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Posts posted by -CM-Sean

  1. You know, With all the things going on. nerfing buffing. this that.


    I just wanted to take some time away and just thank you for making a very cool game like this free to play (almost: with the exception of buying weapon and frame slots). But who cares i did spend the money to get some of those slots anyways once i realized that i would like to play this game.  And all the cosmetic stuff were cool too!! 


    I have enjoyed this game very much and its a game i hope to continue to play as more content is released.  I am looking for the upcoming things.


    I know it is extremely difficulty to turn imagination into a game. its even harder to make things perfect/balanced/bugless etc. 


    You guys try very hard and it shows.


    We should be thankful for the great team that DE has and although a lot of times me or other might not side with your decisions it is ultimately your game to make and I am sure you will do a good job and make as many people as possible happy :).


    Thanks again.



  2. What is even the difference? All I can tell from Frost 2.0 is that Ice Wave and Avalanche are a hell of a lot more effective...and Snow Globe has a timer attached, like all other duration powers.

    Can someone, please, explain it to me? In fact, explain Freeze's difference too, because that's the one I'm actually upset about.

    Basically The snowglobe has a hp and duration attached.  while this is not an issue in places like mercury, where you really won't need a snowglobe, it is becomes unusefull with higher level enemies on the starmap.

  3. There is a bug where when I host a game either as zephyr or a zephyr being present, The tornado color's change to the proper elemental color.  However when I am not the host I cannot see the tornadoes change color.  This poses a problem to the actual gameplay since I cannot tell if i a tornado has been elementally changed to do the desired damage.


    Thank you.

  4. There is a bug, where when I am the host of the game, I can hear the sound of my OR any other rhino around me BEFORE they stomp or at the time of equipping iron skin.  HOWEVER WHEN I am NOT the host I can no longer hear those sounds.  It is a minor bug, but something that has always kind of annoyed me.


    The sound i'm talking about is the scream rhino makes right before a stomp or when putting on iron skin. I do not think rhino roar is affecting by this.


    Thank you

  5. I proposed my Snow Globe change back in, what was it, October?  I still stand by it.  Notion's got a good one too.  I've seen several reasonable suggestions for it.  Stop concerning yourself with the arguments of the masses.  Arguments between the uninformed mean nothing.


    And stop thinking about the majority.  Think about what is best for the game.  If it's best for the game, they'll grow to enjoy it.


    I'm not talking about snowglobe, I AM talking about majority.  That kind of thinking in my opinion is completely self centered.  Let me create soemthing that "I" think is best for the game, and others will learn to enjoy it??? What?


    I know its a little far fetched but we don't just let someone or a few people pick the president of the united states, and say this is best for the county.  The people will learn to like him.


    Saying people will grow to enjoy it?  how exactly does this work?  So NO. I'm sorry this is not a good way and not a very effective and methodical way of getting the majority, yes MAJORITY of players to vote on what they like or not.


    If developers want feedback from the community there needs to be an organized methodical way of getting feedback from as many players as possible.  On the other hand they could do whatever they want, cause they are the game developers and it is their game.


    By the way the majority of the feedback i get whenever I ask about frost is that they don't like it.  So how will they grow to love something they don't like.  Do we want to force people to like something?


    Stop thinking about majority? who should we think about? whatever is best for the game is whatever the players think they will like about the game, not the other way around.


    everyone has an opinion and who are we to say who is uninformed or not?  for all you know i can be considered uninformed!!! or you can be considered uninformed.

  6. How about discussing game and balance instead of attacking people who discuss the game and balance? 

    I did a read all my posts in the thread, you will see i talk  about balance and unbalance.

  7. In my opinion:

    Frost has reached his peak in uselessness.

    The snowglobe nerf outweighs avalanche


    I never though avalanche was bad, and I don't think its bad right now. never though the other abilities were bad either.  I actually did like the old animation better, but that's just personal preference.

  8. Wow, I wasn't expecting an opportunity to pull this out for quite some time.


    For the record, OP, endless content is not intended be balanced. The devs never expected it. Also, you can't balance both that and the rest of game.


    The problem with this is, to balance the game you need to have unbalance.  To get a mod to get stronger, you must already be strong,  This is not a simple shooter game.


    People grind and grind for hours and hours to find mods, cores, parts etc.  "Balancing" as you would say would increase the grind of things by a lot more.  People would not play the game if they go to a defense and die half the time.  


    You must realize that a great group of players are still in the farming phase of the game, until the can obtain some mods.  To make things "balanced" would make it extremely frustrating to go after a certain mod that drops from a certain enemy in which only spawns at a higher level.


    There is balance within the unbalance.  I hope this makes sense.


    Over 700 hours of play and i never got a surefooted mod (its not completely necessary mod i guess, but thats besides the point). So i try to get my weapons and my frames stronger, better learn how to control things better, to grind even more to get that certain mod.


    So if you want to balance things, Nerf things, make people fail more missions then they already do, The game will become extremely exhausting for players, and many will just give up.  Many still do give up.


    People always make fun, and say stay in your invincible bubble, or trinity makes you invincible. Yes, SO? do you still have fun? I sure do. 


    This is the true nature of the beast.


    Many players forget how hard it is to kill things with an unmodded mk1, lato and skanna, If you have forgotten perhaps you can give the game another try from the beginning, to see IT is not that easy, especially if you only play 1 or 2 hours a day.


    Things were challenging at some point, do you remember? and perhaps you have exhausted the game at this point, but things can still be challenging if you try to push your limits, not by trying to hinder things so you can satisfy the need to bring some challenge.  Things can still be fun. Playing with other players and friends can be lots of fun.


    At some point people will reach a point where they have everything, leveled everything. and then, one of two things will happen, they will continue to play and try to push their limits in survival, defense, make new builds for guns, forma things differently etc. OR they will complain how things are TOO easy, forgetting how hard it was to get to where they are, requesting a challenge.


    I am all for balance, But I am not in favor of hindering the already grindy aspect of gameplay which will make the game unplayable for new players all together.


    Just my opinion about things :)

  9. All I am saying people will move from from to frame and this cycle will never end. Nothing will ever be good enough.  Changing things too often and too much in a game is a turn off for me and many other people.


    The current targets are nova and trinity.  Next I am seeing a trend moving towards rhino again. and then perhaps mag?

    I will try to be more constructive, and reword things better next time.

  10. The problem is that many people do not understand XP distrubution even at high mastery ranks.  I have come across a pluthera of people who just don't have knowledge of this game and the mechanics.  i met a mastery 12 person who did not know how to get Orokin cells !!!!.  and a mastery 9 player who was spamming nova in xini, when i asked if should could stay close so we can all share xp. They answer: I DON'T WANT TO SHARE MY XP, its mine, GET YOUR OWN. lol...


    I think all players need to be educated more about the game some way. nerfing and buffing things is just a result of bad players, not BAD OR GOOD frames or weapons.

  11. So here's what I think about people who think everything should be nerfed in this game:


    Every day someone comes and complains that something should be nerfed, WHY? this is not a competitive game, its a coop game.  conclave should be balanced completely differently then PVE games.


    1. Snow globe was not any more op then any other ability,

    2. Trinity is not op

    3. nova is not op





    IF there are so many frames that have abilities that can be considered op, should they be nerfed???


    1. loki can stay invisible indefinitely, too op

    2. valkyr can be in hysteria indefinitely, too op

    3. Mag can kill enemies over and over up to infitine levels with Shield polarize, too op

    4. Vauban can trap people, indefinitely, too op

    5. Nyx can keep people in chaos indefinitly, too op

    6. ....


    should all these get nerfed, notice that, valkyr, mag, vauban, and nyx have already been changed and "balanced."


    I mean it just get ridiculous.  Anything can be said that its TOO OP, unbalanced. This is  A PVE game, if weapons or frames are to be changed they should only be affected in conclave. over powered is usually when battling another player.  Such games like league of legends, must do a massive amount of balancing, so things are not too op.  But Taking warframes and nerfing the heck out of them, so they can't kill beyond a certain level, is NOT too op.


    If the game is meant to be played with endless survival/defense, then things SHOULD BE ABLE TO PROTECT, AND KILL up to infinite levels.  If not remove the endless stuff.  As it is right now. not many frames can even be taken to higher level defenses or survivals.  So i think all frames SHOULD ACTUALLY BE BUFFED TO be able to go to those levels.  Iif developers don't want people to play endless things, they should remove endless from the entire game, or otherwise provide a viable method of being able to play indefinitely, IF INFINITE SURVIVAL AND DEFENSE are left there.


    ONE other thing to note is: please, don't take away the fun of this game.  People actually enjoy going to higher levels being swarmed by enemies and missing that split second blessing, or forgetting to protect the pod via snowglobe when you are being swarmed is instant mission failure.  So NO things are not op.


    It takes time to build stronger frames and rank up some of their mods to max, so we should be able to take them to higher levels.


    AGAIN I REITERATE to please add polls before changing frames, There is another topic WITH A POLL that i created about Snowglobes nerf, From the limited amount of polls taken, it is very apparent that Snowglobe nerf was completely unnecessary. 



    Thank you.

  12. But it is a game element that people enjoy.


    I wouldn't exactly call pressing 4 a skill...

    Then warframe requires no skills since even pressing 4 buttons shouldn't count. Playing as trinity conserving and watching energy initiating blessing at the right time and keeping a team alive while also trying to damage enemy and many other things. They are not about just pressing 4. Let's just call everything as is. In that case pressing 4 on nyx. Pressing 2 on rhino. Pressing 4 on valkyr. They should all be nerfed?

  13. well poll helps a little bit get a good sense of things. and this poll site prevents double votes, unless you really want to go to different ip addresses and vote for things.  Which is ridiculous, and complete wast of time.


    In any case i think its better than a back and forth arguments over 10's of pages and 100's of threads, which in the end provide no good feedback but just going back and forth between a few people.  Atleast with a poll people can come vote and leave.  there are a lot of safe and free poll's that you can use, its really not as troll able as one might think. Strawpoll seems to be relatively reliable and prevents double votes pretty effectively.  As long as we get exposure to more of the warframe community, even the outliers in the voting will not matter.  It's just that this thread is hidden in like 4 level deep, and barely get any exposure to many many users.

  14. and once you get to that point, difficulty stops being a thing.

    you can say that about any game. "Once you master a skill difficulty stops being a thing". This does not warrant a Nerf. There isn't an infinite amount of things you can rank your skill/mod/frame to.
  15. Yes, globe should be change back the way it was. 

    Or, replace frost's 2nd skill similar to the ice passage in void where it slow down the enemies (as well as yourself)!? affect by duration. 


    I never like poll anyway. Given the low number of participants, which mean 2-3 trolls alone could make the whole poll on their side. 

    Poll only useful if a huge numbers of people participate in it.

    I'm sure if the thread got more exposure there would be a lot more people voting

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