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Posts posted by MysticalMoo

  1. I too am having this issue, only have 8gb of memory and after playing some akkad defense missions my usage goes to 7.2GB, if i dont run akkad or any defense missions my usage hangs around the 2.4gb region. Only started happening after latest major update.

  2. Be careful lads they (DE) have started employing graduates to monitor and moderate these forums. It seems even though we pay cold hard cash and generate a massive amount of real life time and effort into promoting this game for Digital Extremes they dont like our opinions on the game. This could end up in a warning post on your account for an issue which has NOTHING to the rules of the forums. Yeah its beta and i think the IQ (thats intelligence Quota for the moderators reading this) has somewhat diminished with these guys. Im so glad they have put a warning post on me i feel special, enough to no longer promote this game, to no longer twitch stream it with my co partners. And hopefully i might even get a game ban where i might just have to log in to another game and spend my time and resources testing their platform. Freaking Digital Extremes please employ some real adults to moderate least those with life experience who understand criticism.

  3. Ok, so over the course of the last week or so, I've had nothing but issues with this game. Don't get me wrong, the game isn't bad, but the bugs I've been experiancing are getting to be too much. Half the time, if not more, I can't hear my clan mates because it says they're not talking even though their mic is working just fine. I lost a forma and a catalyst from the "couldn't apply reconfig" error. And now I just bought 1000 plat, have restarted my PS4 and the game, and have waited over a hour, and it's nowhere to be found! I tried a support ticket for the forma and catalyst days ago and no response at all!

    I have poured a ton of time and money into this game already, I'd really hate to see it go to waste because the game is so buggy that I literally pay for nothing!

    Wait your not a pc user? oh hot damn they cant use the its still in beta excuse. Guess they will stay silent on this.

  4. This is Beta We test these "improvements" for PS4 play nothing more. We Fund the Research for the PS4 network when they shove shiny Sh1t our way that makes us spend RL cash. I wish sony would blacklist warframe so we could go back to the PC game it should be and not a test platform for PS4.Even the Devs have stopped talking to us in chat so it shows exactly where Warframe is going. Into my recycle bin if they keep this BS going for any longer.

  5. They won't know the problem or what to fix if they had not released the patch...

    As Beta testers, it's our job to report the bug/problem to them.

    No. all they did was put more fancy crap that is meant for PS4 and left all us PC users to adapt once more. Before long someone will file a lawsuit i can see it happening. People get sick of change especially in online games.

  6. Since this update today i have had trouble being able to pull of a chain of slide jump roll somersault techniques which i often use when in combat. It happens every so often now instead of being able to be repeated over and over my warframe will instead run slide jump and then jump higher as if gaining flight for a moment. And yes this on all the warframes. DE please fix at least 20% of your bugs before rolling out an update, you fixed 1% of them this time and broke so much more of Warframe.

  7. Yes they were mastery rank 0 and mastery rank 1 not 10 not 11.. this is why i questioned it on here. Even with max mods at mastery 0 or 1 if you can somehow trade it, i dont know how as trades start at 2. but even if you had a maxed out mod it would downgrade to reflect the mastery level specially on hp and shield. yet this was no bug , i should of screen shotted it and showed all. 

  8. Endless falling loop on T3 Exterminate when wall running under a bridge, sends me to underneath of bridge and falls over and over. DE you need to fix these broken mechanics its been a year since fall death bugs where reported please pull your scat covered fingers out of your asses and fix the stupid game FFS.

  9. Sorry to start a new thread if this has already been discussed before. I am puzzled how i am seeing mastery 0 and 1 warframes sporting well over 1k shield and health while using excaliber. is this normal? I am also seeing rhinos with at least 500 power, i sat and watched a rhino stomp the ground 11 times in one go, i know power efficiency reduces the cost but 11 times? someone clue me into what i must be doing wrong as most of my mods are maxed and i cannot reproduce anything like what ive been seeing recently.

  10. nice to know they fixed the oxium collected during defense missions if they failed after completed objective just a real shame you screw over those guys who lost the oxium by not replacing anything, this kind of thing has happened so many times with me ive lost confidence in DE actually doing anything right. probably why i dont have good gear, all this invasion, event crap i lose due to in game bugs, with little to no reimbursement. Hence i dont spend money on warframe anymore, this game just isnt worth my hard earned cash. i suspect before long they will be switching to adverts to fund their database servers.

  11. It seem this bug seems reoccur a lot in warframe, you would think the coders at Digital extremes would of gotten it by now, its only been a year since these issues where first mentioned. Bug for the uninitiated is defense mission capsule suddenly drops from 100% to 0% in a heartbeat during wave 25+ we had a rhino stomping anything that got close a frost with a shield to die range that was silly and a LOT of dps. yet capsule went to 0% lost our 12 oxiums and a shedload of mods. all i can say is DE need to pull their collective fingers out of their asses and fix these bugs instead of introducing shiny S#&$ to take our attention off the broken crap.

  12. As the topic suggests , when playing with friend or two on my friends list i find random people who join our game who are not on either friends list joining. I think this is because those who get invited into my games are setting their own settings to online. This is a flawed bug in the matchmaking system please correct it.

  13. Nerf Soma - Synapse will rise. Nerf Synapse - Grakata will rise. Nerf Grakata - Flux will rise. Anyway, your lovely %gun_name% can't go in God Tier without buff.


    So, what's the point? Eliminate God Tier with "broken DPS"? And what you will do against 60+ with your "balanced" gun, hm?


    1) Braton have 20 base damage, Soma - 10.

    2) On Grakata, Soma and Synapse. And you must spend 2 mods.

    sorry for pyramid posting but yes you have a point, about god guns but then every game is the same we should have guns which are balanced all round not good for one thing only. too many guns in warframe imo anyway a lot of them are useless take the torid for example.. a dot which if your lucky does 9 hp to a mob per second.. when you got 5k+ hp mobs running at you you might as well try to kill them with humor. DE just doesnt have the maths i think when it comes to making these weapons. or they would have a clue someone will be able to god mod them. get rid of modable weapons and stick with mastery/rank damage based types keep the elemental damages but make them weapon specific. 

  14. The penta needs ROUND grenades the fact it uses cylinders means there should be no determination where the bounce will go. seriously go grab a catapult and some bottles and try to predict where they will bounce too. realism-wise it doesnt make sense, id rather the nades were sticky and we could fire and stick them to mobs or structures hence it would give more realism plus make for some interesting time based explosions. And before someone asks, the Grinneer use sticky nades..why cant we?

  15. Imagine this - Soma with 140 on radiation and 138 cold elemental and 20's in the missile damage mods, now put a 93% critical chance modifier on that with 150% critical damage and your hitting mobs at around 3-5K a bullet. thats my current build.. its rather OP sorry. needs a serious dose of nerfbattus. Bring the the accuracy down on the thing or give us mega recoil, we do have modifiers to lower that....

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