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Posts posted by BrainInvader

  1. If that is the attitude you have I hope they burn them all so you get nothing.

    I could live with that. Would just mean I have more time to play other games instead of having to farm void to get everything the void trader has to offer.

  2. I am not obligated to grind resources just to play an unrewarding mission over and over. I don't even care at this point.

    Agreed. I welcome the Grineer Overlords to destroy all but 1 Hub, 1 last hub remaining because of void trader/darvo.


    Until I get an actual reason to do more than 1 run per fomorian, I ain't gonna waste my time on it.


    Nov 27: Console (Xbox and PS4) Tenno! The Script is currently running to refund you any Platinum spent on the Resource Drop Chance Booster! Stay tuned in this thread for updates on when it is complete.



    I did not get any platinum as a PC player, but have used that resource booster in the past IIRC(like...quite a while ago... 6+ months I think?), any idea if it might have gone wrong, I am wrong or was there a limit to how far it (could have) looked back?

  4. I for one don't like that Syndicate stuff is tradable. Makes the choice of which syndicate you pledge to seem inconsequential; or the need to join one at all, if you can simply trade for all the perks of membership. 


    I'd kind of like choices in this game to differentiate players. And players, like myself, who would want access to every weapon and mod, should have to go through the ranks of each Syndicate to get them. If you want all the top tier stuff the game has to offer, you should have to work that much harder for it.


    just my view, at least. I know not many will agree.

    As a collector let me tell you that I'd much rather buy them than farm them. Normal weapons are hard enough to farm, syndicate farming is boring and has already burnt me out in the first week. As a new player it might not be that bad, but as a person with nothing left but syndicates(And now U15.5 stuff, archwing I don't count because I hate archwing) I really, really, REALLY freaking hate syndicates.

    • Eximus units in the Void now require 3 scans for a Codex entry, as opposed to the original 20.


    My Void scans for the shield drone eximus still tells me 5/20, instead of 5/3 leaving it uncompleted. Is the fix only working if you don't have scans for void enemies or is it just not fixed at all?(It's the last void scans I need so can't see if that is the case for myself)

  6. that's a bad idea when u could just have bows shoot down the hallway

    Opticor ^.^ 


    It does actually sound like a ton of fun to try, would be interesting to test lots of different weapons, builds and abilities in such a location.

    Sadly I don't think we will ever see something like that even if it didn't give any rewards.

  7. Title question.


    I'm wondering if we can, with any certainty, say whether a given mission will have one of these rare crates?  (by the way, kudos to DE for putting them in the missions at all.  this is awesome and encourages us to explore the world you created)


    It's just a bit frustrating not knowing if I'm searching out the whole map for no reason or not....

    Could you explain what you mean with rare crates? I am kind of confused o.o

  8. Having been assaulted a few more times:

    of 1 stalker appearance, 0 froze for a few seconds(This was in solo mode)

    of 5 syndicate deathsquad appearances, 1 froze for a few seconds.(All in multiplayer, 3 of which in Void where I was the one who hosted, though those did not freeze.) 

  9. *Others*=not nova or valkyr...

    And not any1 in reqruiting is marked

    So most of the time i just run invasions

    You ask for marked people, and then you run ONLY on invasion nodes, nothing else. This ensures that 99% of the time everyone is marked(Until after G3 spawned, at which point someone is unmarked for 5 rounds) and this ensures that no one leaves when they go down but actually does their best to survive. And with a Vauban in team... Kinda impossible to lose to them.



    It's just RNG.


    In 2 weeks, i didn't see stalker, zanuka, G3 or any death squads.

    And yesterday night, i got in 3 syndicate missions in a row : 2x Red Veil death squad, 1x Stalker.

    2 missions later, i got 1x G3 and on the next mission, i got 1x Perrin Sequence death squad.


    Guess Zanuka was in vacation somewhere :)

    Yesterday I had 5 syndicate death squads in a row, they are so weak and drop nothing. I seriously don't see the point in them except to waste my time.

  10. ...6 months of farming... over 600 missions... over 80 encoutners... Over 20 disconnections from noobs who where down...

    I went with a dedicated group, or set one up in recruiting channel.

    4 people, all marked, do invasion missions in about 3 minutes, and just do 20-50 in a row, depending on your luck, I had anywhere from 0 to 7 encounters in those 50 missions.

    The team kinda always had nekros+vauban, any others were just whatever they wanted to be.

  11. Akbronco does not have Falloff nor is it terrible. Put Seeker on a Status Build and you're golden.


    Trust me, I've been using Akbronco+Melee without a Primary for ages now and it definitely does not drop off in damage at any range; it is only limited by the number of pellets that hits any given target.

    I currently use Brakk(Which is actually a good weapon despite all the whine when it got nerfed), before that I used Marelok, before that I used Kunai. 

    I leveled all the Broncos, hated all of them and every moment I used them. Too weak, too much spread, reload FAR too long, I like the freaking Lato more than the Akbronco Prime.

    ~But hey, those are just my opinions, they differ from person to person~

  12. Shotguns need Falloff removed.


    They are already penalized at range by Spread.


    The only viable Shotguns are, ironically, not Shotguns but Pistols.


    Akbronco, Brakk and Detron all vastly outpeform regular Shotguns in the role, and this is partly because they don't have Falloff but also because Shotguns have all their vital statistics spread out on too many mods - whereas the "Pistolshotguns" only need Hornet Strike and then can add 7 bonus mods, the "real Shotguns" require up to three mod slots (Point Blank, Blaze and Vicious Spread) to simply get their base damage up which leaves only 5 mod slots for bonus mods.

    Brakk and Akbronco definitely have falloff, don't know where you got that idea. Detron I am not sure about.


    Akbronco also is terrible IMO.

    Boar Prime is quite good, Tigris as well.


    Custom names, fun idea, but kinda annoying I think when wanting to look at what your team is using and all you see is some horrible names with no ability to see their actual gear.

  13. Was doing my first T4 sabotage run and immediately found a bugged place where you could jump out of the world.

    Although I forgot to screenshot the exact position, I hope my explanation+minimap screenshot will guide you to the place.


    This place can be found on the corpus side of the T4 sabotage, with your back to the portal it is on your right hand side completely in the back. It is a small opening in the rock wall that leads into a container with a few corpus lockers that has some more containers suspended over it.

    When you jump from the ground on top of the wall, you find that it's already bugging a bit:




    When you jump further to the top you can jump out of the world next to the top most crates.







    It also has a... nice... skybox...




    Although jumping out of the world teleports you back safely to ground level(instead of infinite falling), it is kinda silly.

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