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Posts posted by Hoolsindahouse1

  1. 22 hours ago, LittleArachnid said:

    " This makes the effective hitpoint development of armored enemies extremely steep, outclassing that of shielded unarmored enemies significantly, which is why Grineer are considered harder to play against than Corpus at high levels. "

    The corrupted faction has both grineer and corpus enemies, and as the diagram demonstrates a steep rise in the armour scaling the higher the enemy level is now tell me how is that NOT broken. Youtubers like Faitko who have done endurance runs in the tier 4 survivals go for well and truly over 20 minutes depending on how well they do in the mission. And they have said that the armour scaling needs to be attended to. Your link doesn't convince me otherwise it only reinforces my view that armour scaling needs to be a gradual rise rather than a steep rise therefore making survivals more viable in the long run.

    Thank you and I totally agree. It is a two-way street


  2. 22 hours ago, LittleArachnid said:

    It has been for a long time, I've tried using frost and he got shredded (I wasn't completely prepared though). Inaros has been the only one I can successfully solo a t4 survival with. It's actually my goal to solo t4 survivals with more than one frame actually

    Eactly! I want all frames to be different, but still viable and usable.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Naftal said:

    CC needs to be more than slightly nerfed if you want us to get so many damage gates that don't care about enemy scaling. Also how would you balance enemy snipers and other slower hard hitting enemies?

    Enemy mini shields would also make all slow hard hitting weapons we use very bad.

    Not necessarily; there is no singe CC ability that would so vastly impact the game that it needs to be removed. Also, enemy mini-shields may make slow hard hitting weapons worse, but not very bad. Even if you broke it down to 3 damage gates per character, most slow hard hitting weapons would be fine. Likewise, fast hitting weapons would be made weaker by health regen, and continuous fire as well. On top of that, its not slow hard hitting weapons don't need some sort of a nerf, to some extent. The War, for example, is ACTUALLY the melee in game, the Tonkor arguably the best primary, and the Vaykor Marelok arguably the best secondary. What this would mean would be that you would see a lot more players with hard hitting guns and speedy melee, or visa versa to counteract this. Once again, this is all assuming that the mechanic is so powerful that numbers can't fix it, and obviously numbers CAN, as maybe 5 damage gates is what the devs decide to go with, etc.

  4. 1 minute ago, Cyriann said:

    The concept is quite interesting, survivability is something that some frames lack, and even compensated by heavy damages they can still get one-shot past certain points... As a Volt mainer, I know that feel and hate to just have to paray my powers and weapons will kill the ennemy before they get me. Having th possibility to face high end ennemies while being sure the one-shot is impossible, even a two-shot is less infuriating than OS, would be a lot better.

    Now, how do you apply the actual functions of the damage procs in there as they are right now ? Some already pointed that bleed and poison procs would kill some frames without them being able to even prevent it, or regenerate to try and take it.

    This is what modding is for; as opposed to straight upgrades, modding would side-grade your frame, making it less succeptable to procs, knockdowns, etc.

    4 minutes ago, Naftal said:

    Also, if you remove the possibility of getting oneshot (and it seems to get 6 shot and even more too). Will you nerf our CC and god modes so we will have to take damage and can't cheese through zero threats anymore?

    Yes to godmodes, slightly to CC. Cheesing things is boring and repetitive, and anyone can get a 4 man with a vauban, nova, nekros, and trin and survive for a very long time on T4s. And to your previous question, that would be up to the devs. If it was me, I make shield polarize remove all mini-shields from enemies within radius, restore the same quantity of mini-shields as the enemy with the most within radius. Also, it wouldn't do damage beyond those shields,


    10 minutes ago, LittleArachnid said:

    The broken armour scaling needs to be addressed pretty seriously, the problems encountered with endurance runs, most need the corrosive projection aura mod when it can be applied as it reduces enemy armour. A full squad with 4x corrosive may last longer than a non 4x corrosive or they can do just as well. This suggestion is a little confusing and I've been playing this game long enough to understand the way warframe plays. What you're suggesting will more than likely break certain frames and takes too much to fix frames just to fit with the idea you've presented. Enemy armour scaling is the problem which should be addressed.


    Enemy armor scaling does need to be addressed, but there comes a point in the game in which only certain frames can be used, regardless. A volt, for example, with corrosive projection will almost always be less effective than some of the top frames without a cp. Damage is a two way street, and fixing one only fixes half the issue.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Naftal said:

    This seems like a huge buff to survivability with all the damage gates.

    So, what's there to balance this out if it's not supposed to be a buff?

    The balance would be to decrease the numbers so that every frame can at least function. When I wrote 450 mini-shields, that was not a hard number, as there is absolutely no point in the game when you take more than 450 instances of damage in a short time period, it would be more like 60, thus changing the frequency of damage gates. Also, Damage gates only applies after one mini-shield is broken. An instance in which this would totally destroy you would be if Mag was knocked down near a heavy gunner. A heavy gunner can easily hit 15 shots on a knocked down frame, thus removing 15 of the 60. On top of this, in most sinareous you are taking damage from other sources, as well. Overall, the changes would be meant to change survivability to a more even playing field, this making support frames slightly less powerful, and makes 'defense' and 'damage' frames on the same level that support frames are on right now. It also means that frames with immortality and near-immortality no longer have to focus on their abilities, and those abilities would be changed. For example, iron shield would no longer make you invulnerable from damage, but would mitigate all procs and effects. 

    Also, the point is that post-patch, 45000 health is directly equivalent in quantity to 450 health now.

  6. 4 minutes ago, JustOR1G1N said:

    If I was in developer team, I would pay attention to this suggestions. But honestly, system like that can be too hard to understand for newbies, so I don't think that something like this will come to this game.

    Well I would argue that Damage 2.0 is hard enough for Newbies to understand, and you would just end up going to warframe builder for builds anyway, however you may be right

  7. So I posted this in the Fan Concept part of the forum, but I want to leave it here because I think it would be pretty important for DE to check out to get some ideas. I know they probably won't check it out, but on the off chance they do, it could really change Warframe for the better and make endgame much more fun, builds much more diverse, and play styles so much different.

    Essentially, STATS 2.0

    Today I was running a high level survival against Grineer (forgot what planet, I think Ceres) and was going for an hour-plus run. I decided to use Nekros because I hardly play him, and this was just fun. Obviously, I used my equilibrium-health-regen build and brought along my furis and was having a blast just healing, playing a frame that has much less survivability compared to my chroma, rhino, valkyr, etc. Thinking about this made me think about how much more fun I would have if warframe had more mechanics like this, and how much fun I have on Inaros with his huge health pool. This made me think, what could add the 'fun factor' that I have with this play style to a more universal enjoyment factor, and how could mechanics be changed so that you don't default to increasing armor for survivability, and here is what I came up with:

    • multiply health, armor, and shields by 100
      • this is not meant as a buff, but rather to make it so that 1 armor counts as 1/100 of what it does now, same with shields and health, etc.
    • Every warframe must have 1 health, 1 shield, and 1 armor MINIMUM
    • Health
      • Health has passive regeneration; number determined per frame.
      • Frames that are mostly health-based have higher passive regeneration.
      • Regeneration also does NOT stop when you receive damage, thus making a very high level health-based frame able to passively heal through low-level damage without even considering shields and armor
    • Shields
      • Shields are separated into mini shields, each mini shield holding (lets say, just for argument sake) 100 shield
      • Once a mini shield is depleted, damage follows onto the following shield; however, one instance of damage can only damage one mini shield
      • Shields regenerate immediately after receiving damage, with a short delay between each mini-shield.
      • DoT effects that would bleed into the next mini shield do not damage you for 0.25 s after the first shield brakes, giving you time to stop taking those effects
    • Armor
      • Armor remains exactly the same, however appears as a bar instead of actual health; meaning that you still take % damage, but once your armor is broken, you then begin to drain health (order goes shields, armor, health)
      • Armor drops; armor does not regenerate like the other two, however it drops twice as much as energy or health orbs.
      • Quantity of armor is equal to armor+shields * a multiplier: that multiplier will determine how armor heavy a frame is (valkyr has 2000 shields and 8000 armor with a 3 multiplier, meaning she has 30,000 armor quantity, with a certain & damage midigation)
    • ALL STATS ARE CHANGEABLE BY MODS (Armor multiplier mods, mini shield quantity mods, health regen mods, etc.)


    Now how does this change the game: well Ill give you three instance of how this increase AND decrease survivability, increases skill gap, and makes the game way more interesting. First lets, take a non-tank, shield based frame, like Mag (Prime). Mag will have 45,000 Shields total, each mini shield at 100, meaning she has 450 mini shields. However, she has 1 Health and 1 Armor. This means that, without mods and abilities, Mag will be HIGHLY effective against hard-hitting enemies such as snipers, ancients, etc. Having said that, she is very ineffective against enemies with very high RoF weapons, or crowds such as smaller infested units. She will be average against DoT, not too great but not too bad either. Second, lets take a high Armor frame such as Atlas. Atlas would have 1 health and 1 shield, but has a 22,500 multiplier so that it has 45,000 armor at 88% damage reduction. Without mods and abilities, Atlas would be highly effective against fast RoF weapons and crowds, mitigating most of the damage, but suffers against high DoT effects as he cannot regen or stop them. Finally, lets take a high health frame such as Ash. Ash has 45,000 health, but regenerates 300 health/s. This means Ash is poor against hard hitting weapons, as they can potentially one-shot him (assuming the 1 shield min-shield is depleted). However, Ash is highly powerful against DoT effects as he can heal straight through them.

    Note that these are examples; obviously all stats would need to be tweaked, and many frames would be a balance between all three Hit Point categories. The point of this is that a frames classification becomes slightly more reliant on their abilities, and less reliant on strictly stats. It also means that while many people think currently a frame like Mag is not your best late game option, she would become significantly more usable do to her ability to take certain damage types better. This also does not mean that multipliers no longer apply, meaning that potentially a heavy gunners are less effective than their corpus counterpart, elite crewman against certain frames, even though they are virtually the same. Likewise, most enemies would not adopt this; this is tenno-specific.

    Overall, I think this adds to build diversity and play style diversity, and reduces the repetativeness of using the same build on the same frames over and over if you want to enter the endgame.

  8. Today I was running a high level survival against Grineer (forgot what planet, I think Ceres) and was going for an hour-plus run. I decided to use Nekros because I hardly play him, and this was just fun. Obviously, I used my equilibrium-health-regen build and brought along my furis and was having a blast just healing, playing a frame that has much less survivability compared to my chroma, rhino, valkyr, etc. Thinking about this made me think about how much more fun I would have if warframe had more mechanics like this, and how much fun I have on Inaros with his huge health pool. This made me think, what could add the 'fun factor' that I have with this play style to a more universal enjoyment factor, and how could mechanics be changed so that you don't default to increasing armor for survivability, and here is what I came up with:

    • multiply health, armor, and shields by 100
      • this is not meant as a buff, but rather to make it so that 1 armor counts as 1/100 of what it does now, same with shields and health, etc.
    • Every warframe must have 1 health, 1 shield, and 1 armor MINIMUM
    • Health
      • Health has passive regeneration; number determined per frame.
      • Frames that are mostly health-based have higher passive regeneration.
      • Regeneration also does NOT stop when you receive damage, thus making a very high level health-based frame able to passively heal through low-level damage without even considering shields and armor
    • Shields
      • Shields are separated into mini shields, each mini shield holding (lets say, just for argument sake) 100 shield
      • Once a mini shield is depleted, damage follows onto the following shield; however, one instance of damage can only damage one mini shield
      • Shields regenerate immediately after receiving damage, with a short delay between each mini-shield.
      • DoT effects that would bleed into the next mini shield do not damage you for 0.25 s after the first shield brakes, giving you time to stop taking those effects
    • Armor
      • Armor remains exactly the same, however appears as a bar instead of actual health; meaning that you still take % damage, but once your armor is broken, you then begin to drain health (order goes shields, armor, health)
      • Armor drops; armor does not regenerate like the other two, however it drops twice as much as energy or health orbs.
      • Quantity of armor is equal to armor+shields * a multiplier: that multiplier will determine how armor heavy a frame is (valkyr has 2000 shields and 8000 armor with a 3 multiplier, meaning she has 30,000 armor quantity, with a certain & damage midigation)
    • ALL STATS ARE CHANGEABLE BY MODS (Armor multiplier mods, mini shield quantity mods, health regen mods, etc.)


    Now how does this change the game: well Ill give you three instance of how this increase AND decrease survivability, increases skill gap, and makes the game way more interesting. First lets, take a non-tank, shield based frame, like Mag (Prime). Mag will have 45,000 Shields total, each mini shield at 100, meaning she has 450 mini shields. However, she has 1 Health and 1 Armor. This means that, without mods and abilities, Mag will be HIGHLY effective against hard-hitting enemies such as snipers, ancients, etc. Having said that, she is very ineffective against enemies with very high RoF weapons, or crowds such as smaller infested units. She will be average against DoT, not too great but not too bad either. Second, lets take a high Armor frame such as Atlas. Atlas would have 1 health and 1 shield, but has a 22,500 multiplier so that it has 45,000 armor at 88% damage reduction. Without mods and abilities, Atlas would be highly effective against fast RoF weapons and crowds, mitigating most of the damage, but suffers against high DoT effects as he cannot regen or stop them. Finally, lets take a high health frame such as Ash. Ash has 45,000 health, but regenerates 300 health/s. This means Ash is poor against hard hitting weapons, as they can potentially one-shot him (assuming the 1 shield min-shield is depleted). However, Ash is highly powerful against DoT effects as he can heal straight through them.

    Note that these are examples; obviously all stats would need to be tweaked, and many frames would be a balance between all three Hit Point categories. The point of this is that a frames classification becomes slightly more reliant on their abilities, and less reliant on strictly stats. It also means that while many people think currently a frame like Mag is not your best late game option, she would become significantly more usable do to her ability to take certain damage types better. This also does not mean that multipliers no longer apply, meaning that potentially a heavy gunners are less effective than their corpus counterpart, elite crewman against certain frames, even though they are virtually the same. Likewise, most enemies would not adopt this; this is tenno-specific.

    Overall, I think this adds to build diversity and play style diversity, and reduces the repetativeness of using the same build on the same frames over and over if you want to enter the endgame.

  9. So I have noticed, with the 'leak' of all of the warframe passives, that some of the passives are so powerful that they could be modded around to make the frame better, while some have passives that are virtually worthless. The problem is ultimately whether DE wants to make passives powerful enough to change builds, or just make a frame slightly better at what it already does. Either way, some frames already need changes in their passives because of just how underwhelming they are.




    All abilities cause a slash proc. Proc lasts for normal duration, and scales with power strength.



    All of Atlas' stats increase by 0.5% every second that Atlas remains in contact with the ground, indefinitely. Atlas is also immune to knockdown effects so long as he has remained in contact with the ground for 3 or more seconds



    All of Banshee's abilities cause any enemies effected to have a red outline surrounding them for 10 seconds, visible through walls. Scales with power duration



    Chroma is immune to any elemental procs. 



    All of Ember's abilities have a 100% status proc chance, and can stack duration



    While Equinox is in Day form, all energy orbs have an additional 10% health, and all health orbs have a 150% increase in effect. While in Night form, all health orbs have an additional 10% energy, and all energy orbs have a 150% increase in effect 



    While Excalibur has a sword-based weapon equiped (must be held, not quick-attack), that weapon has +5% attack speed, +1% pure damage, +8% life steal, and all enemies hit lose 3% armor each hit. Also, Excaliburs' combo meter's duration is increased +150%



    Any enemy that interacts with Frost or any of his abilities have a 75% chance to receive a cold proc, including touching him. Also, this proc occurs before the damage happens (makes him almost immune to melee)



    All of Hydroid's abilities leave around pools of water that last indefinitely. While Hydroid interacts with water (including water that occurs naturally), Hydroid regenerates 10% of his health and 10% of his shields per second, and does not stop when taking damage. On top of that, while in water Hydroid has a 50% increase in energy, shields, and armor (all calculated after mods)



    When Inaros gets downed, has undying effect. Also, Inaros increases all of his stats by +5% every time he is downed.



    Ivara spots enemies on her mini map with infinite range. On top of that, any interaction with an enemy (including every bullet shot) makes them drop one item of loot, at a 50% chance.



    Limbo can damage all enemies in or out of the Rift. While in the Rift, Limbo deals +150 damage to enemies in the rift, and 33% of damage to enemies in the real plane. While in the real plane, Limbo deals 55% damage to enemies in the rift, and normal damage to enemies in the regular plane.



    Loki can remain do any parkour indefinitely without fatigue



    All damage mag does increases her shield capacity by 5%. Also, any time mag uses an ability, her and her party receive an over shield equivalent to 5% of their total hit points



    Mesa has a 25% increase in reload speed and 15% increase in fire rate with dual-wielded sidearms. Likewise, Mesa has a 15% increase in reload speed and a 25% increase in fire rate with one-handed sidearms. If Mesa does not have a melee weapon, Mesa has +75 health, +75 shields, and +0.15 sprint speed. If Mesa does not have a primary equipped, Mesa has a doubled ammo capacity on her sidearm, has +75 energy capacity, and receives 25% effective pistol ammo mutation. If Mesa does not have a melee and primary equipped, she receives both effects and doubled accuracy.



    Mirage gets back from knock backs instantly. Also, if Mirage gets hit while her doppelgangers are up, the enemy who hit her will get confused, stunning the enemy for 5 seconds and can confuse her with her allies and visa versa.  



    Killing an enemy increase Nekros' maximum health by 10, and killing an enemy with an ability instantly restores 50% of Nekros' health



    Nezha is not effected by energy-stealing effects. On top of that, all of Nezha's abilities cause micro-stuns



    When Nova is knocked down, all enemies effected by molecular prime are disarmed and enemies within 25 meters and within line of sight are knocked down. Also, null star can instantly trigger the effect of Molecular Prime.



    While an enemy under Nyx's influence, any damage done to Nyx or her allies is also done to the enemeis effected by 2%



    If Oberon casts an ability different than the past two abilities he cast, that ability has a 50% increase in power duration and strength, and costs 33% less



    Any parkour Rhino does causes enemies in his vicinity causes enemies to be knocked down



    Saryn increases status duration and damage by 33%. Likewise, all of Saryn's abilities have a 5% chance to give the enemy effected a random status proc



    Trinity is receives 50% of the effect of energy and health orbs she receives, and her allies receive a 50% increase. Likewise, Trinity's teammates receive the effect of energy siphon and rejuvenate if trinity has one of the two equipped. Also, trinity revives her teammates instantly



    Every time Valkyr casts an ability, enemies nearby are Terrified for 5 seconds



    Enemies effected by Vauban's abilities have either a 50% decrease in health, shields, or armor, chosen randomly



    All damage Volt does is chained to the nearest enemy by 50%, continuous indefinitly 



    Wukong proc's impact, puncture, and slash to all enemies he melee's. His combo lasts 6 seconds longer.



    On top of decrease effect of gravity, Zephyr can jump in air indefinitely (double jump, triple jump, quad jump) and can bullet jump in air. 



  10. Kind of a cool idea, but I think that if every mod scaled based on percent rather than fixed states, It would make them much more balanced- a bayonet, in this case, is literally USELESS if you have any weapon equipped in your melee slot. So, using the bayonet as an example, if this functioned exactly as a regular melee does, but its attack speed is, say, 1.4 (affected by mods on your melee), and has absolutely no "draw time," you make this much more effective. Obviously this would default to preset stats if no melee is equipped. Also, maybe incendiary rounds does +20% fire damage AFTER your fire damage is calculated, then it would be very useful, but only to weapons with fire as a sole element. This prevents anything from being to overpowered, but also mitigates a lot of "negative effects" which are essentially what plague a good amount of primes and syndicate weapons.

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