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Posts posted by Gylaan

  1. Ok, full disclosure: this post is mostly me ranting about songs I really like, and if you can make a good mandachord song out of one, that's just gravy.

    Gosenfu no Sanctuary (backup link) is reason #3 I wish Symphogear did more villain songs. Not that there aren't plenty of songs sung by villains, but only three of them feel like Villain Songs, and they're all sung by the same character.

    Sakimori no Uta (backup link) represents a continuing trend - two, actually: one of me being an absolute sucker for exactly this sort of genre-defying instrument choice, and the other of Tsubasa always having the best songs (even if only a couple even slightly work on the mandachord).

    EDIT: video links may be wonky (I swear they weren't giving me issues yesterday), I'll see if I can find better ones

  2. As I alluded previously, a new Symphogear album released. Of the ten songs, half of them have two or more vocal parts, which I imagine would make a mandachord version difficult at best (I'll have to give them another listen to see if there's any good instrumental sections), and one other is not to my taste.

    That leaves me with... four. Hm.

    Well, I need to find good videos for them anyway. In the meantime, I'm surprised no one's asked you to do the new Pokemon Battle Tower theme yet - personally I'm not sure it's a good fit for the mandachord, but I'm still surprised no one's asked.

  3. Maroo's Bazaar hasn't been loading properly for me. Well, ok, the location loads fine, it's other players that aren't loading; I'm not even getting the placeholder models you usually get. The only reason I noticed at all is that I encountered a few free-floating "Trade" prompts. And I also can't see what people are offering for trade. (I have not tested to see if the issue exists in other hubs as well.)

  4. Can you take a look at Setsuna Trip (1:20)? (Full disclosure: this is the one that was giving me drum trouble. I've since gotten it to a "good enough" state, but I'd like to see if you can get more out of it. Also curious about your thoughts on instrument selection)

    I'd also like to see if you can get anything from either of Gekka Bijin (0:56) or GUN BULLET XXX (0:50), both from Symphogear AXZ

  5. 1 hour ago, Buff00n said:

    Generally, when I'm figuring out a tricky rhythm I find that physically counting on and/or tapping my fingers on the quarter notes helps a lot.  That and tons of practice.

    Snare is usually the easiest to hear and figure out.  I usually start with that.  Hi-hat is also relatively easy to hear, but it tends to have a lot of dynamic range.  I find myself just picking out the loudest hi-hat and cymbal hits and leaving the rest out.  Bass drum is usually the hardest to pick out; in a lot of music it tends to get confused with the bass line.  Sometimes listening to it on crappy speakers will help muffle either the bass line or the bass drum and bring out the other one.

    Honestly, the vast majority of percussion parts I hear follow a handful of common patterns.  The one I did for 'Senkin Dur da Blá' combines a couple of these patterns with a break on the fourth measure.

    Thanks, dude! I'll give it a shot

  6. So I've managed to limit myself to three, which I'm listing in roughly descending order of "want"

    Nonon Jakuzure's theme from Kill la Kill, notably the section beginning at about 1:05 https://youtu.be/gDvq9USBbUA

    Seigi wo Shinjite, Nigirishimete from Symphogear G; I think your best bet starts at about 1:00 https://symphogear.fandom.com/wiki/Seigi_wo_Shinjite,_Nigirishimete (couldn't find a good version on youtube, but the wiki page has an audio file embedded)

    Senkin Dur da Bla from Symphogear GX https://symphogear.fandom.com/wiki/Senkin_Dur_da_Blá (again, no youtube, but audio here)


  7. I've noticed this as well. On the other hand, changing skins from the 'Helmets' submenu has the opposite problem: everything except the helmet changes. Images in the spoiler



    EDIT: Just discovered a weird workaround: If you have an alternate helmet equipped, it seems to work properly from the 'Helmets' submenu, or from the 'Skins' submenu with an alt skin equipped

  8. So I've been playing Mesa recently, and I enjoy it a lot more than I expected to, but there's one problem I keep having: the sound effect for her Shatter Shield wearing off is too quiet. In low-level missions that's not usually a big problem, but at higher levels (which often have even more chaotic noise to drown it out) prompt reactivation can mean the difference between life and death.

    So if you could just... bump up the volume on that a bit, or otherwise make it stand out a bit more, I'd really appreciate not having to glance at it's timer every 2 seconds.

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