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  1. Bug: When I move around in any mission, I end up with a bunch of pickups on my warframes hovering inside my warframe but I don't seem to use them. This wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for the sound issues it brings. Just having your sound effects turned on you can hear the pickups sound effect being spammed like a machine gun. I have had to turn off sound effects due to this. What causes it: Just moving around in missions, just existing. I do use the vacuum mod on my companions which does increase the chances of it happening as I pick up more. Side note: I did put another bug topic about a different bug however I did outline that, that bug actually is caused by this bug in some capacity. I wanted to keep these separate as per rules of the forum but they do correlate in some capacity. Fixing this bug could also fix that other bug. Many thanks,
  2. BUG: Sometimes in missions I cannot use the cotext action, even in situations where I must pick up an object for an extractor for example or hack a console. Recently I even saw in deimos vault bounty, trying to leave with the extract tentacles but it would not let me. What I believe causes it: Pickups that hover on you but you don't pick up is connected to it. While in a deimos bounty I had none of the pickups on me and it was working fine. Then ammo hovered on me which I didn't need as I was full ammo, so it stayed hovered on me, then the context action stopped working again. Although this pickups issue is connected, it is a bug itself so I will talk about that in a different topic as per rules. However I mentioned it here slightly as it does cause the bug in some capacity. Many thanks,
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