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Posts posted by Rexian

  1. You could only become a founder several years ago by buying one of the founder packages to support the game (as you can find them on the wiki). The gear that's in that boundle isn't coming back. Though you're able to join the Design Council if you're active on the forums (which also happen to be a part of the founder package if you bough a high enough tier).

  2. Unless you're the same rank as your friend in red veil and haven't completed the daily missions there, then no. You'll have to wait until tomorrow/the reset for standing. other than that, if you've unlocked daily missions for Red Veil, you could run one of them for that "allied" standing reward at the end.

  3. The whole beauty with Saryn now is that her elemental effects like Toxic/Viral/Corrosive is seperate from each other, using Contagion for Corpus units, Venom during defenses/survival with mass enemies around her and Corrosive for armored enemies as well as the potential room clear. Even with low duration 3/4 abilities is worth using.


    This mixing it all up, would break Saryn for me in a lot of senses as I'd lose control over what procs I want. Also it'd kinda make her a caster frame, rather than the front liner she was introduced as. Personally, remake her Venom (a maybe on that one) and definitely change/remove Molt. Even with Regenerative Molt a Furis with augment is better so you don't lose damage/range/efficiency.


    After reading through this, I'd drop Saryn as a main frame if this got remotely close to happening, and no it's not because of Miasma change purely, it's the Contagion change too. Glaive + Contagion = 1 shot nullifiers for days. I'd be happy with Digital Extremes just giving her a new second ability (since compared to Lokis Decoy, it's useless and well.. only used if you've spare energy and can be bothered) and more armor. She've less armor than Excalibur, and as I said before she got introduced as a front line warframe taking the heat, she even have lower movement speed than him. To me, that's a insult.


    Also the whole less duration effecting her miasma and such, to me makes her interesting compared to other frames, it's not like Frost/Volt deals more damage with their fourth abilities because of less duration. Also Saryn with her third and fourth ability works wonders on Triton or anywhere you might go high lvl against corpus. Because it's not hit scan, I'd say she becomes a quite skillful warframe as your Miasma isn't that effective against shielded units, though Contagion is. Though at that lvl, you can't head tank everything. And I as I said play her with Glaive Prime as a combo (though I always have a glaive with me no matter of frame, just found it more trusty than any other melee weapon xD).

  4. It's a UI bug that got introduced with the new tutorial for the movement system where you were given a MK-1 Braton as U17 got released and you logged in. (I think that's why there's a extra MK-1 Braton, since according to my profile I've one ranked and one unranked.)

  5. Getting pretty much all weapons/warframes/companions is necessary if you want to reach the higher Mastery rank. So yes, you'd be correct in starting with the cheap and easy stuff, though only first time you rank it up will yield mastery rank experience. Then maybe progress to the more costly items to make.

  6. Actually someone can , it just has to be a guy who hasn't done the quest yet where the drone will always spawn in the first mission. The guy can even abort the quest mission so he can help multiple people.

    I've done the quest and whilst farming some of the new mods with another guide of the Lotus we had drones spawning almost every mission.. Even though we already finsihed it. So you're able to "help" farming for the quest even though you're done with the quest.


    Just run some Sabotage missions on Uranus, We had a pretty consistent spawn whilst doing that and look for the caches.

  7. There's only one more quest for you to get at the moment:


    To obtain the new Natah quest: The mystery drone will randomly seek out players with a Mastery Rank of 3 or higher. After encountering this drone, the Lotus will initiate the quest. It'll blink like the stalker a bit blueish, that's how you know it've spawned. Scan it with your codex scanner and complete the mission to get the inbox message with the quest for you to start from your codex/navigation quest tab.

  8. Greetings Jetsam and welcome to the Warframe community, I hope you'll enjoy your stay:) If you've any questions about the game, feel free to contact me on the forums or ingame if you'd like:)

  9. Ok, granted, I may have only skimmed over the last 5 pages of this post or so...But I don't recall seeing anyone hating on the guides, or what they do...

    Correct me if im wrong, but that doesn't at all seem to be what any of this is about. Personally I'm totally in favor of the whole program, i'm just offering my input.

    As Unholy Trojan said there's people going on about it in relays and other chats, not just on the forums. The annoying part (for me at least as a junior guide) is that I'm unable to do anything about it, I can of course screenshot and send it to support/Danielle if it's offensive or harsh enough. But it's never gonna stop people from leaving sarcastic comments about the guides Warframe/Sigil.


    On the other hand we've trolls, it doesn't matter how old this comments get, people don't stop doing it: Whenever someone asks "How do I leave this place/relay?" You're granted to have at least 1 "Alt-F4" or "You can't, you're stuck here forever". Now that might just be Larunda (EU), but in certain situations where chat is being bombarded with discussions and questions, I wouldn't mind Alt-F4ing the peoples game who answer that.


    Other than that, It's enjoyable to read through comments both from guides and none guides here. Not everyone are aware of what guides do, both as in what they're and what they're for. But also as in how much they do, what questions they get and what people sometimes expect from them (which is sometimes way to much, for example people who expect you to just give away prime parts, having Void Keys for them to just tag along on or having so much platinum that we're able to gift everyone we see a "What stalker?" pack. Granted, last one is a bit of a over exaggeration. But people still ask you to give them platinum or buy them things, next warframe update questions and so on).


    All in all, a ingame description of what a Guide of the Lotus is and stand for is really needed. Somewhere it'll be seen, A message like it've been mentioned could be something. But something that keeps poping up as well I'd say, loading screen or randomly desplayed on the Codex as mods and such are. I believe if done right, it'd catch a few eyes attention.

  10. Appearance is seperate from loadouts so you could save a seperate one for conclave if you wanted to probably and your polarities do transfer over

    Ah yea that's true, I forgot about the A B C in appearance as OP put it out differently. Though I highly suggest using your way of solving it if you're not using the B and C config.

  11. On another subject - I think the requirement that the Guides be experienced and show knowledge of Warframe should be much stricter. They SHOULD know an extensive amount about Warframe, and this knowledge should be tested not just by observing them on the forums, but by a test of some sort after they have been chosen as candidates (not saying this isn't happening, just my 3 cents in case it isn't). They should also learn how to communicate in a CS friendly manner, and how to answer question - even when they do not know the answer.


    I had a grape text answer a question about Conclave - which was not specifically posted to him in the first place "I don't know 'cause I don't play that...". Makes me wonder why was he chosen if he hasn't even tried all aspects of the game. All guides and moderators who present themselves as advisers should know EVERYTHING about Warframe (not tricks glitches and easter eggs, but the plain vanilla info about the game and rules).

    With every updated the game changes, that being said there's things that you won't keep track of that easily when everything starts to pile up. Everything from the Kohm being changed in its way of fire to if certain Conclave mods are usable outside of conclave.

    As much as Guides are experienced, knowing every little detail is going to simply be impossible, doesn't matter how dedicated you are to the program and learning about the game. You'll run into a question sooner or later where you go "Hm..." for a while.


    I can personally say I've learnt more about the game (Minor details like how something effects something else) and how certain thing works as well as about the community since I started helping people actively than my entire time spent playing it. You're one person having your experience of the game and there's quite the load of people who've had theirs. There'll be those who makes you go "Wow... You're really thinking outside of the box".

    I simply believe your demand is a bit too much. But about the rules and guidelines Guides should know without hesitation to me at least.


    I've played conclave and I sometimes go on it, but I'm not maxed out in the syndicate meaning I don't have all the mods. would that disqualify me from being a Guide because I'm missing 0,5% content of the game, meaning I cannot answer all questions about them without looking it up?

  12. i missed the boar so it could be worse

    I did some trading to get the platinum to get the bundle.. The only weapon I bought for plat and I don't even use it. Had the mods to sell so got it purely for master rank fodder.

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