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Posts posted by GhostUnitVII

  1. Whoever did his Voice, you have immediately made Tyl my favorite boss out of the whole game. I mean dang, he insults other bosses like a true boss, and it makes me want to have a boss fight with him a lot more. So kudos to you sir! Can't wait for it.

    I would love to have him as a Warframe, Like he says those quotes when you kill a certain number of people would be fun :D

  2. update broke alot of things :/


    just TRY to play a Vauban, I dare you...


    Tesla orbs cause people to fly if they have the enhancement, and the orbs of various abilities cause players to stop on them, like they count as a physical item, not an entity. 


    ...OH and the broken door on the new mission map...



  3. starting to get tired of this, the loot table has been one-sided the whole time, I don't care who is getting their ars handed to them, if the battle is going to be decided by loot, then whats the point in the fight?


    It even breaks the point of supporting the lore of the game, but whatever what happens, happens.

  4. No - just no. Valantine Arrows are killing immersion.

    were Ninja's, in space... with abilities that do far worse than "kill immersion" hell think Valentine arrows are bad why not look at other things that are far worse than valentine arrows. If anything it would add to the uniqueness of this game, rather than kill it.

  5. would be an extreme lag fest, maybe with 4 people but no way with 100, that's pushing it, and when in one time you see 100 people on a relay without lag? The answer to that is never. Its a good concept, and many others thought of it, even I thought of a similar concept, but as a raid? Wouldn't work due to the fact of the optimization problems that can occur server side and client side.

  6. known bug, and a annoying one at that. I've ran into this when i was doing just that, on my rhino, think a bombard downed me at the time, anyways it would stick the camera inside your characters helmet, and sometimes it would happen when you simply get downed.

  7. ...





    Okay I see two problems here, one they took your rifle, that is normal... its not a glitch and is met to happen, and secondly... why did you only run with a rifle? Drakk masters cant take Melee type weapons, like your swords, staves, scythes, and so on, which is why you ALWAYS run with a melee just in case if things go wrong.


    Not a bug, working as intended. That's how I would had put it if I was a Dev.

  8. I wonder how hard DE will try to rig the next conflicts.

    Legendary core vs 20 uncommon ones?

    Primed chamber vs 50k credits?

    1million credits vs 1 neural sensor?

    during the Brakk event, they gave out equal value items, it came down to what people want, and it was more balanced then as well. Now I'm not too sure what it is, if they didnt chosen the Dera, like a Snipertron, or even the Lanka Vadals would had changed this by far, and people would had went both ways, same goes for the Karak.


    also during the Brakk event, there was a second weapon, a melee weapon, maybe they have not released it yet, and maybe it would also turn a few heads. I do agree with alot here that Anyo needs to have a chance, but personally I dont trust him, a person like him can be big trouble in the future, and if Alad was smart, he would keep his dogs off our lawns.

  9. Is because the ppl want the karak. They dont give a s**** about alad v (maybe some ppl likes him.) But i hate him, i don't care about the weps. im just really hate Alad V...

    same can be said about Anyo, the man is a con artist, if he had a chance to make a credit, he would probably sell the grineer plans to Alad V. Point is I would rather deal with Alad than Anyo, even if he did hurt the tenno, besides, there is no worse fate than the infested just sayin

  10. looks like they want Nef Anyo to win considering they're stacking it in his favor. More cash last round (didnt help) and now he gives 25 rare cores to Alads 20 uncommon cores. Booo!!! 


    DE shouldn't meddle in that... have both sides give the same.

    Agreed, kind of bias in a way on how this is drawn out. Hopefully this doesn't turn into another Brakk event where people who went one side, lose the opportunity to win the weapon, despite their efforts.

  11. Do watch the last devstream where they said Dark Sector is not connected to Warframe.

    find that funny, Dark sector had the Glave in it, and so does this game but meh, if that's the case I'm not arguing about it.


    anyways maybe if the infestation becomes a greater problem, the Corpus, Grineer, and the Tenno can finally get together to stop a common enemy, the corruption of flesh, or also known as the Infestation.

  12. Tenno only care about the reward, damn the consequences. Karak wraith might be better than the dera, so no matter how bad we mess ourselves over by supporting Salad, that's probably what will happen

    If Alad V can stop the degradation that the infestation causes, then the infestation can still be stopped, no matter how strong Alad V gets, but if we let this 'FAKE' profit, take credit and try to control the situation, no telling what next Moa he will create. I don't support someone who claims that you can give unto the Void, and believe it or not, the tenno are also infected by the technosite virus (I think thats what they call it).


    Do read about or even play the game called "Darksector" to understand Warframes past :D

  13. Assuming I agree that melee way outclasses guns...the fact that you have to wade through a mob, putting yourself in everyones crosshairs and shot to pieces, while you can safely shoot from cover, is enough of a balancing factor for me.

    And not to sound S#&$ty, but if youre breezing through the game with melee then try using something other than rhino/loki/powerspam/OP weapons.

    Unless you have a tonkor, then you can just bounce the group TF2 style.


    and another thing, you dont need to spam powers to have "op melee weapons" just need to be good at them, and use the boost in movement that they give during a melee attack, like air, or a slide attack.

  14. I know this is a "new" thing when it comes to these arrow skins, but what about the arrow skin we had during valentines day? Like it was a one time use item, used during one mission, for one event, but seriously shouldn't that be an arrow skin as well like the others? This confuses me on how this was let past like tossed aside for next year, I like the concept of these arrow skins, but would be nice if there was a way to use that valentine arrow skin as a permanent addition to your arsenal.

    Its just a thought, and I'm sure many others would agree, so feel free to leave your opinions about these new arrow skins.
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