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Posts posted by -CM-Sean

  1. whats wrong with trinity? are we to nerf every single thing in this game,


    In that case lets nerf, heavy caliber, serration, and other mods.  You cannot stay invincilbe indefinitely unless you have a good team with atleast 2 people on energy siphon, and maxed mods, such as narrow minded (not easy to max) and continuity, and a well balanced fleeting and streamline.  its like saying lets nerf serration because once its maxed its a little more powerful when its not maxed.


    besides to have a very good trinity is hard to find. Most trinites I see shoot themselves with a penta.  I have revived more trinites then any other frame!!! so you want that to get nerfed!! lol.  perhaps she does take a little practice and skill to use NO? no nerf needed.  

  2. Finally a thread that actually uses poll, I have been emphasizing the importance of polling for feedback to the developers.  I might just use this poll website.


    on the issue of mod.  I don't think mods make anything unbalanced, infact they make things more balanced and more individualized.  For example many people say they don't like the reload time of dual cestras, or the recoil, and also it eats through ammo, YES it will take two or three mods two balance these out,  But i personally like using those mods to balance this sidearm this certain way.  A friend of mine does not care too much about recoil or reload time, so he goes for pure damage build.  there is a lot of personalization that is done with mods and its not only for damage.


    Take the soma.  most people as myself build it for pure damage,  But there are ways to build this gun, its relaod time is 3 seconds, not too bad, but some might not like that, or some people love soma with shred on, and some dont. some go for pure damage.  Some put heavy caliber and do not care about the negative accuracy effects.  Mods give you the option to customize things.


    Infact for those who think the mods make things imbalanced, they atually make things balanced to your preference.  I have not found any gun in the game to be overly OP as of Damage 2.0.  some can argue the brakk, but many don't even like using the brakk for various reasons.


    There are always negative and positives to the weapons. things are already balanced.

  3. What the changes did, was turn frost from a one-trick pony into a Frame with options. Globe is gimped, I will give you that, but avalanche freezes EVERYTHING in its radius for a good 5 seconds before letting them shatter, during which time, enemies are held perfectly still, ready for a bullet to the Brain.


    Likewise, ice wave deals a nice amount of damage, and freezes all the things in front of you.


    who said frost was a one trick pony??? whoever used frost just for the snowglobe must have been dumb i had icewave and avalanche still equipped on my frost and used them frequently.  Again I ask not, How is frost better than any other frame out there, what can he do that others cannot do?  How is he still a tank???  I mean who needs cold damage??? when you have many other frames that do better types of damage such as viral electric, magnetic, raditaiont, etc.




    So, wait. The complaint is that you actually have to do something now? lol...

    My complaint is actually the exact opposite.  If you read carefully frost was more versatile before.  I don't understand how boosting his damage a little makes him more "into the action" he is still slow, and to protect the cryopod if at all even possible he must stay in the same place spamming his 3.  i mean what is the use of SG anyways? and now he has lost his tanking ability.  his offensive ability is not even that great. When I went in with a team for defense I assumed the position of a defensive frame as frost, it did NOT mean I kept pressing 3 and doing nothing else. infact i did a ton of damage too.  Now to fill the same role with the snow globe if at all possible i must STAY in the same area pressing 3 evey few seconds ( on a higher tier defense like outer terminus) until i run out of energy.  Forget going solo with him on any defensive mission. So I ask again, what can Frost do that other frames cannot do, or do better.




    Problem is that you're trying to play Frost like the old Frost. He's not good at that anymore, if you want to play that way, grab Zephyr or Nyx.

    His skill set is more versatile now, and the goal isn't to keep snow globe up anymore.


    The broader problem here is that the only frames that anyone considers 'good' are the ones that have a single skill (usually on the 4 key) that snaps the game in half any time you press it.


    Exactly i  was just saying zephyr with turbulence is a much better tank than frost now.   HOW THE HECK IS HIS SKILL SET MORE VERSATILE? its the same crap with a little damage added to it!!!  NERFING A good skill does not automatically make other skills better.  He already had those skills and they worked fine.  Again I ask, what can frost do that other frames cannot do, or do better?

  4. in 2 years


    damage 10.0, here the only  and most important weapon: stick, forged in the orokin period, beat the bombards to death, impact damage 1, slash damage, .4, puncutre damage 1.345. proc chance 99 percent.


    warframe abilites:


    trinity: not longer heals team mates or provides invulnerability, when she casts blessing team mates just get a 2 health gain per 10 seconds.


    Nyx: is in the mental hospital, she mistakenly used mind control on herself.

    nova: has blown herself to death, MP only affecects 1 enemy at a time in a 50 meter range


    rhino: iron skin has a hp of -4, stomp does .2 damage per second


    mag: crush takes 26 seconds to cast.  pull only pulls 1 enemy at a time. Shield polarize does no damage anymore and only resotres your own shields by 1 percent


    banshee: stays the same


    ash: has rebelled since he used to be the only true ninja, and now uses rocket launchers instead of shuriken.  bladstrom only affects 2 enemies at a .5 meter range


    vauban: vortex starts pulling creates walls and friendlies instead of enemies. bastille renders only one enemy type at a time up to 3 enemies.


    Saryn: well the only usefull ability miasma has a radius of .56 meters now.


    oberon: mistakenly over healed himself and is not the supreme leader of all the tenno.


    valkyr: has a armor rating of 4000, but still has no AOE.


    loki: base invisibility is .4 seconds.  base raidal disarm is 3 enemies max.


    Nekros: Died!!! while trying to cast shadows of the dead animation time 33 seconds now. he also used terrify and first ended up in the mental hosptial with nyx.


    Ember: duration is now even less and range is even less


    volt: elecuted himeslf to death: on purpose cause of all the changes to other tenno.


    Zephyr can no longer fly and can only cast 1 tornado lasting .1 second.


    finally excalibur joined the stalker.



    Warframe market has crashed and is trying to recover now. too many legendary cores and weapons were being traded.  drove the price of maxed heavy caliber to .1 plat.


    ummm... I think i'm done for now.. mayb more later.  :)


    its all in good fun!!!

  5. So the complaint was supposedly that people sit there and press three, go get a bag of chips and press three?  i used to remember frosts would press three over a pod and then had a chance of coming out of the area to do some damage and maybe do an avalanche cc, shoot, save teammates etc.


    NOW: If a frost ever dares to play a defense mission such a the popular xini, he is bound (or expected) to stay right on top of the pod pressing 3 over and over since its like soap bubble now.  NOT only does he not get to play, he is actually kinda forced to press 3 over and over to accomplish the same goal he used to if even close to it.  and stuck in a stationary position.  i tried playing frost over and over again since the change, hi avalanche is not much better than before, and i no longer consider him a tank. hell zephyr is a much better tank then frost right now she can stay on top of the pod (pop a turbulance with max range and max duration) and and atleast shoot stuff and get over 1k of health and shields.  lol


    So good job DE on making Frost more versatile.  Now i can't even go get chips while i press 3!!!  Whoever used to just press three and not shoot things as a frost must have played another warframe game, cause every frost i used to see, they would press three and then shoot things, do an avalanche, freeze, ice wave for some cc.

  6. Here's the idea i get from the posts written:


    1. too much grind

    2. not enough high end or challenging gameplay


    these are contradicting ideas;  If you are trying to farm a mod, you don't want to go extremely hard levels to get that one mod.  because as it stands now, getting some rare mods are almost impossible, after 700 hours of play myself, i have only recently obtained coolant leak, and have other mods that have never been obtained.  This is sad. because as much as i hate to grind I would also hate to grind even more difficult enemies that would make it next to impossible to get some mods in general.


    There are 2 main types of players.  Players who have all the mods parts etc. and players who play to collect resources parts etc.  I personally have maxed out all guns etc everything, and have all the mods (the ones i wasn't able to obtain through trading).  But it is still sad not to be able to obtain all the mods after over 700 hours of play. At the same time I do want more challenging stuff.  So these two ideas are very contradicting and the two center points of why they game needs to be "fixed" in the entire community.  I ran about 150 T3 captures to get my orthos prime, I was ok with that, it gave me something to work towards.  Right now with the void loot table, things are much too easy to get, especially prime parts.  There is no more grid as you would say in the void.  This is good and bad.  i see a person with mastery 4 holding an orthos prime, i'm like UMMM...OK. 


    I believe teh drop rates of mods for newere players and players stsill trying to get them is very low, but the drop rate of weapon war frame parts/blue prints are too easy to get.  I think it should be the other way around.  MOD's need to be much easier to get rather then weapon and frame blueprints.  But that is just my opinion.  


    It is very Hard to balance such thing: wanting more challenging enemy, and wanting better drop rate less grind.  These are two contradicting Ideas.  and I have yet to see a good solution for this.

  7. For me its not the lack of endgame, for I don't even know if such thing exists or what that means.  It's just not as fun. It might have to do with a bunch of things i don't' realize when i play.  Warframe is just isn't warframe I used to know.  I don't know, its very hard to describe. the good old days when grineers used to say get on the wall.  or when you would see someone on fire getting shocked and then blows up with ice.  That stuff was very entertaining.  sure it wasn't 'BALANCED' but i would get much more satisfaction playing the game and laughing at the mobs, then trying to unload 2 clips in an orokin void gunner leader, and get a crappy green corrosive proc thats just not as fun as the old day.


    I guess I its just not the way i expected the game to evolve.


    Clan weapons should have always been better and should not be as easy to get. yet they are easier to craft now and are not as good with a few exceptions.  The whole mutagen mass invasion, fieldron made things too easy, the new void drop table makes things much too easy for someone to obtain all the void weapons and frames too easily, reach a certain rank in a short time. yes i guess cut down on the grind but i think a little difficulty should still be left in obtaining things in the game.  Anyways I don't know if these things are part of the reason at all.  But yea, just some of the things i'm seeing recently compared to the old "space ninja" idea of warframe!! oh well.. life goes on.

  8. Don't know what has happened, but a lot of players that i personally played with, and many others that i knew, are just leaving the game.  I get on warframe and I almost have nothing to do anymore.... I also feel myself playing the game much less often and doing other things and going to other games.  I really can't put my finger on a single thing, but its just a trend i'm seeing.  For some reason I'm not finding the enjoyment i used to in the game anymore, 


    Anyone else have the same experience? would be good if people could share, and the reason to why so many people are leaving (at-least from what i have seen lately)



  9. The hud:


    the old hub was extremely functional.  millions of people had gotten used to stuff being in certain areas of the screen. The old mini map was much cleaner and more readable.


    the old healthbars were much much more effective and useful, especially while monitoring teams health as a trinity oberon, or any other frame who is watching for team health,  putting the healthbar on top right is much harder to glance at,  NOT only all the places of things have been moved, they are extemely hard to read, and see, Before i could anticipate when someone went down, and now i cannot.  I agree that the hub is more aesthetic, but please do not change the location of things, and please again, put back own health back on the health bar "z" button,


    I play constantly, and now i feel like i'm a total noob, cause i don't know why the heck i'm doing with.  Please consider using the same aesthetics but using the old placements, and making the fonts bigger.

  10. I'm all for balance in the game, but what will be the ability of frost that will actually make him tanky now?? he will be a slow moving frame with a very low health snowglobe health that can be one killed in one shot in many situation.  I predict that frost will Not be played or will be seen much less now. as there will be other frames that can do a much better job, are faster and more usefull.


    oh someone is down let me go put a snowglobe in peace and save them, oh wait, I won't because 24 grineers shooting at my globe and i'll just die too, hmmmm... better let them die.


    nice, this will solve the problem of people ignoring downed friends because they are too scared to go save a dying friend, thus creating a more coop game.


    we will see how this is going to work when a rhino can do 10x more as a tank then frost can now:



    Rhino: Frost can you go save that guy oberon who's down, I"m kinda busy here.


    Frost: but, i'm slow, i have nothing to protect me, its wave 10 at xini, and my globe was already getting one shotted at wave 5, what if i die too.


    Rhino: hmm.. ok i'll just run there stomp, put enemies in stasis, put my iron skin on, revive him.  please don't die while i'm gone.  use your avalanche maybe, i don't know, do something, just don't die


     a little while later..


    Rhino: Frost what happened?


    Frost: I don't know, non of my abilites do anything at this stage of the game.


    Oberon: but i kept sending you heal, multiple times.


    Frost: i don't know, this globe doesn't work anymore.


    Rhino, and Oberon watch frost as he takes his last breath.  Rest in peace my friend, one day you might be useful again.






  11. i found the mastery 13 extremely easy, the problem is that i got bugged in perpetual falling after killing the last grineer


    anyway... i had any problem with depth perception, maybe you need some training about it


    and being uncertain about the floor, well, that's the only exciting thing there, a timer wil just make things easier for no reason


    perhaps i need to get my eyes checked i don't know. or maybe my computer.


    to the other guy (Tenn00b) being sarcastic does not help in any way. there were other tests that did require mastery, i agree some are easier than others, i believe mastery 8 requires mastery, and stealth test requires mastery. there is no other place in the game that requires such mastery or disappearing platform. so there is no other way to practice this.


    maybe changing mastery tests in general to help with gameplay will help.  for example teaching new players not to hit life support at 99 percent oxygen. Most of these tests just seem random and in no way test real skills in the game.  This is just my opinion.


    As for practicing mastery, there is no way to practice them but keep taking them, which is not really practicing now is it.  perhaps if you could practice at the dojo it would be beneficial.  It takes different people different amount of practice to learn something. learning is not something that is equal for everyone. 

  12. DE please consider a fix for all mastery tests especially  mastery test 13.


    1. Depth perception is completely messed up with white/yellow platform, you really cannot tell how far things are. Can't you just put a regular ingame platform in the mastery tests as most people are used to depth perception on those platforms?  a white platform with no patterns does not convey any sort or type of depth, (the designers should know this). Unless you are purposely trying to blur depth perception on the test!!!!


    2. please make the enemy a little more visible, i am i am not a bad shooter, but this mastery the enemy is very far and is very hard to see. even on high brightness it still is a bit difficult.


    3. other suggestion, perhaps instead of blinking platform you can actually put a timer up so people know how long they have on the platform instead of pure guessing.


    Thank you

  13. I would like to say


    1. I do not understand why this change was needed. Everyone was getting used to damage 2.0.  You should have just left the old damage table.  As for physicaly damage having negative impact on other physical damage makes no sense, if I have a high slash gun, that means it's negative effect on armo would be overwhelm its puncture damage,  meaning most melee weapons will do little to no puncture damage perhaps even get hindered in puncture.  all the mods for puncture, slash and impact are pretty much usless now, since if you increase a damage type you are paying penalty on other damage types.  THE GUNS are already imbalanced in stead of damage, for example a soma with high slash and lower puncture.  The high slash value will also have a high negative impact on the pucnture damage, negating much of soma's puncture power.   physical damage 2.0 was fine, in my OPINION physical damage should not have any negative effetcts, WHY? because the guns arleady balance that aspect of the damage,  some guns are heavy in puncture yet some heavy in slash etc etc.  so if you are going to put negative effects on physical damage, you should make all damage types equal and let the player choose which mod he wishes to chose and incease the damge of.


    A big factor to take into account is look at the mods you have put out and look at what they do, many mods are just not being used.  If you want a balanced game, you will look at this aspect very carfully, many nightmare mods have become obsolete because they introduce an elemental THAT many have negative impact on the damage.  In my opinion only corrupted mods should have negative impact on damage types.  even using such a mod as razor shot, (although increases the slash, it will also increase the negative penalty to puncture, same going for all the other phsycial damage mods that affect damage seprately.


    you must realize that there is no such a thing a every gun is supposed to be balanced.  some guns SHOULD be better than others as you rank up your mastery. trying to make every guns the same is just ridiculous.  I am not asking to make the gun powerful towards everything, faction based guns are the way to go if you want to implement this type of damage system.. for example remove the impact damage on guns for grineer factions, or remove the puncture damage on guns for corpus,  DO NOT mess with the damage table directly, or put resistance on physical damages, this does not make any sense, a gun that has 20 damage does not really have 20 damage if you look at the physical damage table, making it very complicated to level up different physical damage types, having to worry about its hindering affects.    


    What this dose is make the game easier to understand and work with rather, than having a math major sit down and calculate what kinda damage a gun does.  Many people are diverted from the game due to its high damage complexity.




    2.  Infested:  invasions, take over nodes that are important for gameplay.  for example someone trying to play a mission in that certain area will now have to wait 2-3 4 or 5 days depending ot the invasion and the battle that is going on.  As you can see come battles might take long.  This effectively disrupts the starmap in general.  one other thing is that i used to rather enjoy nightmare missions with infested and it was very fun, which is now completely gone from the game.  infact nightmare missions make sense with the infested.   NIGHTMARE!!!! infested!! The infested not having a home planet throws off the dynamic of the game, especially farming for mods.  The game needs to have a dedicated infested defense and survival.  


    All these changes have made many people angry why?


    1. people have paid hundreds of plats for mods that are now useless

    2. the loadout of guns, polarities, and mod combinations and leveling have all been screwed up.  We must relevel, forma, and change things around requiring more fusion cores, and more time and money that had already been spend on the game before.

  14. To be honest, i dont really want to play anymore ... I really enjoyed to play Xini defence, and kill infested. IT WAS FUN. 


    Now, everyone play only 5 waves in defence in infested invasions, to claim reward ... 


    DE. You should make atleast 2-3 high lvl missons with infested def or survival without CD... 

    This is a major problem.  Xini WAS FUN, at the same time it gave a way to pick up mods and cores etc.  taking up other nodes just to serve infested invasion is counter productive


    1.  People will only stay for 5 waves, just for the reward, and will not continue to defend and increase chances of drops and mods.

    2.  a certain node will be taken for atleast a few hours  to a day.  This wil limpact those that are not on 24/7, and will make them come back and not play as much because their favorite node is now invaded.

    3.  The drop rates of many infested including electreic crawlers was low and their numbers were even lower,  with this invasion, it becomes almost impossible to get some mods such as contagious spread. 


    If infested wish to be removed from the map, they must also not be given mod drop offs, but rather just fusion cores and resources.  They dynamic of how people play this game will completely change, and most people that i've talked to in my clan of nearly 1000 memebers seem to not like the idea of infested being taken of the starchart and occupying other nodes.  This is counter productive, as there are already too many corpus and especially grineer missions, it serves no purpose, to keep increasing factions that already have many plants on the map.


    i will keep my eye on this game very carefully, but since update 11, things have just NOT been the same, this game used to be FUN.  i udnerstand the need to change the damage system.   But honestly it was FUN to see someone beign electrecuted on fire and frozed at the same time.  i liked the old damage type, it could have been tweaked just a bit, but revamping the enitre damage system broke many many weapons, and many many people who spend time, formaing, and adding catalysts etc, spent their resouces, money and time on the game, just to see it get pretty messed up.


    perhaps taking a poll would serve well, as opposed to just taking an entire faction off their planet. and taking the boss and putting them in random nodes now, that someone might have planned to attack, for resouces blueprints etc.


    thank you

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