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Posts posted by Gregio

  1. I only ever used block in the manner you described, to tank some fire just enough to move forward and behind cover, so yes, locking the camera view and position according to where you're facing before the button press sounds like an excellent idea.

  2. I grow tired of this argument, and I understand your point, so I truly don't feel like antagonizing you further.

    My final point will be simply this.
    They have said it is at least, very unlikely that the old Vandal models will return.
    As for the opinions of those who own and don't own the Vandals, I don't own them, and I don't miss them at all, I haven't maxed even 1/3 of the weapons in the game, though the Lato was my first and aesthetically sort of favorite pistol so I would LIKE the Vandal. That said, I understand it should and will remain exclusive to Closed Beta players, as I believe it should be, so I just got a new pistol, the Kraken, which I love.

    Now my friend Zack, on the other hand, owns the Vandals, and he said he doesn't want non-beta players to have them. Another friend from the same group said he doesn't care, and a third said he'd rather non-beta players don't have it, so you'll understand we're exposed to different opinions.

    As for the continued discussion of this thread, the Vandals returning free to all players is, in my opinion, such a minor, irrelevant question for all the fuss it's raising, that either way it goes, people won't be happy anymore, so I'd rather drop and ignore the matter.
    That DERebecca has to watch over an argument like this over a matter that should have been settled by her official statement, and so that the staff can focus on more pressing matters, like Update 8, for example, so we all get Clans and DESteve stops having sleepless nights over endgame content, I think this thread just turned into a waste of staff time, IF they are even checking the matter anymore.

    My suggestion would be to find something else to focus on the game, grab a new weapon, go make a Squad with JoeHook and talk about all the A******s (me, etc) that want to keep you from your de-skinned stat-fied Vandals and just have some fun, leave the staff to design new Vandal weapons and just send some support tickets maybe to keep their attention to the matter.

    The discussion has pretty much shown them that opinions are split, and both sides have their reasons and seem reluctant to change their minds, so I'm sure they will come to a final decision, if DERebecca's post wasn't already their final decision without the need to further discuss the subject so fervently.

    Also, I really want Update 8 to come along, so let them focus, yea?

  3. The Braton Vandal was limited for OBW. If there's one thing I'm beginning to learn it's never say never, but there are no intentions to bring it back.

    By DERebecca in this post.

    There will be more Vandal weapons, but no, you are not going to get the current Braton and Lato Vandal weapons.
    Not while there's at least half the people in this thread disagreeing with you, since, if half the population + the staff agrees with what the staff is doing, just by doing number crunching they have no reason to change their mind.

    If the game truly just loses all purpose to you because there is ONE exclusive item you want and won't get no matter what you do, you can just leave. That would hurt the game, but apparently you care more about having the game EXACTLY the way YOU and only YOU want it to be rather than playing it how most people and the developers envision and understand it.
  4. Than, you didnt read the wall of text, it is well explained,




    Well explained, i wouldnt have eplained it better

    i didnt know at the time that the game exsisted, so there are no way i could have got it, you simply had to be there and grab it, unfair

    In Resume,

    Why i am being punished for not discovering the beta sooner, i didnt know it exsisted!!!! (This is how i feel, it is an emotion, i clealy undersatnd that im not being punished,)


    Of course it is my personal opinion, and everyone is enthided to their opinion, so what yours?

    How is it not fair that you have less exclusive content than people who were there longer than you?

    There is exclusive content, free content given to players who were there who will not and SHOULD not be available to those who weren't there.

    If you can get all the same things a player that was there from the beggining of closed Beta, how are his rewards exclusive? How are they even rewards at all if everyone ELSE also has them.

    I understand that this is both your opinions but it is a... well.

    There's this guy:RAVVSlathotep

    "As a Lato Vandal user I want everyone to be able to get it, it doesn't make me feel any better knowing that I have it and my friends can't. It makes me feel like an arsehole."

    His reasoning doesn't make sense to me. Your friends may be jealous and it will be rightfully so. If you feel bad, don't use the weapon. You have it because you have been supporting the game for longer.

    As for all the people saying they just want the stats. You will NOT get a weapon with the Braton skin and Vandal stats. Why? Because that's $&*&*#(%&.

    Why add a "new" weapon to the game that has the skin from one and stats from another? Just add an entirely new gun, that's more refreshing for the gamers and developers.

    JackVII said:

    "no ist not, we are repeating again and again that we dont want the vandal, we want every TYPE of weapon to be avaiable to everyone"

    Too bad, fella.

    They are exclusive because you had to be there for them, or get the Founders pack for them and it will remain that way, wether you or me want it.

    Why? Because exclusive things make people happy. Paying money for stuff makes other people happy and keeps the game running. Having been supporting the game for longer and having exclusive things because of that makes me want to keep playing the game to get future exclusive items.

    There is no room for discussion. This thread has served it's purpose, you can tell from their silence and what they have said that they will NOT re-add the existing Vandal weapons to the game, either as skins or stats. They will add new exclusive weapons eventually, new Vandals or otherwise, and you should aim for those.

    There is no resolution to be achieved because the whole concept of this discussion would ruin exclusivity for the game and much of what keeps the game itself running. If anyone can, at any time get any item that other people had to be there or pay for, then nothing is exclusive, you have no reason to play or have played the game at the time of the "exclusive" item or give your money to keep the game running because some other guy who has more free time than you can just get everything you gave your real life money or time for.

    I UNDERSTAND wanting the item.

    You should understand why the developers will not give you the item. It's not rocket science. You're simply being spoiled.

  5. Whoop Dee Doo, an extra 5k credits. It's not like some alert missions can offer two to three times that amount for completing them.

    It's not impossible to get good things from the login rewards already.

    In a good week, I've gotten a catalyst and a reactor for a fast clicking finger.

    You already have more valuable items in the login reward roster for consecutive logins, if you add a further reward JUST for logging in, regardless of the slot-machine-like prize, it shouldn't really be very valuable, specially not for a mere week.

  6. They already do that, right now Braton vandal is the best rifle in game and the only thing its stoping the lato vandal to be god tier its the lex.


    its like saying DHS doesnt outclass the others melees.

    There are no absolute best weapons in Warframe. Which is exactly what the devs wanted.

    DHS is a good melee weapon, but many people prefer Scindos with charge attacks.

    The Lato Vandal may be a good pistol, but so is the Lex, Kraken and the Akboltos, for example.

    The Braton vandal might be the best ASSAULT rifle, disputing with the MK Braton, Braton and Grakata, maybe.

    What the developers don't intend to do is direct upgrades, things like.

    Dual Heat Swords. Next update introduces Dual Inferno Swords, which is basically the same thing but stronger.

    Which is basically what the thread starter asked for.

  7. I just think the "You werent here then" argument conflicts with the spirit of a game that strives to make a F2P game thats the opposite of Pay to Win. All rewards in the game can be earned, with the exception of the Primes, which are slight upgrades and mostly cosmetic. I just think that the Vandals should be that as well, slight upgrades and mostly cosmetic. It could be argued that they are slight upgrades, but i think there is room in the middle for another gun, which i think in many ways would add to the value of the Vandals, not detract. 

    The Vandals aren't Pay to Win, they're rewards for supporting the game for longer. If YOU had the chance to be here then or not is irrelevant.

    The game will get more and more weapons which will fit those niches, and maybe upgrades to the Braton and Lato eventually, but they will not and should not be at all related to the Vandals the original beta players have.

    The Vandals are Beta rewards. Those who were here then deserve those weapons, those who weren't may buy Founder packs if they want to stand out with the Primes. Everyone else should just enjoy the game and watch it progress.

    If the Vandal was the most powerful weapon in the game, I would understand your argument, "Oh, just because they were here first, they get the best weapons in the game? Oh, no. -cryface-"

    But they're not.

    What you asked for is basically for there to be a Braton Mk.2 which would have stats inferior to the Vandal but superior to the original Braton.

    I would argue, mod the original Braton, but of course you've done that.

    So I'll simply argue, get a different gun until a gun that fits that new niche exists, and were such a gun to be made, it should NOT be a Braton clone, even if it is another assault rifle, it should have it's own skin and be available to everyone, just like every other gun that isn't a Prime or Beta reward.

    Stats aside, if your logic followed, every person who wasn't here for Easter will whine that in a F2P game, they don't have access to this special color pallete because they weren't here at the time, so "clearly those people are PAYING FOR THEIR "WIN", thus the game is P2W, bawwww."

  8. I don't think so.
    They're not overpowered (not too much, anyways), the Vandals, and they're a nice reward for those who were contributing to the game at the time.

    They deserve it because they have been part of the game since then and that's enough of a reason to have both a more powerful and different visual weapon.
    As Founders, we get access to Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana prime or w/e it was called, we get this over non-founders because we are helping fund the game.

    I don't think your argument carries good logic. -shrug-
    You may want the Vandal weapons, but, hey, too bad, you weren't here then.
    Maybe when we go to full release, those of us here now will get some form of open beta reward. Or not.
    Either way, I disapprove of your idea.

  9. I encountered the same problem, and it's not confined to multiplayer.
    Every now and again, after using Crush, my melee and powers will be bugged out as it seems "Power still in Use" is the message I get.

  10. It would be interesting, for sure.
    Maybe make conditionals, in a corpus map where the life-support would've gone down, only the Moas would remain but they'd be stronger, perhaps.
    Though there's the problem that the Tenno don't breathe in space, as seen when you break windows.

    Overall, these are some good ideas, but they'd take a lot of discussing and polishing, still, I approve.

  11. Also the Tenno are ninjas.

    Excuse me, what?

    There are some references in the Tenno to Japanese culture and the Excalibur in the trailer is very reminiscent of Samurais, if anything, but the tenno aren't ninjas. If you wore an exoskeleton armor that boosts your body, I'm pretty sure you could wall jump too.

    That said, throwable weapons sound pretty cool.

  12. I see almost everyone missed my point with Rhino... and used the SAME TIRED LAME EXCUSE... "go play private or solo",,,, that is not a solution.

    YES, it works, but you are immediately relegating them to 2nd class players who can't compete 'in the real world' and you are OK with it!?!

    You ignored everyone else's point, in thinking that Online mode is the "real world".

    I don't play Online. Ever. I have a big enough number of friends that I always play Private and usually when the peeps are playing Warframe, there's 2 or 3 squads going on.

    So, like I said, it just sounds like you need to go make some friends that care about you and your warframe or find some pubs who don't just rush everything.

    Though I do agree with the guy above, 75% would be a good speed, I guess, I still think you're mostly wanting Rhino to be something it isn't.

    In any game with defined roles, Tanks are able to solo, they're just slow, and in party games, people work AROUND the tank, not ahead of him. So the problem isn't speeding up Rhino to keep up with the others, but people moving with Rhino, and if that won't happen in public games, you should really just get out of them and find some private games.

    It doesn't even need to be "friends", you could just post in the forum and look for a squad of other people interested in looting and more team-based team play.

  13. OP's biggest problem seems to be playing with randoms who don't give a rat's &#! about him, leaving his Rhino in the dust to fend for himself.

    Well, OP, as said by two or three people, go make some friends and play Private with them. My friend has a Rhino and he keeps up with us pretty well because we're not rushing through the map to complete X and Y goal leaving him behind. We just keep moving and kill most stuff. Also, regardless of what frame you're using, Infested are easy. Get a frost gun and the slowest of classes can still kill everything from a distance.

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