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Posts posted by (NSW)Lunavay

  1. Get a life. I mean it in the most respectful and genuine way.

    It's a game. It's meant as ONE form of entertainment and not the meaning of life. If anyone has had fun for a few hundred hours then it's given you more joy than most games out there. Also, ignore complaints from streamers or Youtubers because their complaints mostly stem from not making enough money from the game instead of actually having fun as a player. 

    • Like 1
  2. No game is meant to be played forever.

    Those Youtubers/streamers play it like a job and getting money out of it. They are really not in the same category as the majority of players so their complaints really need to be treated differently which is, different ways of saying "I'm not making enough money out of this" more often than not instead of the actual quality of the game as a player.

    • Like 2
  3. Clan name: xLastxAlliancex
    Clan tier: Shadow Clan 
    Clan platform: Switch
    Your Clan role: Warlord


    The clan is built to reflect different seasons in nature. As this contest takes place in summer, the images selected below also focus on capturing the vibrancy of summer.


    Feature Image




    Other Images










    All images above could also be viewed through this link: https://imgur.com/a/vRlc4ei

    Good luck to all participating Dojos too! 😄



  4. Firstly, you need to toggle to run every time you load into a new map/mission. Different frames have different base speed.

    Also, if you are comparing yourself with other players then they most likely have different types of speed mods equipped on either frame or weapon that increase movement speed.

  5. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Grimfrost83 said:

    Patience is a virtue? 🙂

    Haha yes but more like don't count on it. You will end up with a bronze mod half of the time and if it affects you, like you feel that you've wasted 3 rare mods and a core, it's probably better to stay away. 

    It's really just in-game gambling so you get the most out of it when you are not attached to the result.

    • Like 2
  6. On 2019-07-31 at 11:44 PM, GrazedZero said:

    Unlike other weapons/gear, the paracesis won't gain affinity unless you actually use it. 

    I'm not questioning your answer but did they change this recently? Mine is level 40 long time ago and I clearly remembered barely using it because I don't like great swords much (still don't).

  7. 21 hours ago, (PS4)Mordecai_Vrykul said:

    If you are going to bother with your focus trees i highly recommend not to bother putting the focus lenses on anything other than banshee and a whip and do the easy focus farm method.

    You can max out your daily focus in like 3-5 runs that can take approximately 2-4 minutes. 

    You can use 2 greater lenses or if you have one an edilon lens on the whip.


    this is basically how i run it, except i run with a kavat instead of helios just so i can get a chance at the affinity buff.

    Sweeet. I can finally find a reason to use my pretty Banshee


    4 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Please for the love of whomever ignore me as well

    Hope he/she ignores me as well. Your guide is great and I scroll down to find someone being snarky and pick on the.. font size? SMH

    • Like 1
  8. 1. Up to you but unlocking the star chart is recommended because it unlocks fissure nodes.

    2. Don't reset. There's nothing in the beginning that you can't learn later. Bring up the training mode in your index and practice there if you need to.

    3. There are 2 types of prime available for farming, new release and unvaulting of previously released primes. Wukong is the latest NEW release while Rhino and Nyx have been released previously and are being UNvaulted now. All will be locked away after some time and the only ways to obtain them after are:

    • Buy from other players
    • Leftover relics from the time when they were available in-game
    • Wait tor them to be unvaulted again.
  9. 2 hours ago, Tinklzs said:

    I never said that it excused the behavior, DE can look at this and see why players are afking it. So you increase the rewards (which they did, although not the way I would've done it, but they at least did something), and then make it more fun (while removing the afk ability entirely) by doing a handful of things 

    Adding new squirt gun weapons, possibly one for each ranged weapon type we have (sniper, Grenade launcher's as examples) for variation. Maybe give us a table, like when we first started warframe to select the MK-1 weapons, at the start of the match. And enough so everyone can use the same weapon type if they desire.

    Can't think of anything else at the moment, but I hope you understand where I"m coming from. 

    From a developer perspective it is DE's job not only to ensure a level of balance is obtained (so no afks) but to figure out why such things are occuring to begin with. Finding the source of the issue (which is all over the forums), and trying different ways to fix it, is the best course of action next to increasing rewards to help ease the grind.   Again, it doesn't excuse the afk behavior, and I"m not promoting it, but it does help explain it. Because other games have had similar problems, and those developers fixed it in the same manor I mentioned above.



    I understand where you are coming from and appreciate you explaining it. The red texts are pretty funny and deserve nowhere near amount of anger from this post. Reading it feels like DE burnt down the backyard of OP and some people in this thread.

    • Like 3
  10. 7 hours ago, Tinklzs said:

    You're looking at the symptom (idling/afk) and not the actual problem (the event is boring, so boring infact players would rather idle it). 

    Solution to problem? Make it more entertaining, and make it so idling can't happen. So, problem gets fixed and quality of content goes up (win win).

    It's completely 2 separate issues. The event is boring does not justify exploiting the game; being poor doesn't justify stealing or having lower IQ doesn't justify cheating.

    They still have every right to discourage the behavior. So what I don't get is why some people are so hurt bout something that they are right and have every right to do. 🤣 


    • Like 4
  11. 45 minutes ago, (PS4)death404 said:

    I'm with Gharls, something is off with your builds as many properly modded weapons do fine in arbitrations even without rivens. 

    Are you matching elements with weaknesses?

    I second this. I have mainly used weapons without riven in arbitration and they are perfectly capable. Riven is really not a necessity in any part of the game. 

    • Like 1
  12. I just want to add on about getting new frames. There's the fast but boring way to buy them from either players or the market with Platinum. But it kinda takes away some of the fun. If you want to get them yourself, the best way is looking up where the parts are dropped and play those maps/missions.

  13. On 2019-08-02 at 8:16 PM, NinjaZeku said:

    TBH, personally, outside of Eidolon hunting meta, I find Chroma to be somewhat meh.

    If you want a Frame that can take a bunch of hits and offers a Squad damage buff, you could give Rhino a shot
    (try to farm Relics for the Prime while you can), who'd not least also provide some mass CC (and damage) prowess, yay.

    Chroma excels at single-target damage and is not a jack-of-all-trades frame.

    Most beginners will prefer a master-of-none frame in the early stage because they are easy to use. OP, go with Chroma if you like it. Every frame in the game works for unlocking planets so it really is about personal preference, especially when you are starting out.

  14. Just listing down what I've encountered so far.

    • Chests flash white on Earth.
    • The floor of my orbiter flickers like mad when I stand near the arsenal
    • The range of Khora's dome (skill 4) appears as if it's 100% or less though I have 190%. This happened on Earth too and I double checked my mods.
    • Operator's face is distorted.
    • Location marker of myself is gone on minimap.
    • Mining dots disappeared in Fortuna. (Can't mine at all now)
    • Decoration menu in both Dojo and orbiter stops showing the button mapping


    I'll add on if I've discovered more. 

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