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Posts posted by holdenagincourt

  1. Your lack of Redirection seems odd to me, as it's one of the most common mods. The drop rate was definitely not right before they patched the rare mods, but ever since that patch I've personally noticed a huge increase in them and no one I play with is lacking at least a few.


    Random is random, but I suppose in any normal distribution someone has to be at the tails. :$

  2. It's mostly a problem on the spaceship tileset because of how small the individual tiles are and how often backtracking is involved. Sometimes enemies will get stuck behind bypass doors, outside elevators or under vents while continually spawning (or just unaccountably spawn in huge numbers), leading to truly ridiculous enemy concentrations.


    Last night I was doing an event mission on Pluto with one other person and on the way to extraction we stumbled into a room with at least forty Grineer, including two Grineer Heavy Gunners and about half a dozen Shield Lancers. All in the mid to upper 50s. I had to use two revives just in that room and revive my friend three times.


    Something about the spawns is inconsistent and not quite right; sometimes they seem perfectly normal and other times it just gets to be too much.

  3. The system is fine when you fight him in his normal place on Fossa, but becomes absurd and tedious when you fight him at, e.g. level 55 on event missions.


    It takes a full team like 15 minutes or more to kill him at high levels because of the damage cap, which to all appearances is hard set numerically and doesn't normalize to whatever level he's at. Jackal just becomes another time sink like most of the other bosses at level 55.

  4. The notes for 7.10.1 say that Mine Osprey scaling was fixed, can that be clarified (or if it was earlier in the thread, can someone quote it)?


    I'm asking because even after 7.10.1 Mine Ospreys are about three times as tanky as Crewmen of equivalent level, which doesn't seem right. A critted Paris shot doesn't even OHK them at level 20. >_>


    Maybe someone accidentally entered an extra 0 in their health values? hehe

  5. Loki's Decoy ability is supposed to be stronger than Saryn's Moult. Loki is -all- about utility and has nothing when it comes to brute strength or DoT. Saryn does - her ulti decimates everyone around her. Venom is great for crowded enemies. Contagion is a bit lackluster, but it still does add damage to her melee attacks. Giving Moult the same abilities as Decoy would make her even stronger when she frankly doesn't need anymore buffs other than Contagion (this is my opinion, of course).


    Loki has nothing when it comes to brute strength? Huh?


    Maxed out Invisibility is essentially an ulti with half the energy cost of any of the others. The Decoy + Invisibility combo already makes Loki head and shoulders better and more versatile than Saryn, because it's neither feasible nor efficient to run around spamming Miasma for an entire mission. Even with a non-optimal Loki build, however, it's commonplace to remain invisible for the entirety of combat in missions, trivializing every enemy in the game while one-shotting everything but >level 40 Ancients or Grineer heavies with melee.


    Meanwhile, Venom requires precision targeting for disappointing damage, Molt can't be aimed and Contagion is one of the most useless powers in the game. Also, Saryn is significantly slower.


    I don't object to Molt receiving a timer but I think your characterization of how Saryn rates vis-a-vis Loki overlooks Loki's biggest selling point, which is the OP amounts of damage he puts out with melee.

  6. From my perspective, you're painting with too broad of a brush.


    Some of the boss fights, like Hyena, Phorrid or Kela de Thayn, are actually quite fun and not total slogs against what is basically a bullet sponge. Then there are others that are truly bad for many of the reasons you've listed, epitomized by the Vay Hek battle, which is among my least favorite boss fights in any game I've ever played, full stop. Jackal and Lech Krill are probably somewhere in the middle, while the Nef Anyo, J3-Golem and Tyl Regor fights are a separate category of battles against very weak, joke adversaries. Never bothered playing the Pluto boss because I have Excal Prime.


    Most of the Grineer bosses and the Jackal are tedious because they're so unbelievably tanky, although Kela de Thayn, e.g., strikes a nice balance between survivability and good offensive output and tactics (rollers).

  7. I would like to see daggers retain the ability to use the stealth sync attack at all times. As long as you're in a 180 degree cone of the target's back, you get the option to do the sync. They should of course ignore armor in all attack animations and probably just need a global damage buff as well. They're generally terrible at the moment.


    Some weapons seem to have bugged stats. E.g. Jaw Sword, which supposedly "delivers strong quick attacks," has a slower attack speed than the Gram.


    Things like Dual Heat Swords, Dual Ethers, Gram etc. which simply outclass other weapons in most ways should be reevaluated. Given how dominant Reflex Coil + Killing Blow is as a combination and how Reflex Coil essentially removes the disadvantage of using charged melee, either new melee mods that compete with them should be added or the disparity between normal and charged damage should be reworked universally. Daggers and longswords are pretty much just sources of mastery points in the current game environment.

  8. I can still switch with other players. I only do it with friends of mine, though. Maybe it's a private lobby only thing now?


    It definitely isn't working in elevators, however.


    DE could just add a toggle in gameplay options "allow other players to use physics powers on your character." Then when people play public games they can uncheck the box to prevent unwanted Switch Teleports and Pulls. When they go into private games with friends, they could check the box to increase the fun factor.

  9. Ah yes, the Vay Hek battle. Well shields that regenerated by more than half strength before you could even load another arrow to fire clearly weren't making him tanky enough. So now he just has a 100% armor rating as well.

    (/sarcasm, for those who aren't sure)

  10. I'm also getting the issues with all my color customization being reset for everything other than the warframe/weapons/sentinel that I had active/equipped prior to installing 7.9.0.


    Can we get some notification on whether this is something that could possibly be fixed, that way I know whether I have to go back and recustomize like three dozen things from memory or not? :) Not terribly upset or anything, just would like to save the effort if possible.

  11. Just what the title says. Loaded into Warframe after installing 7.9.0 and my characters' color schemes have been reset to default. The only one that seems to be an exception is the one I had "active" when I last played.


    This is a bit of a headache, considering how much time I've spent getting each one to look just right. Could this be added to the bugfix queue?

  12. - Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded


    I don't know about this change. It's attempting to fix a very minor problem by applying a solution that is far too sweeping and which has very negative unintended consequences.


    Mission failure as mentioned above is one of them, please tell me that giving people nothing for failing is not intentional.


    Also, what about disconnects? People lag out all the time, peer to peer lobbies are unreliable in terms of stable ping/packet transfer, real life sometimes intervenes, and as we know from past experience, DE's servers aren't foolproof (not a knock on you guys, just the nature of technology). One of the things I really like about this game is that you still get something if you get disconnected, which is a ubiquitous occurrence in online gaming, especially for people on wifi or with less than great connections. It's one of the ways that this game is light years ahead of, e.g. ME3 multiplayer--getting jack upon disconnecting, which happened constantly, was probably the worst aspect of that game. It just seems misguided to punish the entire player base for the actions of a few bad apples.

  13. Sometimes they'll be invincible to everything but melee.


    Unfortunately, they will still stagger you while you attempt to melee them, as if they were rolling around on the ground hitting you instead of latched on to the Orokin artifact doing more DPS to it than any other enemy in the game. If a group of them are on the artifact, it's pretty much GG...they'll stagger you in turns and you won't be able to melee any of them.


    Aren't rollers great?

  14. I was going to say inb4rollerfanclub but I'm too late.


    In short, stunlocking enemies are never a good addition to a game, and usually only exist to paper over deficiencies in the faction's overall competence by creating a facade of difficulty. In reality, it's just cheapness.

  15. Either the patch changes a couple weeks back didn't take, or they didn't go far enough.


    I just did an alert mission, which was my favorite type...Spy (not). I spent about 15 minutes kiting enemies back and forth between two tiles, including 9 Toxic Ancients and 15 Ancient Disruptors. No, I did not kite them into that room from earlier in the map; since it was a Spy I had to kill them as I found them. I used an omni ammo box and then a pistol ammo box on top of any ammo drops I could find. To reiterate, this was just to clear two rooms of an average-sized spaceship tileset.


    Because I was Trinity it wasn't possible to AOE nuke the spawns, but that shouldn't be necessary to advance in a level in a solo IMO. And I wouldn't have any problem with fighting off a large number of enemies in each room. The gripe I have is with the fact that they respawn, for all intents and purposes, endlessly, and often behind you in rooms you cleared and exited seconds before. How is it possible to practice a coherent solo strategy when an Ancient Disruptor and Toxic Ancient, along with a dozen mixed Chargers, Runners and Leapers, spawn directly behind you the instant you move to a new room and encounter a fresh group? You just get knocked down, disrupted and killed because all your shields and energy are gone, and you can't move because you're body-blocked on all sides.


    By the way, this wasn't a high planet...it was Venus. And the level of effort and material required (two ammo boxes, two revives) and difficulty was simply not commensurate either with the reward or the planet.


    Oh and one last thing...Spy should be a mutually exclusive mission type with every other type. After getting these four devices I was told that I had to do a raid objective. Spy is already a tedious mission when solo, and without a doubt the longest of the four--not to mention it locks you out of your primary weapon. Getting an additional objective after killing--no hyperbole--40 Ancient Disruptors and 20 Toxic Ancients--is simply unreasonable.

  16. I like how someone tried to assert that there is something inherently masculine about the words "Frost" or "Volt." Same for feminine and Ember...why, because it's the weakest manifestation of fire?


    And the whole "female=softer" thing...these tropes just make it more clear that many people still ascribe to caveman levels of gender discourse.

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