With 3 umbral mods, umbral intensify is at 77% but you did use 2 more slots for that. One of those slots, the armor, is not of high value. With Augur secrets and intensify you have 54% and one more slot to use. There are a few select instances where certain power strength % makes a big difference, for example a certain % to fully armor strip. But these limits are usually somewhere between 100-200% and this is easily reached without umbral mods. For damage alone, you will not notice a huge difference between having 250 or 275 ability strength. Umbral mods will not make or break your build. Armor and health are not really as important as shield and immunity in higher content, so the vitality and armor umbral mods are not super important in my experience.
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