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Posts posted by Kaleeiv

  1. your point 3 is unnecessary

    You can clear the Cetus and Fortuna quests very soon with a few mods in your weapons (which you have to put there during the tutorial to continue btw), and start getting 2000-3000 daily standing there or there shooting kuakas, buy the fishing rod, the capture gun, and the mining tool in Fortuna so you can get easy daily standing without even doing bounties and slowly collect mats for the archwing launcher that is sitting in your forge inventory when you first activate it. Also NW will ask for those, it's always better to already have the standing to buy the necessary tools.

    The archwing launcher crafting is the question for a lot of new players in the chat and for me it was my first ultimate goal once i had seen others fly around. And the hooverboard: Nice surprise getting this while waiting until MR5 for the archwing launcher.

    As a new player coming mostly from RPGs, it was the part i understood the most easily actually, and it was a nice introduction to standing in general.

    better teach them how to craft Restores for ammo and energy because it's what is lacking at low level and their scarcity is the only difficulty to clear those early solo mission, or some specters like Valkyr.

    Also the npcs are talking a lot saying all what is necessary, but as a beginner you cant listen, being solicited by all the new information on your screen and your ears and trying controls.
    They need to go there expecting to maybe fail and do better next try armed with a bit more of awareness. 

    Cetus and Fortuna can provide a nice change of pace when you're overwhelmed on the star chart, the graphics are awesome, i'm not sure why you would want to keep them from that until they find the content here trivial.




  2. On 2020-06-14 at 4:39 PM, Steel_Rook said:

    It's more an issue of the teleportation being delayed. A keen-eyed player will notice their pet die and jump to it quickly, while the pet will take a good 2-3 seconds to teleport.

    i just made this dance while my MOA was 3 meters of me but down the ledge up the ledge down the ledge etc...

    i was looking for an option to opt out that teleport thing when i found this thread.

    On 2020-06-14 at 4:26 PM, z3us32610 said:

    I just had this "dance" happen early. I chased that cat back and forth 4 or 5 times. I like the idea of pets teleporting to the owner when they get downed, perhaps it should be coded to teleport one time only.

    good idea, or maybe only if they are farther away than 50 or 100 meters. At least 20m or idk how far is a regular bullet jump but that distance.

    though i suspect difference in height is considered more distance, judging by how loot detector fails at seing things above and under.

  3. carrying other is the way to repay from having being carried anyway. Too bad OP has experiences where nobody carried and thought it was worth a tantrum. I see those as a learning experience. I never learn much from speed runs



    ... but my weapons do

  4. 2 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

    Play Supports, like Oberon, Baruuk, and such. cast a few buffs that last forever, and let other people play. "I did my part" !

    i went with trinity once, i didn't have time to cast 2 on any mob... hush... they'll never know.

  5. Just now, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    On small maps we are always sharing xp. It's hard to find ways not to share the majority of our xp on maps like Hydron. 


    You mean they'd farm focus with only a single item while carrying a full set of gear? 

    yeah, that sounds very 2020. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

    Well, as much as it is true, as soon as you say to people to "share XP", then, they go in their own corner of the map because they are egoists and want 100% of the xp for themselves. It's not how it works, it's not how any of it works.

    shared XP means shared between frame and weapons.

    if you dont do the kill there is XP for your weapons, if you do the kill with your abilities XP goes all to your frame. So nuker farms focus with his frame, and the other leech to lvl their weapons, try their build, take a coffee pause, whatever, who cares. If nuker goes public and sees another nuker and dont have a weapon to level dont worry, he wont lose his time he'll find another group.

  7. 31 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    General question for anyone who can answer: Why does there seem to be a surge of people who don't understand how shared affinity works? 

    I've run into a few people who were vocally upset with the Saryn or Volt in Hydron and said that they were trying to level up their gear. A couple of times people tried to explain the shared affinity to them but it should have been obvious. 

    farming focus with your weapon lens. 2020. you can't have the S#&$tiest year of the century without extra effort.

  8. ah i didnt pay attention to the casting range. I thought it only influenced the "explosion" . Erff. i need to retry that, yeah i tend to stay far in corpus tiles to bait nullifiers.... gonna try on grineers.


    I guess the message invalid target is a bit misleading on this. I didnt ever question the range. "out of range" would be more explicit , especially with limbo mechanics and the not always visible effects.


    ok i did the maths, and with any range you need to be in or close to the bubble and on the side at most, not diametrically opposed to the enemy for who wonders. Which happens more naturally with bigger cataclysms (also, bigger margins around the bubble), and/or in party play when mobs are not specially coming at you and ending on the other side of the cataclysm

  9. I play min range Limbo a lot and i've always encountered issues trying to cast surge on enemies in a cataclysm while being outside of it in the rift too (dodge). I get the message invalid target.

    This has caused me a lot of difficulties trying to understand how surge works. When i had this message, i went out of the rift to try to cast but of course it didnt work, the only way i got it working is going under my mini bubble defeating the purpose of soloing with min range bubble at all.

    But today i do my excavation sortie mission with a larger bubble, wanted to take screenshot because i had finally decided to enquire if it was a bug or not, only to find out i could actually cast surge from outside the bubble on cataclysmed enemies. i try to cast again with different angles and had troubles at some point but didnt recall the invalid target message i might have run out of energy for a second.

    Happy, i think this was patched or i just imagined my issue and i go to the mobile defense with my min range build (34% range) and there i try again to be sure, and i got invalid target again. (On enemies that i can scan so i'm in the same plan. no question here.)

  10. the new tileset always goes on countdown with magnetic anomaly, Lotus says it and you can see the counter on the left but the police is small, no different of the sabotage caches hint and easy to miss. You'd better off looking for caches first then do the mission or put the orange cell instead of a cleanly removed cold cell. But it turns the lights down, making it not easy either.

    Death danger alert should be easier to catch on the screen, even if you know there can be a time limit you may completely miss it, expecting a more obvious message on the screen.

  11. you probably already tried by now, but in case someone else has the same fear of being "carried" and reads the topic:


    it won't hurt if you go in a Teralyst public run, generally there are people learning too or able to solo and going public so other can follow and learn. On most of your runs, you probably wont even have time to see what is happening and wouldn't have been able to "carry your weight" even with the right gear, as it takes mostly practice to know what to do and when.

    You can focus on vomalysts to help. Especially if you've been following the eidolon alone, you know its attack patterns by now, and how not to die which is more than most on their first group run. You can bring rhino for extra buffs to the party during the shoot-a-limb phase, as there are good chances that other bring chroma and volt, the lures shouldn't die in Teralyst mission, Trinity is not really useful there. think about bringing energy restore/ammo if needed (magnetic procs and you dont have arcanes yet)

    Worse case scenario, the run fails but that'd be because everyone in the run is learning. And when it goes bad, that's the only way to learn what not to do and on what to focus first when the group has a hard time.You wouldn't see how it can be easy to be overwhelmed by vomalysts in a quick nice run. If someone is not happy about it without being able to contribute enough either, it's just another case of someone who read all the guides and thinks he knows it all, but never practiced. Just ignore. Also, don't be that guy.  If the run seems hard, speak, exchange tips and experiences.  You may find a group willing to tweak, try again and learn together.

    And don't keep your cores for the next rank and the guide-friendly amp, invest as soon as you can and get that first cetus amp done asap, its alt fire can 1 shot vomalysts and has a nice punch through, and it's a big game changer compared to the mote amp, especially since they nerfed void damage a bit. Some time ago, the mote amp was enough to cheese vomalysts without aiming right 100% of the time, but now it's a pita.

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  12. 24 minutes ago, bejuizb said:

    Even prior to the doubling of the enemy count, groups I was in only managed to clear the encounters with sufficient numbers due to a specific nuking build on a frame. Usually a Volt or a Mesa. Four of us tried a Nightmare encounter, and we barely crested 40. And this was with us picking up every single tetrahedron thing the enemies drop. 

    I don't like these changes because a lot of Warframe abilities don't really interact with the Errant Specters. Oh you play Grendel? Have fun not being able to eat them. Ah, a Revenant player? Can't mind control. 

    The spawns are incredibly unreliable. The tetrahedron spawns are unreliable. One could say "use the glaive and get a minute bonus time by freeing the SU people", and sure? I could do that. But it feels very frustrating to have to give up a melee weapon you have and like only to use it to slowly charge up and free people to get 20s of time. Even with a bonus minute, we'd have probably not crested 100. 

    These changes are not something I enjoy, and would request a refactoring of the numbers of the mode to not heavily disadvantage non-nuke frames. 

    that^, the spawns are broken with more players. Even solo, if you move from your spawn to go near a prisoner, you can see the first specter after more than 20 seconds. By that time you'd have your kills with a static nuke frame.

    I used Octavia, which is solo cheese and a nightmare in a public group with other players scattering the aggro. And why wouldn't they? freeing prisoners should actually help and not the opposite.

    Also the waypoints to the prisoners appear in the sky, making people run around looking for them.

  13. 12 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:

    Would be pretty dumb of Cy for not having admin access to the railjack if he performed a system integration to man the whole thing tho. 😕 

    The dude can already override all tenno input to pull us out before the railjack explodes if you fail the mission. If he can do that, I think the does have full access to all functions of the railjack.

    Dunno about this one. Were sentients ever observed to subvert Railjack systems and any point? Perhaps in Scarlet Spear?

    Cy tells you it's barely functional and you have a lot of work to do when you get your railjack. And there are avionics to extinguish fires.

  14. 43 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:


    They disintegrate immediately, and leaves nothing behind (as seemingly such with the revolite we already use in the ship)

    Also, what's stopping us from using mechanical systems? I'd be interested on how sentients take over clock work if they can't even take control of my guns.

    maybe because it would piss off those who farmed engineering rank 10?

  15. 1 hour ago, Butterfly85 said:

    Sees title.

    Thinks "yikes, I know my piloting skills are bad but didn't realise they were that bad"

    Then realises it's a different kind of wasted being discussed here 

    hahaha must have been you driving when i was trying to aim the cannon at the crewship for NW

    i hope command intrinsics will let you spawn paper bags. could be handy.

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  16. maybe the number of relics that have been available since you've started playing (probably added to the pool only when you log in) whether or not they've been vaulted since. That would explain why we don't all have the same max amount at least.


    actually, looking closer, it counts all cells in the table so it adds the current possible ones to the vaulted ones you have left. (or not, doesn't work on my lith ones :D)

    aaah ok re-edit, collected is for the relic type, so upgraded ones shouldn't count more showing more displayed relics than that number.


    and for the 1st question btw it's in the codex

  17. 12 minutes ago, kgabor said:

    This would be the healthiest approach, but some people just has to bring their nonsense identity politics everywhere and/or throw tantrums to try to make sure everyone is aware of their fragile egos when the developers's direction doesn't fit the agenda they are trying to push. (see every second genderbender thread)

    As if kekbot's kickwords weren't ridiculous enough, just to mention the tip of the iceberg.

    Warframes are infested flesh in battlesuits, if anything they are closest to the Dalek.

    They are made the way they fit the aesthetics of the Orokin (still we have things, like assymetric Banshee shoulder armor or Equinox helmets which imo. aren't properly explained yet), but otherwise their looks are completely irrelevant lore-wise, only relevant to DE's sales, but a frame's perceived 'gender' isn't a great factor even at that aspect.

    At some aspects in its direction the game centered around space ninjas is closer to Eastern philosophy that didn't make such a great issue about genders as todays Western identity politics does and is better off that way, who would have thought? No one seen that coming.


    You guys sure go fast on your high horses for a remark I made about a business point. I don't see how a PEGI 18 game that would exclusively cater to Transformers fanboys crowd could be as successful as WF as it is now. And thanks for those who mentioned Anthem as an example, I heard It is a flop.

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