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Posts posted by dandin3

  1. its just happen to me in last 5 min..

    i try to sell thing on trade channel and i wirth WTS...


    and [DE]judgejudy kick me off the channel..


    his word : you have been kickd from trade chat next time lay off the capslock 


    so i try to ask him why ?? becuse evry body do WTS in caps lock... and no answer...


    so i i try talk to the other DE   [DE]GingaNinga . and i got no anser agian...


    pliz fix that .. its not fair i play this game like 1000h +++ and i have been supportive.. i deserve better attitude we all do! 

  2. i'd skip to 68-72min area

    here is a vid of me, yes its super difference and i no longer hit 200,000 as much :l... i this vid used my first test for valkyr but blind rage did not afected melee speed past what was shown... im kinda to test on other melee weapons but THIS FPS problem is hurting my scindo...


    you sure this its rghit place to post that.. ?

    we talk abut range of the scindo here

  3. How big is the Scindo compared to the Tenno? Lets assume a Tenno is 2 meters tall, that makes a Scindo ~1.60m, 0.9 m arm length and considering grip, a little over 2 meters range without moving sounds about right.  It is a physical weapon, making the base physical weapon extend beyond its model would feel rather foolish. It is bad enough that Reach/Primed Reach uses magic to extend range, we do not need that on the unmodded weapon.

    2.1 + 150% = 5.25  so 5 meter its ok,,

    also like the guys above say.. dagger 4 meter and axe 5? 


    im not ask for super buff .. just to make it feel rghit ... 


    also i know its the op weapon of the game .. but the range not make weapon more op..  [exp the others that have like 10m with p range :p] 

  4. well i try to see what the original range of this weapon because with the prime range mod i hit only at 3-4 meter

    so i take out the prime range and what i found its he have 2m range,,,,


    2M!!!!!! ?!?!?!?!?!


    it's a gigantic weapon . two hand .. big axe.. only 2m?!?!?!


    idk DE it's not feel right.. plz fix it [give it a buff to 3m+ range]

    please support that post 

  5. try the new survive on t4 solo.. well its good .. i start run :D.. but as a team with nekros.. its so helpful+ 

    even with solo uits take the fun out.. u cant do higher the 30 min +_ and that no fait and no fun :{ 

    we cant any more test our limet 

  6. yes. + viral have better status proc,,

    basic why ppl take corrosive for void it's for the gunners and accents.


    the bombard come after in the late update so ppl dont use to that yet. 

    and let me tell you at high lvl corrosive don't even move the bombard


    i use my paris prime full forma to land a head shot on lvl 75 bombard and he get 505 damge x2 on normal crit.. 


    i basic always take 2 guns one with corrosive and one with viral rendition to avoid die at hgih lvl. 


    at the end [1h in a tower surv] i always find myself use my melee [with virel] to lend kills 


    note: the only 3 that matter in the void its gunners and bombard and ancients

    corrosive it's for ancients and gunners and rendition for bombard

    virel its for all becuse that status proc..

  7. had. too much card game.

    + too much damage and same active thing .. throw card and throw card..

    sound nice frame but need rework


    if he gets like .

    vex drop random card that increase fire rate/reload speed/damage for all team. it will be more effective and fun play

    not saying this is a good skill just say that it have more fun and option to play with

  8. most ninja-

    1 ash [well Obviously]

    2 excalibur [samurai]

    3 loki [trickster]

    4 nyx [more of a mental ninja]

    5 saryn [well every ninja must have toxic]


    least ninja

    1.mirage [nothing ninja about her]

    2.vauban [old and machinery dud]

    3. mag [magnetic.. you know]

    4. volt [he look ninja.. but exp his speed nothing rly is]

    5. mesa [.. well she all about guns]



    note: i think every frame is a cool ninja if we can add technology to the ninja code.

    aka naruto

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