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Posts posted by Urska

  1. The void defence lasers will oneshot everything so that isn't unfair, and stalkers absorb will only do alot of damage if you attack him while he is in absorb. Anything the stalker kills doesn't down they just die, thats just how it works. you really are expecting far to much out of the kubrows.

    like i said, i cant expect any thing from others, i just sit their and they go open every thing on it, its like playing with ppl is bad for kubrow at this point...

  2. I have had no problem so far with my Kubrow dying. I level her up on Sechura with Vauban. Infested are easy to control, so I can just throw a vortex and Cathy has no trouble surviving. Once Kubrows get to a high enough level, you can add in Shield Link, Health Link, and Armor Link, which makes them extremely OP, and better than most sentinels imo. Some of the team kill stuff does need corrected though, and Kubrows should have a great AI which allows them to jump over lasers and such. AI Improvements and bug fixes are all they need I guess.

    that stuff dosnt help at all, they just get 1 shoted by stuff that 1 shots us, just cant stop other ppl or aviod the orb


    *edit* also didnt fully read it, sorry ,but ya... the team killin...is really annoying other then that, i am petty happy with my huge kubrow x3 just wish the fur pattern randomize was back tho

  3. so before i start i would like to point out most of the deaths on my kubrow are by other ppl's actions. 3 things... Void D the laser player can use 1 shot kubrow...ppl can miss click it or just use it with no warning, killing my poor kubrow while trying to grind Void D... last thing, IF a person gets an Assassin on some one, IT will do a green orb AoE of death, like Nyx's...that one shot them... i can NOT call him back or avoid any of it... PLZ make this less unfair, maybe let stuff like that do 50% or ALmost kill them, not 1 shot.... OR make it where u can make him back to being happy at u faster, aka 3 times a day + ppl's actions makes it really annoying.... thx for reading and dealing with my bad grammar and all x3 ALSO this is not a rage post, just i dont agree with it at all. and no my kubrow isnt weak, has 666hp 744 shield and 150 armor... :l

  4. where to start.... DUE to being one of the frist 501 kubrow ower, my quest on it is buged, Lotus acts like i just came back from finshin the quest... and my ship AI acts like my pet died/ not taking care of him, THIS is all happening due to the game eating my kubrow... both of them play EVERY time i go to my ship... NEXT... when i rank up any thing, thats not my pet OR melee weapon, my game locks up and rmeoves me from the part..this happens at the wrost times...i can play with all max stuff and dont crash...this is really lame and makes the game kinda unplayable....NEXT ... my new kubrow i got from DE from the game ate my kubrow has fell into a bug where he CAN NOT gain any loyalty... so ya.. can pet, him 100 times, do w.e and that 3 per day thing dos not move, dosnt not go down or any thing... i put mine to sleep so i dont lose ANOTHER kubrow... 


    ^ all the bugs i had hit since u14, bug that RUIN any enjoyment of this game... none of this is small stuff... PLZ FIX THIS so me and others can enjoy the game, i am NOT the only one with the issues, may be the only person with all of them at 1 time...but PLZ DE HELP!!


    PS YES i have tickets in... none been answered at all...

  5. i have this bug... SO not only was i the 501th that lost their pet, now i have this... game is unplayable... and next to this i got other game breaking bugs where game locks if i rank up on any thing then melee and pets... it locks up and removed me from the party.... as cool as U14 is. the bugs.. just make it horrable. PLZ FIX THIS DE....

  6. Game random locks/Frezes then breaks party up...it petty much cuts me out...this and me being one of the frist 501 kobruw owners...making me HATE this update... ui is awsome, all the ideas and all. are epic...the bugs in u14 are horrable... hope you guys fix this soon :<

  7. 90% of my friends and Clan members are all offline and they really are. they have spent hours looking for how to fix this, jumping from every solution they can find and NO one has discovered a fix for this issue. Looks like this been going on sense October 2013 and I am wondering why this has not been fixed yet. the game is unplayable to me and all of my friends, that's 56 people in all. Note i do not have this problem the other people have.

    a friend reinstalled it, worked for a hour or so then back to the same error...

  8. looks like DE wont fix this due to its 7% of ppl... game is now UNPLAYABLE, the longer it takes to fix this, the more ppl will stop, if u wana lose everyone, go pull a GameFist

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