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Posts posted by Frendh

  1. I was host and went down right at the countdown. I am not completely sure but I believe I went into operator mode to try and get enough  kills for a revive. But failed. When I entered the next stage the screen was all white and the mission would not progress. This has happened two times so far.



    The white screen can be fixed by falling off the island. But the mission will still be stuck.

  2. I can immediately say without playing that if only the host pays the Abyssal beacon in a pre-made squad it is bad. Having to change host all the time to split the cost is a HUGE pain and a time waster.

    And having to deal with hit and runners who join and then leaves before it is their turn to pay up is also frustrating. Though it might be so easy that doing a pre-made outside of your friend circle is never going to happen.

    2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Mission Hazards: 
    Finding and extracting Defixios comes at a cost, Tenno. A random debuff is applied for the duration that it is carried, making the journey to Extraction more challenging. The following debuffs can be applied: 

    • Phantom Curse: Gravity is reduced.
    • Scarcity Curse: Your Ammo depletes steadily. Battery weapons recharge slowly. 
    • Echo Curse: Take damage when you cast Abilities. 
    • Hunter Curse: Take damage as you move. Land jumps for a brief reprieve from this curse.
    • Exposure Curse: Your Shields get removed. 
    • Blood Curse: Your Health drains steadily. Killing enemies restores it. 
    • Weariness Curse: Your energy drains steadily.
    • Shadow Curse: Your light source dims steadily. Melee kills brighten it. 

    Don't change the name of modifiers that already exist. Or rather, don't have the same modifier under two different names.

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  3. 33 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

    What mods are you using on your Latron? I don't think any exist that would change it, but perhaps one of your mods is effecting it?

    Been polarizing it. I think Amalgam serration is the only one that has always been on.

    This is my 2nd latron incarnon by the way.

    edit: I went into Simulacrum and it bounces. Must have been a glitch.

  4. I would really like for it to apply to squad members through a spammable AoE rather than single target. It takes less time for me to let squad mates die and revive them rather than trying to hit them with Safeguard while they dart around on the map.

    • Like 4
  5. It is a premium currency.  I think it is uncommon for games to have a system where it is as easy or easier to attain the premium currency.  It gets easier to trade for the platinum the longer you play. I imagine it takes a lot of effort as a new player with limited stock of items and very low amount of trades per day. But you can get to MR 12+ in two weeks, so I do not really empathize.

    • Like 3
  6. On 2023-08-24 at 5:23 PM, ShogunGunshow said:

    Like I said, if you have the ability to murderize grineer, you will turn everything else into gibs.

    I can't say that the fact of infested having disrupters or corpus having bubbles has factored into any build decision or mission choice I've made in, like, five years.

    Maybe not your build choices. But when people choose which faction to fight disruptors and nullifiers are definitely part of the factor when considering whom to fight. If the reward is the same, they will more often than not choose Grineer over corpus and infested.

  7. Allocate a spot for each buff icon the first time you get it in a mission. After that, that specific buff icon will always have the same spot on the screen for the duration of the mission. Making it easy for the player to confirm it is up and what number it has.

    Now the icons jump around each time buffs are added or removed. Really annoying.

    • Like 5
  8. On 2023-08-11 at 10:40 PM, KitMeHarder said:

    Saryn is known meme-wise and historically as a nuke frame (her kit is also good at "kill stealing"), but it doesn't really hold up in the later parts of the game. It can even not be amazing at lower levels (sortie), given how many modes have long breaks between enemy spawns.

    I do not play Saryn outside of SP Circuit. I barely know how to use her but she does great damage all the way to level cap and beyond. Even if she did not do great damage she would still be good for SP Circuit with the viral and corrosive procs.

    Not sure if you are talking about Saryn in general or in solo play.

    Edit: Saryn does not need a buff.

    • Like 3
  9. I do not see the problem given how quickly you can farm a top tier weapon. I think it is way better having the RNG than prolonging the farm and removing the RNG. Simply removing the RNG will make the farm much too quick.

    I am neutral towards the railjack part. You can replace it with something else and I would probably not be bothered by it.

  10. 1 hour ago, iPathos said:

    This is a case in which I disagree about consistency. Status effects pride themselves on variety between themselves, including many DoT stacks not having the same limit either. This is a functional change that simplifies and encourages these options.

    I disagree. It should be easy to see when you have max stacks. There are enough things to memorize in game as is. Dumb to make it more complicated when it is unnecessary.

    • Like 1
  11. On 2023-07-27 at 5:01 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

    Puncture Changes:
    Weakened Status Effect Buffs:

    • Increased the debuff to enemy attacks from 30% to 40% on the first stack.
    • Reduced the maximum amount of stacks from 10 to 5.
    • Increased per-stack debuff from 5% to 10%. 
    • Increased the total debuff at Max Stacks from 75% to 80%. 
    On 2023-07-27 at 5:01 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

    Impact Changes:
    Stagger Status Effect Changes: 

    • Reduced the maximum amount of stacks from 10 to 5.
    • Increased the Mercy Threshold from 4% to 8% per stack. 

    Not cool. Consistency is important. Should be  10 stacks. There is a myriad of other ways to improve it.

    On 2023-07-27 at 5:01 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

    Cold Changes:
    Freeze Status Effect Changes:

    • Increased the maximum amount of stacks from 8 to 9.

    Close. But no cigar. Otherwise nice buffs.



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