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Posts posted by (PSN)Trollsong

  1. So I went into a defense mission with rhino and some kogake...

    And having rhino walk up and punch problems in the face is very entertaining. Does anyone have any melee only build for rhino?

    Any for valkyr as well now that I think about it?

  2. So I am getting 170 plat for the sale then I realized I already have 2 catalysts, 2 reactors, plus one more of each assembling in the foundry and 2 more cat blueprints. So I was thinking of getting 2 reactors with the sale then 2-3 formas and maybe a new syandana. this leaves me 40 plat that I am not sure what to do with.


    Are things like weapon skins, arrows and sugatra really worth it? I was thinking of getting a sugatra and the lightning lanka skin. Or saving points for when the arrows are released on ps4,


    Either that or just get more cats and reactors.

  3. Sorry I have been asking a lot of questions lately but way behind in updates. Do I still need to invite people to join me in the void or can I be auto grouped when selecting a void mission from navigation.

  4. So last I played was soon after zephyr's release and getting oxium was a pain. I joined a defense mission recently and got literally enough in one mission to build a part to zephyr. Have oxium drops been boosted, or was this a fluke and if they have where is the best pace to find them now?

  5. which of my weapons should be getting the blue potatoes. To narrow it down a bit I will only be putting guns I have had a reasonable amount of fun with.












    Ballistica(was losing points till teh pinning got fixed hah)



    Stug(although I have more fun with penta and feel this gun might annoy people)

    Twin Vipers



    well so far i only really like two melees Glaive and Kestrel. lol

  6. how does energy work for them, since i cant see it I was wondering what actually costs energy for them to do, how do they replenish it etc.


    trying to figure out how to mod my shade work and carrier, and trying to decide where to put guardian as it has seemingly saved my butt a couple times.

    for example does the basic attack ability cost energy?

  7. granted I also dont get why he is the "paladin" frame...should just call hallowed ground faerie fire and change the names of the other abilities to something wildhuntish and it'd be more fitting. but I am using his powers a lot more often then any other frame.

    mag I really only use bullet attractor when hunting bosses or running capture missions. 

    volt I forget most of his abilities are even there.

    Valkyr I understand her powers are fun and awesome but she dies too fast 

    Oberon though I smash things when I need to, heal when i need to, and while I rarely use his first power I do use it when enemies are clumped together or in tight spaces.


    I am just not sure why everyone has been saying he is meh

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