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Posts posted by ShadowBolt88

  1.  Personally, I would make it so that it freezes all nearby enemies and turns them into veritable proximity mines, and once another enemy gets too close, the frozen enemy's ice trap will violently explode,

    That sounds too much like Novas Molecular Prime

  2. All pugs so far suck at this mode.

    -donating too much power

    -not defending excavators

    -not powering up scanner

    Looking at how much problem ppl have with simplest of things i dont think that players alone are ready for this.


    Also it should replace mobdef instead of survival, makes more sense.

    I'm sorry but draining an entire planet of its oxygen makes sense??

  3. Oh, I'll just shoot myself now and save me the trouble later.

    Xbox live community... that can only serve to benefit the Warframe forums... Right? .........Right?

    Yes because everyone who owns an Xbox are nothing but mouth breathing 6 year olds that scream in the mics when you steal their kill... Please stfu talking trash about a community you know nothing about you act like the threads haven't been spammed by Ps4 players complaining about exclusives on PC mainly Excal prime and remember when Ps4 players got the ether daggers? Yeah PC players flipped
  4. I didn't use the warframe forums before PS4 was launched, so its new to me.

    And Xbox 1 will be getting its port of Warframe launched.

    Also just realized, they wont have dual fire stat mods for a while.

    or arcane helms...or tethras set...or weapons recently re-released weapons (for PS4 players)... or founders...

    Maybe I should change excited to worried.

    Now that im thinking about it, I am expecting a lot of exclusive threads to pop up again...

    Ps4 is missing quite a few things as well that only the PC version has *cough* Excalibur, Skana, and Lato Prime *cough* I'm sorry what? .... Nvm anyway that's not the point there will probably be some exclusive items to Xbox Players just like there is to PC and Ps4 players
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